How To Stop Neutered Cats Humping!

If your male neutered cat has begun humping things that never attracted his attention before, like human visitors or family members, it’s important you investigate further.
Neutered cats hump things for a variety of reasons, including:
- Old age
- Exerting dominance
- Recently neutered
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Territory marking
- Boredom
- Urinary tract infections
Medical conditions can also cause Maine Coons to excessively hump, so it is important you contact your vet immediately to rule out any possible underlying health issues.
Causes Of Cat Humping
Cat humps are natural and develop for various reasons, hormones being the most significant.
Male cats will hump female cats as part of their mating ritual. They may also hump other male cats in the family, which most experts consider to be dominant behavior.
The primary causes of Maine Coon cat humps include:
1. Recent Castration Surgery
If your male Maine Coon cat has been neutered within the past month and is still humping everything in sight, try not to be overly concerned!
It can take up to 12 weeks for the hormones in the Maine Coon cat’s body to disperse.
Thus it is perfectly normal to observe cat humps in the first few weeks following neutering (source 1).
2. Neutered At Older Age
Cat humping may have become a learned behavior if your Maine Coon cat was neutered after their first birthday.
Even after the hormones have left your Maine Coon cat’s body following neutering, the cat may still feel the urge to hump things.
This is the best age to neuter a Maine Coon kitten.
3. Anxiety Or Stress
Your Maine Coon may be feeling anxious or stressed.
Cats have delicate spirits and are far more susceptible to anxiety and stress than we believe.
Any event that alters the environment of your Maine Coon cat, such as moving to a new home, having new visitors, or bringing a newborn home, might cause stress.
An extended period of stress can make your cat ill. Consequently, if you suspect your cat is feeling agitated, contact your veterinarian immediately (source 1).
4. Cat Needs More Territory
Cats enjoy scavenging for areas where they can explore or be alone.
If your home is small and your Maine Coon cat is constantly vying for food, bedding, and toys with other cats, they may be frustrated or stressed.
The physical manifestation of these frustrations may be humping.
5. New Kitten
Occasionally, cat humping is an attempt by one cat to assert dominance over another.
Therefore, if you have recently welcomed a new kitten or cat into your home, your older Maine Coon cat may attempt to hump it, to assert dominance. This is another indication of stress.
You should also take into consideration that cats develop social maturity between the ages of 2 and 4 years.
Whilst your Maine Coon kittens may have gotten along well when they were little, as they age, you may observe them beginning to hump one another. This is their method for determining which of them is currently dominating.
6. Cat Wants Attention Or Is Bored
Your Maine Coon cat may be bored and searching for an outlet for pent-up energy.
They may hump if they are:
- Feeling frustrated
- Do not have enough toys to play with
- Want attention from their owners
7. Urinary Tract Infection
Your Maine Coon may be suffering from a urinary tract infection since cat humping is an uncommon but not unheard-of symptom of this cat health problem.
Contact your vet immediately if you notice any of the following behaviors, in addition to cat humping (source 1):
- Urinating outside the litter box
- Straining to urinate
- Urinating more frequently with little urine in the box
Stopping Neutered Male Cats Humping
Now that you know why does my fixed cat hump things, other cats or even people, let’s look at how to stop a neutered cat from mounting:
1. Reward Good Conduct
It will never help the situation if you punish your Maine Coon cat.
Instead, punishing a cat may result in an increase in mounting behavior rather than a decrease in stress.
Always use positive reinforcement when training your Maine Coon cat, and reward it with a treat or your attention when it behaves well.
2. Increase Playtime
Spending time with your Maine Coon cat and helping them get plenty of exercise will help them burn off extra energy and satisfy their natural desire to hunt.
Sometimes cats need encouragement to play, so try a variety of toys to determine which they prefer.
These are my favorite Maine Coon cat toys.
You may discover that after regular play sessions, your Maine Coon cat is sleepy and content rather than bored and agitated.
This increases the likelihood that they will nap rather than search for anything to mount.
3. Increase Your Cat’s Territory
Providing Maine Coon cats with additional areas to expand their respective territories might also be beneficial.
Maine Coon cats enjoy climbing, so consider buying one of these extra-large cat trees which are great for both exercise and increasing territory.
Here are some ways to increase your Maine Coons territory, without having to buy a bigger home:
- Cat Steps: Install cat wall steps for your Maine Coon to explore.
- Vertical Spaces: Installing a cat perch will increase the number of vertical spaces in your home, thereby increasing your Maine Coons territory.
- Catio: Add an outside enclosure for your Maine Coon cats. A catio in the yard will allow your cat to freely enjoy the outdoors whilst also remaining safe.
4. Use A Second Cat Litter Box
If you have more than one cat living in your home, consider purchasing a second cat litter box. Ideally, provide your cats with one litter box per each cat.
Ensure the litter boxes are always clean and in a secluded part of your home.
5. Minimize Stress Levels
Keeping your cat’s routine as predictable as possible will help lessen their stress by allowing them to anticipate what to expect.
Ensure that your cat has a safe spot to retire to when it desires peace.
Give your Maine Coon plenty of attention, if they want it.
This is especially vital if you have just brought another cat into the home. Taking time to comfort them shows them you still value them.
Consult a veterinarian if your cat’s nervousness is extreme. In some instances, medication may be necessary.
6. Enhance The Surroundings
You cannot constantly entertain a Maine Coon cat, nor can you avoid leaving the house.
Therefore, make sure your cat has enough to do whilst you are away from home by stimulating them with:
- Toys
- Scratching Posts
- Cat Trees
If you suspect your Maine Coon cat is bored, place a cat tree, chair, or bookcase next to a window to enable them to look outside.
Installing a bird feeder in your yard also makes for a terrific distraction!
Even mobiles or colored ropes that blow in the wind can work; anything that attracts your cat will suffice.
How To Stop Male Cat Mounting Female
Male cats tend to be territorial and may mount a female cat if she is less determined than he is.
This is typical behavior for male cats, especially senior males that wish to maintain their status in the household pecking order.
There are several ways to prevent male cats from mounting female cats, including:
- Neutering: Ensure your male cat has been neutered. Neutering prevents undesirable tendencies like roaming and mounting other animals.
- Make A Noise: If your male Maine Coon cat is about to mount your female cat, clap your hands or drop a book on the floor.
- Stuffed Toy: Offer a stuffed toy to a male cat that is determined to hump so that he may leave your other cat alone.
- Litter Box And Toys: Provide your male cat with a litter box and some toys in a separate room. If he does not have access to toys, he may find the female cat a suitable substitute.