Painful Maine Coon Joint Problems
This article is a comprehensive guide reviewed and approved by small animal veterinarian Dr. Abdul Basit Javed (DVM, RVMP).
Maine Coon joint problems are a major health concern for this large cat breed since they are more prone to orthopedic problems than other cats because of their size.
Fortunately, with proper care and management, as well as a well-balanced diet, Maine Coons’ bones and joints can be kept healthy, and orthopedic issues can be significantly reduced.
Common Joint Problems
Maine Coons are prone to joint problems as they age, as they are heavy-weight cats
Some joint problems are acquired due to poor nutrition, care, and management, whereas others are hereditary conditions passed down from parents to offspring.
1. Hip Dysplasia
Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common Maine Coon back leg problems.
Hip dysplasia, also known as hip luxation or hip displacement, is a painful and serious joint condition that affects Maine Coons.
According to 20-year data from the radiographic health screening program of approximately 5038 pedigree-registered Maine Coon cats, a 37.4% prevalence of FHD (Feline Hip Dsplsia) was discovered.
Another statistic claims that approximately 18% of all Maine Coons have hip dysplasia, though this is not thought to be very accurate (source 1).
Hip dysplasia occurs due to the abnormal development of the hip joint.
The joint membrane degrades over time, resulting in the loosening of the hip joint and, in some cases, osteoarthritis.
The hip joint is essentially a ball and socket joint, and when it becomes loose, the ball of the femur bone pops out of the socket, resulting in hip dysplasia.
Hip dysplasia symptoms include:
- Varying degrees of lameness
- Loss of muscle mass on the thighs
- Abnormal gait
- Pain
- Paralysis (in rare cases)
Since hip dysplasia is genetically transferred one good way to prevent this condition is by not breeding Maine Coons that have hip dysplasia.
FHD treatment options in Maine Coons include surgery and medications (source 1,2,3,4).
Read more about Maine Coon Hip Dysplasia.
2. Arthritis
Do Maine Coons have joint problems?
The sad truth is yes. One of the most common joint problems is Maine Coons arthritis.
The inflammation of the joints is what causes arthritis.
Arthritis can affect not only the Maine Coon joints but also the surrounding:
- Tissues
- Ligaments
- Joint Membranes
- Bones
The cause, treatment, and prevention of arthritis depend on its type since Maine Coons can suffer from different types of arthritis.
Here are the four main types of cat arthritis (source 1,2):
a. Osteoarthritis
The most common type of arthritis in Maine Coons is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis.
Senior Maine Coons are more prone to osteoarthritis.
Normally, the surfaces of the joint are smooth, allowing them to glide against one another without friction. Unfortunately, these joint surfaces degenerate over time as a result of aging.
When the joint surface degenerates and becomes rough, movement causes friction, which is excruciatingly painful for a Maine Coon.
Symptoms include:
- Lameness
- Joint Swelling
- Painful Joints
- Restricted Movements
- Muscle Wasting
- Grating Sounds During Joint Movement
Vets prescribe medications to reduce pain and swelling.
However, permanent treatment of osteoarthritis in Maine Coons is surgery in which the damaged surface of the joint is repaired or replaced by an artificial metal surface, usually titanium.
b. Septic Arthritis
Bacteria cause septic arthritis.
Bacteria and their toxins enter the Maine Coon’s joint cavity via its bloodstream. Bacteria can also enter the joint cavity through an open wound injury or unhygienic surgery.
Rickettsiae and spirochetes can cause septic arthritis in cats if they enter the bloodstream through tick bites.
Septic arthritis symptoms include:
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Symptoms similar to osteoarthritis
The following factors are used to treat septic arthritis in Maine Coons:
- Antibiotics
- IV fluids
- Flushing of the joint cavity
- Surgical removal of dead or damaged joint tissue
c. Immune-Mediated Arthritis
Maine Coons are susceptible to immune-mediated arthritis, which is a rare type of arthritis.
Immune-mediated arthritis is defined as joint inflammation caused by the body’s immune system.
Some types of immune-mediated arthritis can destroy both the cartilage and the bone beneath, causing the cat to suffer excruciating pain.
The immune-mediated condition systemic lupus erythematosus causes arthritis in cats.
Immune-mediated arthritis typically affects other cat organs as well, particularly the skin.
Symptoms include:
- Lameness
- Pain
- Swelling in multiple joints
- Fever
- A general feeling of illness
- Persistent loss of appetite
The exact causes of immune-mediated arthritis in Maine Coons are unknown, but treatment typically consists of anti-inflammatory medications.
