Maine Coon Kitten Size

Even as kittens, Maine Coons are much bigger than the average cat. Most newborn cats weigh between 0.11 and 0.33 pounds, while Maine Coon kittens weigh between 0.19 and 0.37 pounds.
By the end of their first year, Maine Coons weigh between 9.9 and 19.9 pounds, while most cats only weigh between 5.9 and 10 pounds.
Maine Coon Kitten Size
While most newborn kittens weigh between 0.11 and 0.33 pounds, the average newborn Maine Coon weighs 0.19 to 0.37 pounds!
These gentle giants may start tiny, but even as newborns, they are still bigger than the average cat their age!
Maine Coons are incredibly popular cats not only for their size but also for their loving, laidback personalities.
As kittens, they are highly affectionate but also incredibly energetic and playful!
If you have heard of the enormous Maine Coon size, then you are probably wondering if the average size of Maine Coon kittens is larger than most cats.
Maine Coon Kittens Vs Normal Kittens
Maine Coon kittens are bigger than normal kittens. They are born a fraction of a pound heavier than the average cat.
By the end of their first year of growth, a Maine Coon kitten is already up to nearly 10 pounds heavier than the average cat!
Even though Maine Coons have a much slower growth rate than the average cat, they typically outweigh adult cats after their first year of growth!
If you have cats at home but plan on getting a Maine Coon kitten too, keep in mind that your current cats may take a while to warm up to your Maine Coon kitten.
Maine Coon kittens are not just huge, they are also incredibly energetic, and they tend to play a lot harder than the average cat.
As a result, sometimes Maine Coon kittens can be a bit overzealous and rough, and their large size might intimidate your cats at home.
It is a good idea to get two Maine Coon kittens; since these cats are highly social, and love to play with other cats.
If your other cats do not like your new Maine Coon kitten, this can be incredibly stressful for your Maine Coon.
Maine Coon Kitten Weight Chart Kg
While the average Maine Coon weight at 1 year is close to their fully grown weight, these cats do not stop growing completely until they are between 3 – 5 years old.
Here is a table detailing the average weight of male and female Maine Coon kittens from birth to fully grown (source 1):
Maine Coon Growth Chart | Maine Coon Male | Maine Coon Female |
Newborn | .09 – .17 kg | .09 – .15 kg |
1 Month | .62 – .82 kg | .55 – .74 kg |
3 Months | 1.68 – 2.4 kg | 1.5 – 2.27 kg |
6 Months | 3.4 – 5.9 kg | 3.08 – 4.3 kg |
1 Year | 5.8 – 9.03 kg | 4.5 – 6.5 kg |
2-5 Years | 5.8 – 11.34 kg | 4.5 – 6.8 kg |
5 + Years | 11.34 – 11.34 kg | 4.5 – 6.8 kg |
Maine Coon Growth Stages
If you want to keep track of your Maine Coon’s growth, keeping a Maine Coon growth chart by age is probably your best bet.
A Maine Coon kitten growth chart allows you to plot their growth so you can show your vet.
You can track a Maine Coons:
- Length
- Weight
- Height
Do this once a month and either plot it on a graph or simply write it down.
The Maine Coon kitten’s growth rate varies a lot as the kitten ages. Here is a look at the different stages of Maine Coon growth from infancy to one year old:
Newborn – 1 Month
Newborn kittens grow rapidly. They start tiny and vulnerable but by the end of month one, they weigh between 1.2 and 1.8 pounds!
This is a crucial time for your kitten’s development, so you should ensure it is growing steadily.
Kittens at this age should not be losing weight.
1 – 3 Months
During this age, your kitten will begin to explore its surroundings and grow in confidence.
It will begin running, jumping, and playing with its littermates.
By the end of this stage, most Maine Coon kittens weigh between 3.3 and 5.3 pounds.
3 – 7 Months
Between the ages of 3 and 7 months, Maine Coon kittens typically put on about 2 pounds each month.
Once they reach 7 months old, however, they usually reach their first big growth spurt.
While the first big growth spurt occurs around week 32, it can vary greatly from cat to cat.
8 Months – 1 Year
After their first big growth spurt, the Maine Coon’s growth rate usually slows down significantly until week 50, which is their second and final big growth spurt.
By the time they reach one year old, most Maine Coons weigh between 9.9 and 19.9 pounds!
After this growth spurt, their growth rate slows dramatically until they finally reach their full size between the ages of 3 and 5 years of age.
2 – 5 Years
Maine Coons finally stop growing between the ages of 3 and 5 years.
An adult female Maine Coon will weigh, on average, between 12 – 15 pounds and stand between 8 – 14 inches tall.
Male Maine Coons generally weigh between 18 – 22 pounds once fully grown and measure 10 – 16 inches tall and about 19 – 40 inches long.
Why Is My Maine Coon Kitten So Small?
If your Maine Coon kitten is on the smaller end, it does not necessarily mean something is wrong.
However, if your kitten is significantly smaller than its littermates or shows signs of being underweight, then you should take it to the vet straight away.
Here are some of the possible reasons why your Maine Coon kitten is so small:
Fading Kitten Syndrome
Fading kitten syndrome is found in young kittens. It is usually caused by low temperature or low blood sugar.
Unfortunately, many kittens with fading kitten syndrome do not survive, but this condition is only found in very young kittens.
Improper Diet
Like all cats, Maine Coons need a large amount of protein, a moderate amount of fat, and only a small amount of carbohydrates.
If you feed your cat food with too many filler grains, it will likely become underweight and malnourished.
This is the Best Dry Food For Maine Coon Kittens.
These are the 5 Best Wet Foods For Maine Coon Kittens.
Food Setup
Even though Maine Coons love to eat, they can be a bit picky about how they eat!
You should provide food in a wide saucer or dish, or else your Maine Coon might eat less due to whisker fatigue.
Deep bowls cause your cat’s whiskers to press against the sides of the bowl, which can make the sensitive tissues of their whiskers feel uncomfortable.
Many Maine Coons also benefit from raised dishes so they do not have to bend over so far while eating.
Runt Of The Litter
Did you know cats can have a litter with multiple fathers?
This means that some kittens in a litter might be conceived later than others, which means they have less time to develop in the womb once labor begins.
Another way a runt of the litter can develop is in a y-shaped uterus. The fetus may end up in a small bend of the uterus, which restricts its growth.
Stress can make it difficult for your cat to eat.
If your kitten has recently been relocated or if you have made any major changes to its lifestyle, it may be feeling too stressed to eat.
These are the Most Common Signs Of Stress In Cats.
Dental Problems
If your kitten refuses to eat, you should go to the vet straight away.
Cats only refuse food if something is seriously wrong. One such common cause is dental problems.
A rotten tooth, dental malocclusions, or even gingivitis can make eating too painful for your kitten and lead to weight loss or even death.
Here are the Most Important Maine Coon Teeth Facts.
Other Underlying Health Problems
There are a lot of different health problems that can result in decreased appetite or weight loss.
Some such examples include:
If your kitten seems small or frail, you should book a visit with the vet as soon as possible to rule out any serious medical concerns (sources 1,2,3).