Are Maine Coons Popular?

Maine Coons are famous for being the largest domesticated cat breed in the world and have become increasingly popular in the last few decades as social media allows owners to share pictures and videos of their cats online.
The large cats have seen their popularity steadily climb, and in 2022 this large cat breed made its way to second place among all the popular cat breeds in the world.
However, this breed has not always been so popular…
Maine Coon Popularity
There are at least 600,000 Maine Coons in the world, but there could be over a million! According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, they are the 2nd most popular breed in the world.
Despite skyrocketing in popularity in today’s society, this wasn’t always the way.
The ancient Maine Coon relatives lived in the American state of Maine, a cold and snowy place near the coast. Their bodies adapted to survive in the harsh Winter climate.
Their paws became wide, and some grew extra toes and they also developed a dense double coat of fur, with a semi-water-repellent outer layer to keep from getting soaked.
Farmers and sailors began to notice just how adept these cats were as hunters and were set to work catching mice, rats, and other vermin that posed a threat to farmers and sailors.
However, things changed during World Wars I and II. As resources and effort were directed to the war, cat fanciers were unable to devote time and money towards breeding cats. Many cat breeds dipped in population or went extinct entirely.
While the Maine Coon did suffer due to these World Wars, the later introduction of the Persian cat breed nearly sealed their fate. Persian cats were so fashionable and so popular that they nearly drove the Maine Coon to extinction.
It was not until the 1960s that cat fanciers’ efforts towards preserving the breed finally came to fruition. The Maine Coon was named the official state cat of Maine, and the breed was finally brought back into the limelight.
In modern times, the Maine Coon’s popularity has grown because people have been able to share this breed’s incredible traits over social media.
What’s So Special About Maine Coon Cats?
There is no one reason for Maine Coon popularity, so here are a few things I love about this breed:
1. Size
Perhaps one of the most obvious reasons for the Maine Coon’s popularity is its enormous size!
As the largest non-hybrid domesticated cat breed in the world, these cats weigh a staggering 12-22lbs. This, combined with the fluffy mane around their necks and their serious expressions, makes most Maine Coons look like miniature wildcats!
Some owners worry a Maine Coon’s size might pose a risk to family members. However, while their high prey drive means they’re unlikely to get along well with small pets like birds or rodents, these felines are gentle towards humans and animals.
2. Intelligence
Maine Coons are intelligent and trainable felines, but are they the smartest cats? Find out here.
Maine Coons are often described as having a doglike personality because they can be trained to do all sorts of tricks. Here’s how to teach them to walk on a leash or harness.
A lot of Maine Coons also teach themselves to play fetch! If you fancy training your Maine Coon to play fetch, read this guide.
3. Family Friendly
Maine Coons are devoted family members that often form a close bond with one person, but their hearts are so big that they fit in well with large families, too.
These sociable cats are also wonderful with children.
The Maine Coon cat is very gentle and patient, so they are tolerant of:
- Being Picked Up
- Cuddled
- Treated Like A Baby
Maine Coon cats do not mind setting boundaries with young kids, by gently patting them with their paws (claws sheathed).
If they are particularly annoyed they may hiss or grow when they are being treated disrespectfully. Thankfully though, Maine Coons are very slow to anger or bite.
4. Love Of Water
A lot of Maine Coons enjoy playing in their water bowl, and some learn to turn the faucet on so they can play in the sink! Others learn to swim or try to take baths with their owners!
You can provide your Maine Coon with hours of fun with a mini pool outside or even a robot fish toy submerged in a container of water.
5. Unique Voice
Maine Coon’s have a gentle voice and rarely meow. They communicate with little warbles and chirps and are rarely demanding or noisy, but they do not mind asking for food or attention with quiet trills.
Many Maine Coons like to have conversations with their owners, “chatting” to their humans whenever they talk.
Popular Maine Coon Colors
There are over 75 different Maine Coon colors and coat patterns.
The most popular and sought-after Maine Coon colors are gold or silver smoke. But, black and blue smokes are also popular.
A common Maine Coon coloring is black.
Popular Names
Here are some popular Maine Coon names to get you started.
- Luna
- Lily
- Zelda
- Zeus
- Felix
- Jupiter
- Aurora
- Hercules
- Everest
- Apollo