Even after treatment, relapses in this condition are possible.
d. Cancerous Arthritis
As the name suggests, cancerous arthritis is typically brought on by synovial cell sarcomas, which are tumors of the synovial cells in the joint.
Because this is a malignant (cancerous) tumor, cancer has already spread to the lungs in approximately 25% of Maine Coons before they are diagnosed.
Signs include:
- Lameness
- Swelling around the joints
Amputation of the affected limb is usually used to permanently remove the source of pain and possibly to slow the spread of cancer to other body organs.
3. Patellar Luxation
Patellar luxation, also known as kneecap displacement, is a hereditary condition that can affect Maine Coon of any age.
The kneecap or patella can be displaced from its normal position due to abnormal development.
It can also occur as a result of issues with the:
- Hip
- Femur
- Tibia
The severity of this condition determines the symptoms.
In mild cases, Maine Coons may exhibit infrequent lameness and the kneecap may manually return to its normal position.
Lameness will be more persistent in severe cases and may be accompanied by pain.
Vets can perform surgery to permanently resolve this issue in Maine Coons, and the prognosis is usually good (source 1).
4. Joint Trauma
Joint trauma or injuries are also a major cause of joint problems in Maine Coons, as these cats are:
- Heavy-weight
- Agile
- Active
The following are some of the most common joint traumas that can occur in Maine Coons (source 1,2):
a. Cranial Cruciate Ligament Tear
One of the most important structures in the Maine Coons stifle joint (knee joint) is the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL).
This ligament provides the following functions:
- Aids in motion
- Aligns the tibia with the femur bone
- Stabilizes the knee joint
This ligament can tear partially or completely as a result of an injury or if the joint has already degenerated due to immune reactions or genetic defects.
Torn CCLs in Maine Coons can cause knee instability and result in:
- Cartilage (meniscus) injury
- Bony outgrowths
- Hardening of the joint membrane
The symptoms of a complete CCL tear in Maine Coon cats include:
- Lameness
- Pain
- Joint Swelling
- Instability
- Frictional sounds during joint movement
To diagnose this problem, a Cranial Drawer test may be performed, in which the femur moves ahead of the tibia when the knee is bent which is normally not the case.
There are both medical and surgical treatment options available.
Physical therapy, weight loss, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can alleviate the pain.
As long as the degenerative joint disease has not progressed too far, the prognosis after surgery is favorable.
b. Joint Fractures
The shoulder, elbow, carpal (wrist), hip, stifle (knee), and tarsal (ankle) joints of Maine Coons are commonly prone to fractures because all of these joints are weight-bearing joints.
Since Maine Coons are big heavy cats, these joints are under a lot of strain.
Young Maine Coons are more prone to joint fractures because their bones are underdeveloped and have a soft region known as a growth plate.
The severity of a joint fracture determines the symptoms, but common symptoms include
- Varying degrees of lameness
- Pain
- Reluctance to move
- Swelling on the affected joint
Joint fracture treatment is determined by the location and severity of the fracture.
Typically, the goal of treatment is to heal the fracture in such a way that normal limb alignment and function are retained.
External treatments include using a cast (POP) to keep the joint in place and slings to reduce motion until complete healing has occurred.
Internal joint fracture treatments include the use of:
- Wires
- Pins
- Plates
- Screws
These are used to keep the bone or joint in place until the healing is completed.
Painkillers and anti-inflammatories are also given, along with antibiotics to prevent infection at the surgical site.
c. Palmar Carpal Ligament Tear
When jumping or falling from a great height, Maine Coons can hyperflex their limbs, causing over-extension of the carpal (wrist) joint and tearing of the Palmar Carpal Ligament.
Although this is a rare condition, it does exist.
The Maine Coon palmar carpal ligament tear symptoms include the cat being hesitant to place its paw on the ground or put weight on it, as well as swelling of the carpal joint.
If the fracture is not severe, a vet may only place a splint to keep the bone and joint in place until it heals completely.
In extreme cases, surgery may be required to allow the ligament to heal properly.
What Causes Joint Pain In Cats?
Below are some of the most common causes of joint pain in cats:
Any damage or injury to a joint or surrounding tissue or ligaments is a major cause of pain in cats.
Joint injuries in cats can occur as a result of the following:
- Rigors of physical activity
- Obesity
- Rough play
- Jumping from high places
Infections can also cause joint pain and swelling.
Septic arthritis is caused by many bacterial, viral, and protozoal infections in cats.
