10 Causes Of Noisy Breathing In Maine Coons
Popularly known as gentle giants because of their size and sociability, your feline may be susceptible to noisy breathing. Cat professionals attribute this to the Maine Coon cat’s large size.
Maine Coon Noisy Breathing
Maine Coon noisy breathing is either the stridor or stertor type. Stridor has a high-pitched sound, caused by blockages or issues in your cat’s windpipe. Stertor has a low-pitched sound when your cat inhales, often caused by issues in their nose or throat. Blockages are caused by airway obstruction, anxiety or fear, asthma, fluid buildup, etc.
Maine Coon noisy breathing is usually first identified when your cat is breathing loudly while sleeping or when your cat’s breathing sounds like snoring.
All cats can develop breathing problems, however, the Maine Coon is particularly susceptible due to its size and hereditary reasons.
Maine Coons are already relatively big, but if yours is also obese, the excess tissue adds to the pressure on their chest and lungs, causing breathing difficulties.
Heart disease or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), are common health issues diagnosed in this large cat breed. Breathing problems as one of their symptoms. Researchers have identified this is caused by a genetic mutation (source 1).
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is also a common health issue found in Maine Coon kittens and involves breathing difficulties as one of its symptoms. This condition is detected in Maine Coon kittens at around 3 to 4 months old (source 1).
SMA is a genetic disease characterized by:
- Unsteady Gait
- Posture Abnormalities
- Progressive Instability
Causes Of Noisy Breathing
Here are 10 common causes of Maine Coon noisy breathing:
1. Airway Obstruction
Breathing difficulties whilst inhaling are often a sign of upper airway obstruction.
Whereas breathing difficulties whilst exhaling (medically known as respiratory distress) are often a sign of a lower airway issue.
Cats with respiratory distress also exhibit abdominal exertion when exhaling.
Upper airway obstruction can be due to naso-oropharyngeal disorders, like:
- Polyps
- Masses
- Foreign Bodies
- Severe Head Trauma that results in bone fractures
- Elongated Soft Palate
- Other Brachycephalic Airway Diseases
- Laryngeal Disorders
- Tracheal Diseases
Lower airway issues often involve feline asthma and chronic bronchitis.
Both are indicated by a chronic cough, but sadly many owners mistake this sound for furballs because their cats retch during a coughing episode.
A chronic cough results from airway narrowing, with mucus and inflammation of the airways (source 1).
2. Anxiety Or Fear
Your Maine Coon cat’s noisy breathing may also be caused by the:
- Stress
- Strenuous Exercise
- Being Overheated
- Feeling Threatened
This noisy breathing is often exhibited as panting, which is rare in cats (source 1). Owners should check their feline’s environment, and try to cool them down, making them feel as safe and comfortable as possible.
When your Maine Coon is stressed, it may exhibit the following symptoms:
- Behavioral Problems
- Lowered Immune System
- Increase Or Decreased Food Intake
- Excessive Scratching
- Noisy Breathing
For example, your Maine Con may show apathy to things and activities it used to enjoy, or suddenly show aggressive behavior to people and other pets in the household.
Stress, in turn, can weaken their immune system, leaving them susceptible to physical ailments and diseases.
When there is a noticeable change in the amount of food your Maine Coon cat normally eats, this is indicative of them feeling stressed.
Excessive scratching may indicate parasites, which can cause both stress and physical health challenges for your cat.
3. Asthma
Cat asthma sounds like fast and heavy breathing even while at rest.
You Maine Coon will be breathing:
- More than 40 breaths in a minute
- Panting or breathing through their mouth
- Wheezing (whistling or rattling)
- Coughing
- Hacking
Additional feline asthma symptoms include:
- Blue Gums
- Crouching position with the head and neck extended
Cat asthma is also indicated by:
- Open-Mouthed Breathing
- Vomiting
All of these factors may be exhibited by your feline spontaneously. Alternatively, check for these symptoms by pressing lightly on your cat’s throat.
Cats with an asthma attack also assume a crouched posture, with their bodies close to the ground and their head and neck extended forward.
Feline asthma is similar to human asthma in the sense that it is the chronic inflammation of the lung airways. Also, like in humans, asthma attacks are often triggered by exposure to allergens or stress.
Asthma in cats usually develops when they are between 2 to 8 years old (source 1).
Learn more about Maine Coon cat asthma, in this article.
4. Buildup Of Fluid In The Chest Or Abdominal Cavities
There are two types of fluid buildup:
- Pulmonary Edema
- Pleural Effusion
In pulmonary edema, fluid accumulates inside the lungs. This is usually associated with pneumonia and heart disease.
In pleural effusion, fluid builds up in the space between the outer surface of the lungs and the inner surface of the chest or abdominal cavities.
It is often a symptom of congestive heart failure, although it can also indicate other diseases.
