What Your Cat’s Body Language Shows
If you feel like you have no idea what’s going on in your cat’s head, learning more about Maine Coon body language can help you to better understand your pet.
Cats use their tails, ears, and eyes to express their mood and intentions. Vocalizations and body positioning can also provide clues to your cat’s mood. Cats tend to hold their tails high or straight out when they are feeling relaxed or confident, but keep their tails low or between their legs if they are feeling nervous or aggressive.
Here are some ways that Maine Coons communicate with their bodies:
1. Slow Twitching Tail
If a cat holds its tail low or straight out while slowly twitching the tip, it typically indicates frustration.
An annoyed cat might twitch its tail if you keep petting it or if another cat is too close.
However, some cats like to idly twitch their tail regardless of mood, so you should use other clues from your cat’s body language to determine how it is feeling.
2. Fast Twitching Tail
Cats twitch their tails quickly when they are focused or challenged.
They might twitch their tails when deciding how to jump up to a tricky spot or while watching a motorized toy nearby.
However, a cat twitching its tail quickly might also be feeling annoyed.
3. Lashing Tail
Cats usually lash their tails from side to side when they are angry or aggressive.
If your cat lashes its tail back and forth with flattened ears or hostile vocalization, you should back off.
However, some cats lash their tails to indicate a range of strong emotions like excitement or frustration.
4. Tail Up
Cats stick their tails straight up as a greeting to one another or their owners.
A cat with its tail straight up is also feeling friendly and confident.
5. Tail Up And Curled
When a cat sticks its tail straight up and curls it over at the tip like a question mark, it is a sign that it is feeling playful and confident.
If your cat’s tail makes this position and your cat meows or chirps at you while standing a few feet away, it is probably leading you to its favorite toy or place to play.
6. Tail Quivering
Cats stick their tails straight up and vibrate them if they are feeling very excited.
Your cat might do this when you come home from a long day at work or when you open up a can of your cat’s wet food.
7. Tail Between Legs
Similarly to dogs, cats tuck their tails between their legs when they are feeling:
- Uncertain
- Unsafe
- Nervous
Sometimes, they hold their tails low to the ground without tucking them between their legs, but this also indicates fear or anxiety.
8. Tail Brushed
Cats bush their tails up when they are feeling threatened or frightened.
This mechanism makes their tail look much larger than usual as is a way to deceive potential threats into thinking the cat is bigger than it is.
If you have noticed your Maine Coon cat’s tail beginning to thin read this guide to discover what health problem your cat may be suffering from.
Maine Coon Cat Ears
Look out for the following Maine Coon ear body language in your cat:
1. Ears Forward
Cats hold their ears forward when they are focused or listening to something in front of them.
Cats with their ears forward are more likely to feel:
- Friendly
- Confident
- Relaxed
2. Ear Backs
Cats sometimes hold their ears back when they are listening to something behind them.
A cat with its ears back can also indicate fear or aggression, but this is more likely indicated by airplane ears.
3. Airplane Ears
Some owners affectionately call them airplane ears when a cat flattens its ears in fear or aggression.
A cat with airplane ears will hold its ears down and directly to the side.
If you notice your cat flattening its ears like this, give it some space and make sure it has a quiet, private space to retreat to.
Just like any other cat, the Maine Coon cat breed might experience these Maine Coon ear problems.
Maine Coon Eyes
These are the most common Maine Coon eye body language signals to look out for:
1. Dilated Pupils
If you notice your cat has Maine Coon round pupils, you will probably have to use clues from the rest of your cat’s body language to understand how they are feeling.
Cats with their tails up or straight out are usually feeling playful or excited when their eyes are dilated.
If your cat’s tail is bushed or held low while its pupils are round, however, this usually indicates fear.
2. Slow Blink Or Wink
The famous slow blink is the ultimate confession of love from a cat.
Cats usually keep their eyes wide open so they can react to any possible attack.
If your cat makes eye contact while blinking or winking very slowly, then it means your cat trusts you so much that it feels comfortable letting its guard down.
If you would like, you can return the gesture with a slow blink of your own to show your cat you love it, too.
3. Staring
Some people find it off-putting when their cat stares at them from across the room without blinking, but contrary to popular belief, it is not a sign that your cat is plotting your demise!
Cats often look to their owners for reassurance and might stare if they are feeling confused or uncomfortable in their surroundings.
If you are interested in learning some Maine Coon cat eye facts, read this article.
Body Position
If you are keen to understand your Maine Coon cat a little better, learn how to read your Maine Coon cat’s body position language:
1. Body Hunched
A cat sitting in a hunched position usually indicates pain or discomfort.
Cats with asthma or respiratory problems usually assume this position with their neck extended while they cough.
A cat that is injured might sit hunched up while purring.
2. Body Low
If you see your cat walking with its belly low to the ground, it is likely feeling nervous or trying to sneak around to ambush or hunt.
If your cat walks with its body low to the ground and its tail low or between its legs, it is most likely feeling nervous or on edge.