Immune complexes (antigen+antibody complex) are sometimes formed in the body as a result of infections, and these complexes can reach the joint capsule via the bloodstream.
When an antibody destroys antigens (foreign objects, bacteria, viruses, etc), it can sometimes cause damage to the surrounding normal tissue, resulting in joint pain.
Genetic Defects
Joint pain in cats can also be caused by hereditary or genetic abnormalities.
If the joint cartilage does not develop properly or if the joint alignment is not correct due to a genetic defect, the cat will experience pain.
As a result, it is not recommended to breed cats with joint abnormalities, particularly hip dysplasia.
Degenerative Conditions
Arthritis is the most common cause of joint pain in cats.
The most common type of arthritis in cats is osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis.
The smooth surface of the joint erodes in degenerative arthritis, causing the bones to rub against each other, which is extremely painful for the cat.
Allergic Reactions
Pollen allergies, as well as other types of allergies, can cause joint pain in cats.
When a cat’s body experiences allergic reactions, inflammatory substances are released into the bloodstream, causing joint pain.
Old Age
With age, the joint surface can deteriorate.
Senior cats are more likely to experience joint pain than younger cats.
The lubricating fluid (synovial fluid) in the joints decreases with age, causing friction and thus more pain.
How To Tell If A Cat Has Joint Pain
Cats with joint pain frequently exhibit a variety of symptoms.
The following are some of the most typical symptoms of joint pain in cats, depending on the cause and severity (source 1,2):
- Varying degrees of lameness
- Reluctance to move
- Abnormal gait
- Muscle wasting usually at the thigh regions
- Reluctance to jump from high places
- Your cat will avoid stairs and going to the litter box
- Swelling around the joints
- Behavioral changes such as becoming aggressive or grumpy
- Increased vocalization particularly when touched at the joints
- Chewing or licking the joints
- No interest in playing
- Frictional sounds particularly due to arthritis
- Fever in some cases (septic arthritis)
- Decreased appetite or complete loss of appetite
- Poor coat due to decreased self-grooming
What Helps Joint Pain In Cats?
Below are some of the best ways to help joint pain in cats (source 1):
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are pain relievers that help reduce inflammation in the cat’s joints.
NSAIDs are cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors that prevent the release of prostaglandins, which cause pain and inflammation.
These are typically prescribed for arthritis-related joint pain in cats.
Steroids are very strong anti-inflammatories, but they are only used in cats with severe joint pain because steroids reduce immunity, making cats more susceptible to infections and diseases.
Corticosteroids are some of the most commonly used steroids in cats for joint pain.
Opioids are powerful pain relievers prescribed to cats suffering from severe joint pain caused by fractures or trauma.
Opioids suppress nervous activity by blocking specific receptors in the body that induce pain responses and, in some cases, they can cause sedation.
Morphine is a common opioid used in cats to treat severe joint pain.
Physical Therapy
Cats suffering from arthritis and joint fracture pain can benefit greatly from physical therapy provided by a qualified veterinary physiotherapist.
Physical therapy can help reduce joint pain by improving muscle health and joint mobility.
Weight Loss
If your cat is overweight, weight loss can significantly alleviate joint pain. If your cat weighs less, the strain on the weight-bearing joints will be reduced, and the pain will subside.
Dietary changes and regular exercise can help cats lose weight.
Mild Exercise
Mild exercise can help your cat’s joints move more frequently, which can help ease pain and promote better joint health if your cat suffers from joint problems.
However, you should avoid strenuous physical activity otherwise the joint pain will worsen only.
Nutritional Changes
If your cat suffers from joint pain, your veterinarian may recommend a special diet.
Joint pain can be reduced and prevented by consuming food high in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin D.
Your veterinarian may also prescribe dietary supplements that improve your cat’s cartilage health.
Comfortable Bedding
Many cat owners underestimate the significance of comfortable bedding.
Comfortable bedding, particularly memory foam bedding, is highly recommended for cats suffering from joint pain.
Memory foam provides support for cats’ painful joints, especially if you have a large cat like a Maine Coon, and helps relieve joint pain.
Laser Therapy Or Photobiomodulation (PBMT)
This technique has recently gained popularity in veterinary medicine due to its quick and effective results, particularly in pain relief.
A veterinarian employs a laser probe that emits light waves of specific wavelengths at the affected joints of the cat.
A veterinarian employs a laser probe that emits light waves of specific wavelengths at the affected joints of the cat.
The results of this non-invasive technique are so rapid that some cats experience an immediate reduction in pain symptoms and resume normal walking shortly after the first session.