Both types of fluid buildup will cause impaired breathing and are caused by the following:
- Viral Infection
- Pneumonia
- Traumatic Injury
- Toxin Exposure e.g. smoke and snake venom
- Near Drowning
- Blood Clots
- Too Little Protein In The Blood
- Twisting Of A Lung Lobe
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Cancer
5. Fever
Measure the cat’s temperature using a digital thermometer or a pediatric rectal thermometer in your cat’s ear. A normal cat’s body temperature will be between 100.4oF to 102.5oF.
If your Maine Coons temperature is higher than this, she has a fever.
If your cat’s temperature is higher than 106oF, then she is at risk for serious vital organ damage so make sure you take her to the vet promptly.
A fevered cat usually exhibits the following symptoms (source 1):
- Loss Of Appetite
- Lethargy
- Shivering (which can be accompanied by noisy breathing)
- Rapid Heart Rate
- Decreased Drinking
- Dehydration
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
6. Inflammation Of The Throat Caused By Vomiting Or Toxins
Pharyngitis, or inflammation of your feline’s throat, can be caused by:
- Too Much Maine Coon Vomiting
- Ingesting Toxic Chemicals
- Ingesting Other Irritants
This Maine Coon health problem is often characterized by difficulty swallowing.
With severe inflammation, severe abscesses may form and obstruct your cat’s throat, which in turn can lead to more serious complications.
Other symptoms of pharyngitis include:
- Signs of mouth pain
- Swollen Tonsils
- Bad Breath
- Drooling
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Resistance to having the mouth opened
- Nasal Congestion
- Fever
- Presence of fluid or draining sores
- Ulcers or abscesses in the mouth
7. Laryngitis
You will know when your Maine Coon cat has lost their normal voice since Maine Coons are well known for talking so much! Here’s why they do this.
Your Maine Coons sounds will also be quieter and hoarser than usual.
This is usually caused by an inflammation in their throat or vocal cords, which in turn has underlying causes, including (source 1):
- Inhaled Irritants (Dust, Smoke)
- Physical Obstruction In The Larynx Or Voice Box
- Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
8. Narrowed Nostrils, Nose, Or Throat
Nasopharyngeal stenosis, or the narrowing of your cat’s nasal passage, happens when a thin but durable membrane forms in the nasal cavity.
This restricts the Maine Coon cat’s oxygen flow, causing extremely difficult and noisy breathing, as well as difficulty in eating and sleeping.
This condition usually results from inflammation caused by:
- Chronic Vomiting
- Regurgitation
- Infection
Your cat’s breathing will produce the following unusual sounds and symptoms (source 1):
- Whistling
- Snoring
- Frequent Sneezing
- Breathing Through The Mouth
- Excessive Nasal Discharges
9. Upper Respiratory Tract (URT) Issues
Upper respiratory tract issues are usually indicated by:
- Eye and/or Nose Discharges
- Sneezing
- Open-Mouth Breathing (due to nasal congestion)
In addition, check if your cat has:
- Lost their appetite
- Their tongue has lesions or ulcers
- Is lethargic
- Has a fever
The most common cause of URT in cats is infectious URT disease like viral rhinosinusitis.
A less common cause is chronic idiopathic rhinosinusitis (source 1).
10. Trauma
Maine Coon lung problems which result in noisy breathing, among other symptoms are referred to as pulmonary contusion or lung bruising.
This is caused by blunt trauma decompressing your cat’s thoracic wall or chest cavity, making the blood and plasma leak into the inner lung.
Depending on the damage, it can result in mild dyspnea (breathing difficulties) or it can be severe apnea (absence of breathing).
Blunt trauma may involve your feline being kicked, hit by a car, or falling. If you suspect this, it is best to have your veterinarian check your Maine Coon cat as soon as possible.
Ultimately, being informed and aware of what to look for can help your veterinarian understand and diagnose the issues quickly.
How Can I Help My Congested Cat?
When your Maine Coon cat’s nasal passage is congested, it usually indicates a cat cold which normally goes away on its own within 7 to 10 days.
However, if you want to help your congested cat along with home remedies, here is what you can do.
a. Cat Sounds Congested But No Discharge
If your cat sounds congested but has no discharge, it may have rhinitis or a stuffy nose, although rhinitis can also include discharge symptoms.
Stuffy nose symptoms usually include your cat’s difficulty in:
- Smelling food
- Sleeping
- Lethargy
- Breathing difficulties are apparent during playtime
This condition can clear up in a few days or weeks or can last for life.
If chronic, damage to the lining will occur which can cause secondary bacterial symptoms which will worsen your cat’s conditions.
Quick home remedies typically involve:
- Exposing Maine Coon to warm, humid air.
- Warm, strong-smelling food.
- Nursing care e.g. cleaning a cat’s face with a warm washcloth and making her as warm and comfortable as you can.
If your cat is whistling while breathing (wheezing), especially while sleeping, with a high-pitched sound while exhaling, this indicates narrowing or obstruction in their lower airways.
Home remedies include:
- Reducing airborne triggers
- Ensuring your cat’s environment has a good flow