Why Does My Maine Coon Shake?

Shaking does not always indicate a medical problem, but if your Maine Coon shakes for a long period of time, speak to your vet as soon as possible.
Maine Coons may shake or tremble if they are stressed, anxious, or in pain. Low blood sugar, seizures, or being too hot or too cold can also cause a cat to shake.
Some cats shake when they are excited, but if your cat shakes for a long time it could be due to a medical reason.
Why Does My Maine Coon Shake?
The Maine Coon is a sturdy, large breed of cat that is known for being pretty healthy compared to other purebred cats.
While shaking is not always serious, it usually indicates something is wrong.
Here are some possible reasons why a cat might shake:
One of the most common reasons for a cat to shake is fear or anxiety.
- Have you just moved, or introduced a new pet or family member?
- Is there an animal outside your house that makes your cat feel threatened?
- Has something big fallen and made a loud, scary noise?
A scared cat will usually flatten its ears and bush its tail up to several times its size.
Here are five reasons why your Maine Coon might be scared.
You can comfort your cat by giving it a safe space to hide, and sitting nearby so your cat feels more secure.
Cats can shake if they are in pain. A cat in pain usually sits in a hunched position while barely moving.
If your cat is hurt, it will likely hiss when touched, especially near the painful area. Be gentle with your cat and try not to move it unless necessary.
If you suspect your cat is hurt or in pain, take them to the vet as soon as possible.
Hyperthermia Or Hypothermia
Being too hot or too cold can lead to shaking in cats. Kittens are especially prone to heat problems.
If it is hot out and your cat has had little access to water or shade, it may be suffering from hyperthermia or heatstroke.
A fever from a virus or infection can also cause hyperthermia.
If your cat is exposed to the cold, it could lead to hypothermia.
It is important to provide your cat with a warm, dry area, but never give your cat a hot bath or a heating pad if it is suffering from hypothermia, as this can shock the system and even lead to death.
A cat can tremble when it’s in shock. A stressful event or injury can also cause a cat to go into shock.
Symptoms of shock include:
- Elevated Heart Rate
- Pale Gums
- Cold Limbs
If your cat is in shock, contact a veterinarian straight away.
Cats can experience seizures due to a neurological problem known as epilepsy, but seizures can also occur from:
- Kidney Problems
- Exposure To Toxins
- Head Injury
To learn more about Maine Coon epilepsy, read this guide.
Cats experiencing a seizure may:
- Twitch
- Thrash around uncontrollably
- Bite at the air
- Make odd sounds
- Stare off into space
For a complete guide to Maine Coon cat seizures, the causes, and what can be done, read this cat guide.
If your cat ingests poisonous plants or chemicals, it may start shaking as a reaction. Ingesting poison can also cause seizures.
If you think your cat has ingested poison of any kind, this is an emergency that requires immediate veterinary attention.
These foods will harm your Maine Coon cat and should be avoided.
Low Blood Sugar
If you have ever had to go a long time without eating, then you will probably remember that shaky, dizzy feeling. A cat with low blood sugar may also start shaking or trembling.
Since cats rarely stop eating unless something is wrong, it is important to get your cat to the vet for low blood sugar.
While a cat trembling is usually a sign that something is wrong, if you see your Maine Coon vibrating, it could also be due to excitement.
Some cats stick their tails straight up and vibrate them when they are especially excited.
If you have just come home from work, or if you are about to give your cat a treat, then a vibrating tail simply means your cat is extremely happy (source 1,2).
What Should I Do If My Cat Is Shaking?
Here are the steps you can take to keep your cat safe and healthy:
1. Assess The Environment
Think about what in your cat’s environment could have caused this shaking.
- Are there any chemicals or toxic plants nearby?
- Has something stressful or scary just happened?
- Are there any animals nearby that seem threatening?
Look for clues that could indicate the underlying cause of your cat’s shaking.
2. Examine Your Cat
Examine your cat’s body for clues.
If your cat has pale gums, an elevated heart rate, or shallow breathing, then it is time to go to a vet straight away.
If your cat’s limbs, ears, and tail seem unnaturally cold or warm, this is also a reason to seek medical attention straight away.
3. Keep Your Cat Feeling Secure
If your cat is shaking due to stress or fear, then keep your cat in a secure location.
When cats are nervous, they usually prefer to hide in places such as under the bed or couch.
Talk to your cat in a gentle voice and stay nearby, but do not touch your cat if its ears are flattened or it hisses at you.
4. Get Veterinary Help
If your cat’s shaking is accompanied by other worrying symptoms, such as the ones listed below, make sure you seek veterinary help as soon as possible:
- Lethargy
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Uncontrollable Spasms
- Anything that makes you feel uneasy
Unless you are sure your cat is shaking out of fear, your cat will likely need some kind of medical attention.
How To Get My Cat To Stop Shaking
Here are some ways you can prevent your cat from shaking:
Provide A Secure Environment
Make sure your cat feels safe in its environment. Provide plenty of space for your cat to have privacy.
If you have other pets in the house that are making your cat feel threatened, keep your cat in a room where it will not be disturbed by anyone else.
Try to keep the house quiet and chaos-free so your cat can adjust.
Regulate Temperature
If you have an outdoor cat, do not let it outside when it is especially hot or cold.
If it is hot inside, provide your cat with cool, fresh water, air conditioning, and shade.
If it is cold inside, give your cat blankets and heating.
Keep Your Cat Well-Fed
Since low blood sugar can sometimes lead to shaking, ensure your cat is getting the right amount of food. Cats need to eat at least every twelve hours.
You should also make sure that your cat is getting enough calories in each meal.
This is how much Maine Coon cats eat.
Rule Out Underlying Illness
If you have tried everything you can but your cat is still shivering or shaking, then it is time to visit the vet to determine the cause of your cat’s shaking.
While cats usually shake due to fear or pain, underlying illnesses like kidney diseases or epilepsy can also cause shaking.
Why Do Cats Shake Whilst Sleeping?
Cats twitching during sleep is rarely a cause for concern. In most cases, it is a sign that your cat is dreaming.
Cats that are dreaming might:
- Make quiet noises in their sleep
- Twitch their paws as though running
- Sniff the air
However, in some rare cases, twitching during sleep can be a sign of Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome.
This odd condition causes cats to have “episodes” of erratic behavior, either while asleep or awake.
They may twitch, bite, or lick compulsively at themselves, zooming randomly around the house, or flicking their tail agitatedly (source 1).