15 Weird Things Maine Coons Do
Maine Coons are one of the strangest cat breeds out there! These cats are full of surprises, which is why so many cat lovers long to own a Maine Coon of their own.
15 Weird Things Maine Coons Do
The Maine Coon has become incredibly popular due to this breed’s many odd quirks. Unlike most cats, Maine Coons share a love of water and have many dog-like qualities such as the ability to walk on a leash or play fetch. Another odd trait among Maine Coons is their unique voice; rather than meowing, these cats typically chirp or trill instead.
Here are 15 bizarre things that Maine Coons do:
1. Follow Their Owners Around
Many people, particularly those who have never owned a cat, assume cats to be aloof and independent. But Maine Coons are anything but aloof and feel most relaxed and secure when they are near their owners.
These cats love to follow their owners from room to room, but not in a clingy or obnoxious way. They tend to engage in “parallel play,” meaning they are content to do their own thing while you work or clean, so long as they can hang out nearby.
2. They Cross Their Paws
Maine Coons are more likely to cross their paws than other cat breeds. Here’s a cute Youtube video I made of my Maine Coon cat crossing his paws!
We don’t know why this happens, but it might be when cats are feeling comfortable since crossing their paws slows their ability to activate their fight-or-flight instinct.
3. Talk A Lot (But Never Meow)
Whilst these cats are vocal, they do not meow like normal cats! Instead, they chirp or trill instead. They also make quiet, warbling sounds similar to a bird.
Listen to this short YouTube video I made of our male Maine Coon cat talking:
Maine Coons tend to be soft-spoken and engage in friendly “conversations” with their owner, where they may chirp or trill in response to their name, or become vocal if they need:
- Food
- Water
- Attention
- Playtime
4. Very Loyal
The Maine Coon tends to be fiercey loyal toward its owners, whom they develop very close bonds with.
They bond more closely with one family member, but will spread their love to everyone in their household that treats them with love and respect.
5. Act Like Dogs
This cat breed acts like its a dog! While they still have the same feline mystique we all love cats for, they are also unusually:
- Intelligent
- Obedient
- Loyal
- Social
Nicknamed the “dog of the cat world!”
While many cats are incredibly playful as kittens, they usually outgrow this playfulness and become more calm and relaxed as they grow older. Similar to dogs, however, Maine Coons retain a kitten-like love of play well into their senior years.
6. Grow Into Massive Sized Cats
While most cats reach a full weight at about 2 years old, Maine Coons grow slower than the average cat and do not stop growing until they are between three and five years old.
The average cat weighs between 7 and 11 pounds, but Maine Coons typically weigh between 12 and 22 pounds.
But not all Maine Coons have followed this average weight range, take a look at these famous Maine Coon cats.
7. Fascinated With Water
Most cats hate water, and bathtime in a cat household is usually a nightmare. Not for the Maine Coon though – they not only tolerate water but actively seek it out!
Maine Coons originated in the cold, snowy state of Maine, where they had to develop a thick coat to protect them from the weather. Their coat is also semi-water-repellant, which is probably a factor in their love of water.
Some Maine Coons love water so much that they even learn to turn on faucets so they can play in the water!
If introduced to water at a young age this breed can become avid swimmers, and they can be bathed much more easily than most cats.
8. Eye Color Changes
When a Maine Coon kitten first opens its eyes, it will be mesmerizing sapphire blue.
Between the ages of three and eight weeks old, however, their eyes begin to change color, and you can expect them to reach their full coloration by the time they are three months old.
As adults, Maine Coons can have the following eye colors:
- Green
- Gold
- Green-Gold
- Copper
9. Get On Well With Dogs
Contrary to the age-old belief that dogs and cats are destined to be enemies forever, the gentle Maine Coon is famous for getting along well with dogs. Perhaps it is their calm, gentle nature, or the fact that they tend to be so similar to dogs themselves.
Regardless of the reason why animal lovers all over the world have rejoiced to learn of the Maine Coon’s tolerance and even love towards dogs.
While dogs and cats should always be socialized very carefully to avoid fighting and potential injury, the easygoing, social Maine Coon is the perfect breed for dog owners who want a cat.
Since they are so friendly, Maine Coons often develop strong bonds with family dogs and are even known to play with them and cuddle with them.
10. You Can Train A Maine Coon
The Maine Coon’s doglike intelligence means these cats can even be trained to do a variety of tricks and tasks. They obey more readily than the average cat, particularly if introduced to training at a young age.
These cats are especially famous for their ability to play fetch or learn to do tricks like:
- Sit
- Speak
- Roll Over
They can also be trained to walk on a leash and harness.
11. Some Are Lap Cats
Not all are lapcats, though an incredible amount of this breed love to be held and snuggled. Even less cuddly Maine Coons love to follow their owners around from room to room and usually enjoy pets for a little while each day.
12. Wag Their Tails
While cats most commonly wag their tails when they are angry, they can also engage in this behavior any time they experience a strong emotion.
A cat that is incredibly playful or excited will also wag its tail, and the incredibly social Maine Coon may also wag its tail when it is excited to see its owners!
Learn more about the Maine Coon cat tail here.
13. Good Travelers
Cats are creatures of routine, and major changes to their schedule or environment can cause a lot of anxiety. Maine Coons are incredibly easy-going cats, though, and many can be trained to enjoy exploring.
By introducing your Maine Coon to adventure and travel at a young age, you may be able to bring your beloved cat with you on all sorts of trips, including camping or hiking!
14. Rarely Bite Or Scratch Owners
Nicknamed the “gentle giants of the cat world” these cats are easygoing and popular among families with children or other pets because they are patient, and do not mind tolerating a bit of extra noise or excitement.
Whilst Maine Coons are social and patient with loving families, they will not stand for disrespect. Just like any humans, they have their boundaries and will not appreciate being harassed.
If you notice your cat’s tail twitching grumpily, or that its ears are flat against its head, your cat is trying to tell you that it needs some more space.
Maine Coons rarely resort to violence, but if they feel any of the following they may bite and scratch, just like any other cat:
- Scared
- Threatened
- Disrespected
15. Often Sleep On Their Back
If your Maine Coon sleeps on its back your cat trusts you completely. Only when a cat is truly relaxed will they show you their stomach.
This is because cats’ bellies are incredibly vulnerable; the skin on their bellies is thinner, and it is the easiest way for predators or enemies to damage vital organs. As a result, cats instinctively protect their bellies whenever they can.
Many cats will flop over and show their tummies, as a way of indicating just how much they love and trust you.
If your Maine Coon shows you its tummy, you can gently try to pet it, but if your cat flinches away, this shows they prefer not having their bellies touched.