This method is mostly used on horses and may not be available at every veterinary clinic.
Surgery can be used to permanently treat certain types of joint pain in cats.
For example, if your cat has joint pain due to osteoarthritis, your veterinarian may perform surgery to repair or replace the damaged surface of the joint with an artificial metal joint.
Natural Pain Relief For Cats
Below are some of the natural ways to provide pain relief for cats (source 1):
Cold Therapy
Cold therapy or cold compress is one natural method for relieving pain in cats.
This technique is excellent for reducing joint pain caused by arthritis in cats as well as pain caused by soft tissue injuries.
Cold therapy reduces blood flow to the affected area by constricting blood vessels, and reducing inflammation, and is especially beneficial for chronic pain in cats.
Warm Therapy
Warm therapy or a warm compress is an excellent natural pain reliever for cats.
Warm therapy relieves ligament pain by increasing blood flow and speeding up the healing process.
CDB Products
Although CBD oil and other products are not FDA-approved for use in cats, they are widely used as over-the-counter natural products to treat pain and anxiety in cats.
CBD products can be added to the cat’s food, or topical products such as gels and creams can be applied directly to the affected area to decrease inflammation and pain.
Initially, give your cat a very small dose of any CBD product and gradually increase the dose if no side effects appear.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique that is now widely used to help manage pain in pets such as cats. It is one of the most effective medication alternatives.
Acupuncture involves inserting needles into the cat’s body at points where nerves and blood vessels overlap.
Needle insertions stimulate the cat’s nervous system, causing natural anti-inflammatories and pain-relieving substances to be released in the body, which aids in pain relief.
Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic care is one of the most effective natural pain relief methods, and it is now widely used in pets, particularly cats.
Chiropractic therapy relieves pressure on the cat’s nerves, improving the cat’s overall nervous health.
Chiropractic therapy is especially beneficial in treating hip pain and arthritis pain in cats.
Cat Joint Supplements
The following are some of the best available joint supplements for cats that can help improve your cat’s joint health and reduce the incidence of Maine Coon joint problems.
1. Glycoflex 3 Maximum Strength Hip and Joint Supplement & For Cats
This top-quality joint supplement for both cats and dogs is available in chicken or liver flavoring and is clinically proven to work.
It is highly recommended by veterinarians for feline conditions that benefit from Lysine.
The supplement includes Vetri Lysine Plus which supports eye, immune, and respiratory health in cats and kittens.
According to the product packaging, adult cats should be given 1-2 chews twice daily.
2. Liquid Cat Glucosamine Joint Purr-Fection
This product is a liquid supplement for cats’ joints. It contains glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, and other important nutrients to keep your cat’s hips and joints healthy.
Because it is a liquid supplement, it absorbs faster and has a more prolonged effect than solid supplements.
This liquid supplement tastes like organic beef gravy and contains no artificial ingredients.
3. Vetriscience Maximum Strength Hip and Joint Supplement
Glycoflex 3 is a clinically proven joint supplement for cats that helps provide great strength and support to your cat’s joints, while also lowering the risk of hip dysplasia.
Glycoflex 3 contains 11 active ingredients to support your cat’s joints and connective tissue, including:
- Perna canaliculus
- Glucosamine
- Antioxidants
Best Treatment For Cats With Arthritis
In general, there is no permanent treatment for arthritis in cats.
As a result, veterinarians typically only prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to manage the symptoms of arthritis in cats and ease their pain.
Aside from medications, the following are some treatments for arthritis in cats (source 1):
Surgery is thought to be a permanent solution for arthritis in cats because it removes all of the damaged cartilage and reconstructs or replaces the joint surface with a metal surface.
However, joint surgery can be very expensive for cat owners, especially if it involves replacing the dysfunctional joint surface, and it also carries several risks for the cat.
Since it is a major surgery it is only performed in a few clinics around the world.
Apart from medications and surgery, common treatments for arthritis in cats, include:
- Laser Therapy (photobiomodulation or PBMT)
- Cold Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic Therapy
Genetic defects, old age, injuries, allergic reactions, degenerative conditions, and a few other factors can all contribute to joint problems in Maine Coons.
Hip dysplasia and arthritis are the two most common joint problems in Maine Coons.
Lameness, abnormal gait, and difficulty jumping, walking, and climbing stairs are all symptoms of joint problems in Maine Coons.
Medication and surgery are both effective ways to treat and alleviate the symptoms of joint problems in Maine Coons.