Maine Coon Cat Speed

Maine Coons can run between 20 and 25 miles per hour and can reach top speeds of 30 miles per hour. Like all cats, they can only sprint for a short while before needing to rest.
Despite their athleticism, the Maine Coon’s running speed is the same as other domestic cats. However, these loving, gentle pets are much more energetic and athletic than the average house cat.
How Fast Can A Maine Coon Cat Run?
Maine Coons run as fast as any other domestic cat, usually between 20 and 25 miles per hour. They can reach top speeds of 30 miles per hour!
If you want to know cat speed km/h, that is about 48.2 km/h at their fastest speed!
The age of your cat is going to have a big impact on its speed since very young kittens cannot run, but as they get older they become much faster.
Young cats are the fastest, but they tend to slow down in their senior years, especially once they are aged ten or older.
Of course, Maine Coons are known to retain a kitten-like interest in play well into their senior years, but their athletic abilities ultimately deteriorate over time.
Health is perhaps the most important factor that determines a cat’s speed.
Maine Coons are generally considered healthy cats, but the following conditions all make it difficult for a cat to sprint:
Maine Coons can also develop the following two health issues, both of which are degenerative conditions that affect the movement in a cat’s hind leg or legs and greatly reduce mobility:
Cats that are at a healthy weight can run much faster than cats that are underweight or overweight. The average adult Maine Coon weighs between 12 and 22 pounds.
If your Maine Coon is at a healthy weight, its ribs will feel as though they are under a thick layer of cloth.
If you have difficulty feeling your cat’s ribs, or if they are too pronounced, then you should take your cat to the vet and talk about its diet and exercise.
Maine Coons are highly athletic cats. They were once famous among farmers and sailors as ratters, and while they are more commonly kept as companions today, they still have a high prey drive.
Maine Coons love to jump, climb, and run, and need at least 30 minutes of playtime each day.
If your cat does not get enough exercise, it may become intolerant to even short bursts of running.
Your cat’s diet can have a huge impact on its ability to run.
Even if you feel like you are giving your Maine Coon the right amount of food each day, it may not be the right quality since many commercial cat foods contain too many carbs and filler calories, that leave your cat hungry and malnourished.
Maine Coons need a high amount of protein in their diet or they will not have enough energy or muscle mass.
A cat’s running speed can also be affected by its breed.
More athletic breeds like the Maine Coon, Egyptian Mau, and Abyssinian are much faster than more docile or unhealthy breeds like the Persian or Ragdoll.
The Maine Coon’s long legs also likely play a factor in its speed (source 1,2).
What Is The Fastest Domestic Cat?
The Egyptian Mau is the fastest breed of domestic cat. They have especially long legs, a slim build, and an extra long flap of skin on their hind legs that allows them to stretch farther.
When cats run, they use their hind legs like a spring to launch them forward, so the Egyptian Mau’s unique adaptation makes it even faster than the athletic Maine Coon! (source 1).
Why Are Cats So Fast?
Cats have a very unique running and hunting style, which their bodies are perfectly engineered to perform.
Hunting Style
Humans hunted in packs and relied on endurance to catch their prey. Cats, however, rely on their speed and incredible jumping skills.
Since the ancestors of modern domestic cats evolved in the desert, they needed to conserve as much energy as possible for hunting.
Their short bursts of energy and incredible speed allow them to catch prey at lightning speed, and then rest until it is time to hunt again.
Long Legs
Cats have long hind legs that work like springs while they run.
Their hind legs compress and then push off from the ground, lengthening fully so the cat’s front paws can touch down at the farthest distance possible.
Flexible Spine
Cats have long, flexible spines that coil and release like a spring as they run.
During a cat’s run cycle, it extends its legs and spine to their full length, then bunchs up its legs and spine as it prepares for another stride.
Are Cats Faster Than Humans?
If you want to know can a human outrun a cat, the answer is no (unless you happen to be chasing a very slow cat).
Cats can run between 20 and 30 mph on average, but how fast can a human run? The fastest human in the world, Usain Bolt, reached a top running speed of 27.33 miles per hour.
Of course, the average human is much, much slower, running at about 17 to 20 miles per hour (source 1,2).
What Are Maine Coon Zoomies?
Have you ever woken up to your cat running and yowling around the house? Well, you are not alone!
This phenomenon, known as zoomies, has many causes:
Hunting Hours
The ancestors of domestic cats were crepuscular hunters, which means they hunted at dawn and dusk. As a result, cats tend to be most active during this time of day.
Even if your Maine Coon does not have any rats to catch, it will probably feel the urge to chase during this time.
However, some cats get the zoomies at different times, possibly due to their owners’ schedules.
Hunting Style
Unlike humans, cats tend to do things in short bursts. As opportunistic hunters, they spend most of their time sleeping to conserve energy.
When it is time to hunt, they get an amazing burst of energy to chase down whatever prey their heart desires, but they do not have the endurance to exercise or run for long periods.
Inadequate Exercise
Cats with zoomies may look adorable, but if your cat is getting zoomies constantly, it could be a sign that you are not playing or exercising with your cat enough.
Maine Coons also need lots of high places to climb, so you might not have enough large cat trees or furniture for your cat to run around.
Maine Coons like to be challenged, so you may want to build an obstacle course for your cat or install carpeted shelves on the walls.
Using The Litter Box
It is common for cats to get the zoomies after using the litter box.
This is because going to the bathroom stimulates a cat’s vagus nerve, which causes a change in heart rate and blood pressure and leads to a kind of “high” that makes them more likely to run around (source 1).
Are Maine Coons Athletic?
Maine Coons are very athletic cats.
In the 1800s, they were prized by farmers and sailors for their efficient hunting abilities. Today, Maine Coons are more popular as companions, but they still have an ancient drive to hunt.
Maine Coons love to:
- Run
- Jump
- Climb
They are happiest when they have challenging furniture to scale or big leaps to clear.
These large cats tend to play hard and often destroy regular cat toys. As a result, it is important to play with your Maine Coon for at least 30 minutes each day to calm them down!
Do Maine Coons Need A Lot Of Exercise?
If you prefer couch potato cats, you might want to know are Maine Coons lazy?
Unfortunately, Maine Coons are not lazy at all! Instead, they are highly adventurous and energetic and love to explore, run, and climb.
So, how much exercise does a Maine Coon need? Well, they need at least 30 minutes of playtime every day, as well as adequate space and furniture to run and climb on their own.
Maine Coons also do best when they have another cat or dog companion to play with, as they are prone to becoming bored and lonely.
Top 10 Fastest Cats In The World
As impressive as domestic cats are, their huge relatives are even faster!
Below are the fastest cats in the entire world (source 1):
- Cheetah: 58 mph
- Lion: 50 mph
- Jaguar: 50 mph
- Eurasian Lynx: 50 mph
- Tiger: 40 mph
- Snow Leopard: 40 mph
- Cougar: 40 mph
- Sunda Clouded Leopard: 40 mph
- Clouded Leopard: 40 mph
- Leopard: 36 mph
If you want to know how fast can a Maine Coon run, the answer is about 20 to 30 miles per hour, which is comparable to most domestic cats.
Maine Coons that are young, healthy, and at a normal weight are much faster than cats that are elderly, injured, underweight, or overweight.
These athletic cats need at least 30 minutes of playtime daily and are happiest when they have plenty of tall furniture like cat trees and wall-mounted shelves to climb.