If your cat is walking low to the ground with its ears forward and its tail twitching, it is probably hunting or looking for someone to ambush and start playing with.
Cats in this position tend to walk much more slowly, so they can sneak around more easily.
3. Wiggling Haunches
Cats lay low to the ground and wiggle their haunches when they are feeling playful.
They do this while preparing to jump on an unsuspecting human or toy.
Have you ever wondered how high a Maine Coon cat can jump? If so, find out here.
4. Tummy Exposed
If a cat rolls over onto its back to show you its tummy, then you should feel very lucky!
Cats’ stomachs have much thinner skin and are the easiest place for a predator to harm vital organs.
When a cat displays its belly, it means it trusts you completely and feels safe and comfortable in your presence.
Female cats who stretch with their bellies exposed usually only want to be admired, while male cats are more likely to accept belly rubs on occasion.
5. Slithering
When a cat is playful, it might lay completely flat on the ground and slither around like a snake!
This is a way for cats to appear playful and non-threatening at the same time.
Now you know what Maine Coon body language to look out for, but do you know what body shape Maine Coon cats have?
Find out more about the Maine Coon body shape.
Maine Coon Paws
You might be surprised to learn that your Maine Coon cat’s paws offer body language signals to you as well.
1. Paws Together
A cat with its front paws side by side is usually feeling relaxed and content.
2. Paws Apart
If your cat is standing with its paws apart, it is preparing for action.
It could indicate that your cat is about to ambush one of your other cats for an exciting play session, or it could mean that your cat is deciding whether or not to run away.
Keeping their paws spread apart makes it easier to leap into action if they need to make a quick getaway.
3. Kneading
If you notice your Maine Coon kneading on you, then you should feel very lucky!
Cats knead their mothers’ bellies to stimulate the flow of milk, and they recreate this kneading motion as adults when they feel comfortable and happy.
They may kneed your lap or a blanket next to you if they are feeling especially lovey-dovey.
Some cats, however, knead when they feel insecure or stressed.
Cats that were separated from their mothers too early or who experienced trauma early in life might suck while they are kneading and might come to their owners to knead if they are feeling scared or lonely.
Now that you know what to look for, do you know if Maine Coon cats have big paws? Click here to find out!
Maine Coon Vocalization
Whilst the sounds a Maine Coon cat makes might seem irrelevant in terms of Maine Coon cat body language, you would be surprised!
Read on to learn what the following Maine Coon vocal sounds mean (source 1):
While most cats communicate by meowing, Maine Coons talk to their owners with little chirps and trills.
Cats are capable of producing all sorts of crazy sounds, and it is likely that the more intelligent a cat is, the more likely they are to make unique trills and warbles.
Cats usually chirp when they are feeling:
- Playful
- Content
- Relaxed
- Confident
They may twitter to ask for food or attention but never to indicate fear or discomfort.
Learn more about the weird noises Maine Coon cats make, in this article.
Yowling in cats usually indicates:
- Aggression
- Fear
- Desperation
However, some cats yowl for attention, and female cats may sometimes yowl when they are in heat.
Cats hiss when they feel scared or threatened. It is a way to communicate to other cats or humans that they should back off!
If your cat is hissing at you, it is best to withdraw and give your cat some space.
Although Maine Coon aggression is not common, there are situations where it might happen.
These are the key causes of aggressive Maine Coon cat behaviors.
Learn how to identify and handle Maine Coon cat aggressive behavior, in this cat behavior guide.
Cats growl when they are feeling:
- Aggressive
- Scared
- Threatened
Some cats growl while eating if they fear someone else might take their food.
Cats may also growl while having their nails trimmed or their fur brushed if they were not socialized well enough at a young age.
Meowing is the most common way for cats to communicate with their owners.
Maine Coons do not usually meow since they prefer to chirp or trill, but if they do meow, it is usually for the same reason as any other cat.
Cats use different tones and vocalizations to indicate various intentions behind their meows.
For example, some cats have certain meows for when they are hungry versus when they want to play.
While you may interpret your cat’s tones as some kind of Maine Coon cat language, cats communicate via tone and body language rather than “language” in the way we humans think of it.
If you have ever seen your cat open its mouth while making a chattering or clicking sound, you might wonder if your pet has suddenly been replaced with an alien!
Chattering, however, is a normal behavior that usually indicates frustration and a desire to hunt.
Cats chatter most often if there is a toy they cannot reach or a bird just outside the window.
Purring is one of the most mysterious mechanisms in cats.
Since kittens are born completely blind and deaf, their mothers purr so their young can locate them.
As they grow older, cats usually purr when they are feeling happy and content, especially if they are being cuddled!
However, some cats also purr as a means to self-soothe if they are anxious or in pain, so look to your cat’s body language for other clues.
As you can see, Maine Coon cats make a wide number of sounds to communicate their needs. However, do Maine Coon cats chuff? Click on the link to find out!