How Do Maine Coons Show Affection?

Maine Coons have been bred for a long time, and their gentle temperaments probably have something to do with genetics.
This, combined with being well-socialized from a young age can make Maine Coon cats one of the most affectionate breeds in the world!
As loving as Maine Coons are, some people find it difficult to understand their feline’s emotions since cats show their love more subtly than dogs.
How Maine Coons Show Affection
Maine Coons show affection by following their owners from room to room, mimicking their behavior, and staring at them. They may also lick or bite you gently, or sleep next to you at night.
Alternatively, they may stick their tails straight up to show their affection when feeling friendly or excited to see you.
To help you understand your Maine Coon cat better, here is a list of ways your cat might be showing you love (source 1,2):
Following You Around
Maine Coons like to follow their favorite family members around the house. They are generally unobtrusive, preferring to observe you rather than get in the way.
Many Maine Coons will lay nearby and nap or watch you work, but will not demand your attention if you seem busy.
Learn more about this fascinating Maine Coon cat behavior, in my article specifically dedicated to the reasons why this cat breed likes to follow its owners around.
It is pretty common knowledge that cats purr when they are feeling happy. Some cats will also purr when they are stressed or upset, but this all depends on context.
A cat that is purring but wriggles away from you, crouches stiffly, or hides are likely purring from stress instead.
In most cases, though, purring means your cat feels safe and content.
Purring can sometimes be accompanied by kneading, where your cat massages its paws on a soft blanket or even its owner!
Mirroring Your Behavior
Has your Maine Coon ever sat on your keyboard while you were working, or tried to sit at the table during dinnertime?
While these behaviors can be annoying, they are a way your cat shows its affection!
Cats like to copy their owners, so they feel involved in what you are doing.
Many owners compromise by giving their cats their mini laptops to sit by or providing an extra seat at the table for them!
Staring At You
Some people find it creepy when a cat stares at them, and assume it means the cat is angry. However, cats stare at their owners when they like them!
It is a sign that they are looking to you for reassurance, especially if they are confused or scared.
Licking And Biting
If you are wondering, why Maine Coons lick so much, then it probably means your Maine Coon loves you a lot!
Cats groom their close friends and family members when they are feeling loving or snuggly.
Your Maine Coon might lick your hand when you are near.
Sometimes, they may show their affection by gently biting or nibbling at your fingers, too!
Slow Blinking
One famous way that cats show their love is by blinking or winking slowly at their owners.
It is the ultimate show of trust because it means your cat feels safe enough around you to lower its defenses.
The best part is, that you can tell your cat that you love them too by slowly blinking back!
Talking With Their Tail
Cats can communicate a lot with just their tails. For example, cats tend to flick their tail or lash it quickly when they are annoyed or upset.
When cats are happy, they usually stick their tails straight up.
Cats that are feeling friendly might stick their tails up and curl them over just at the tip, so they look like a question mark.
If your cat is happy or excited, then it may even vibrate its tail!
A unique way that cats show affection is by butting their head against you. This is usually accompanied by purring, licking, or asking for snuggles.
Cats do this to other cats they love, or to their owners.
It is an odd but adorable way that they show affection, and it is also a way they can rub their scent glands on you.
Exposing Their Belly
Cat’s tummies are very soft and vulnerable. Their skin is thinner, their fur is less thick, and it is the easiest way for predators to access their vital organs.
So, when your cat stretches out to show you its tummy, it is saying that it loves and trusts you. It is also a sign that your cat feels relaxed and safe in your home.
While some cats do enjoy having their bellies petted, other cats may become upset.
This isn’t always the case, but many male cats like to have their bellies rubbed, while female cats prefer to simply be admired when they stretch out like that.
Greeting You
If your Maine Coon runs to meet you at the door when you come home, it means your cat missed you and is excited you are back!
Cats usually lift their tails all the way up in greeting, as well.
An excited Maine Coon likes to sniff your hands once you get back, so it can smell where you have been. After that, they usually like lots of cuddles!
More Affectionate Than Other Cats?
Maine Coons are often considered more affectionate than many other cat breeds.
Known as “gentle giants,” they are highly social, and loyal, and enjoy spending time with their humans.
Unlike some independent breeds, Maine Coons often seek out attention, follow their owners around, and show affection through cuddles, headbutts, and purring.
However, individual personalities vary, so while many Maine Coons are affectionate, some may be more reserved depending on their temperament and upbringing.