Dangers Of Collaring A Maine Coon

The decision to put a collar on your cat is optional. However, make sure you are aware of the pros and cons of cat collars so that you can make an informed decision as to what’s best for your cat.
Should Cats Wear Collars?
It is not necessary to put a collar on a domesticated Maine Coon cat, especially if they live indoors. Collars can frighten young kittens and pose a danger of injury and strangulation if the collar catches on something and cannot break free.
A better alternative to using a collar on a Maine Coon, is to purchase one of the 5 best escape-proof cat harnesses.
Cat collars are a very emotive subject in the cat-lover world! Whether or not any cat breed should wear a collar, or not, is a highly charged subject.
First and foremost, we want to emphasize there are no legal laws stating owners must put a collar on their Maine Coon because cats have ‘freedom to roam’ (source 1). The decision to collar a cat is optional and made by each owner.
Are Cat Collars Safe?
While there are benefits to cat collars, there are also downsides that need to be considered.
Below we list the dangers of cat collar usage:
1. Danger Of Getting Stuck
Cats love to explore, jump, hunt, and run around playing.
Cat collars pose a risk to a cat’s natural behavior since they can become caught on things e.g. a hedge whilst they are crawling through it.
Whilst your Maine Coon might be able to release itself eventually, your cat could quickly become distressed and potentially cause themselves harm as they try to release themselves.
2. Risk Cat Gets Caught On Collar
If your Maine Coon cat’s collar is not fitted correctly or becomes loose over time, your cat may get caught in the collar itself.
For example, your cat might catch their paw in the collar whilst grooming itself.
This would be highly distressing for your Maine Coon, and may result in the cat hurting itself in a bid to escape.
3. Cat Collars Can Hurt Cats Skin
Cats wearing a cat collar all the time, especially an incorrectly fitted one, are at risk of the collar rubbing against the Maine Coon cat’s delicate skin.
Continual rubbing may cause the skin on a Maine Coon cat’s neck to become sore and uncomfortable.
You might also notice that the collar rubs away some of your cat’s long fur.
Benefits Of Cat Collars
If you are keen to understand the pros and cons of cat collars, take a look at the 6 benefits of cat collars listed below:
1. Identification Purposes
One of the main reasons why owners put collars on their Maine Coon cat is so that the cat’s owner can be quickly identified if the cat is lost.
Owners with indoor Maine Coon cats may feel more comfortable putting a collar on their cat’s neck to increase the chance that their cat is safely returned to them, should they escape.
2. Protecting The Birds
Whilst putting a collar on your Maine Coon cat might initially seem cruel, some owners are doing this to protect the local wildlife.
Maine Coons are notoriously good hunters, with the power and speed to devastate the local bird and wildlife community.
Cat collars with bells are advantageous for bird lovers since they pre-warn the bird community that the Maine Coon cat is nearby.
3. Accessorize
We all love our pets, and if truth be told many owners like accessorizing their Maine Coon cat to look cool!
To some owners, a cat collar is simply a fashion statement.
If this sounds like you, then take a look at these cool cat collars!
4. Easy To Spot
If your cat likes to hide in the garden bushes, it is advantageous if they are wearing a colorful cat collar so that the owner can find them!
These reflective Maine Coon cat collars are a must-buy for owners that let their cats outside.
5. Stranger Danger!
Cats wearing a collar are immediately identified as having a family that loves them, rather than a stray.
Unfortunately, if a cat does not wear a collar then a good-hearted stranger might incorrectly assume your Maine Coon cat is a stray.
6. Easily Identifiable
If your cat has just had a litter of matching kittens, it’s not hard to see why owners put different colored collars on their kittens – it helps them identify each kitten!
Best Collars For Maine Coon Cats
With so many cat collars for sale, it’s hard to know which are the best collars for your beloved cat. These are my 5 favorite Maine Coon cat collars online.
Look for a collar that includes the following attributes:
- Adjustable Neck Size
- Large cat collar
- Breakaway function
- Quick-release cat collar
- Bell
- Reflective
Adjustable Neck Size
Maine Coon kittens do the majority of their growing up until 9-10 months of age.
Selecting a cat collar with an adjustable neck size is therefore advisable, as you can expand the collar size to match your Maine Coon kitten’s rate of growth.
Large Cat Collar
The majority of regular cat collars fit Maine Coon cats under 15 lbs in weight.
However, owners should pay particular attention to the maximum neck size of the cat collar they are purchasing if their Maine Coon weighs more than 15 lbs.
This is because larger cats have larger necks!
Don’t worry though, as there are plenty of extra-large cat collars available for sale online if needed.
Breakaway Function
Cats are curious creatures that love to explore the world, wherever they go.
Whilst this is a very endearing trait, it can also be an issue too as your Maine Coon cat might become caught on something i.e. in a hedge, on a drawer handle, etc.
To ensure you are keeping your Maine Coon safe, look for a cat breakaway collar.
The breakaway function enables your treasured feline to escape from whatever they are caught on, without causing themselves harm or serious injury.
Quick Release Cat Collar
Cat collars with quick-release functionalities are a great way to keep your Maine Coon safe whilst wearing a cat collar.
Buying a cat collar with a bell on is beneficial for the local wildlife in your garden, since Maine Coon cats are superb hunters, with the ability to devastate the local bird population.
Whilst the bell will not limit your Maine Coons ability to attack and kill its prey, the noise of the bell will give birds a few seconds of extra warning to escape.
Attaching a reflective cat collar to your Maine Coon is a great idea!
The reflective function is simple, yet very effective at helping a Maine Coon cat owner find their cat in the bushes!
Reflective collars also show up when car lights shine on them, helping drivers see a cat that is allowed to roam freely.
What Size Cat Collar Do I Need?
Pay special attention to how loose or tight the cat’s collar is. Loose collars can catch on things, or your Maine Coon might get their paw or mouth stuck in the collar. By contrast tight collars can rub and hurt your Maine Coons sensitive skin.
Find the cat collar size you need, dependent on your Maine Coons size and weight (source 1):
Weight (lbs) | Collar Size (Inch)* |
5.5 – 10 | 7 – 8.6 |
5.5 – 10 | 7 – 8.6 |
10 – 15.5 | 8.2 – 10.2 |
15.5 | 10.2 – 12.2 |
- Please keep in mind that all sizes listed above are approximate.