Maine Coon Lynx Mix

When I first encountered the super-sized Maine Coon cat breed, I thought these beautiful cats bore a strong resemblance to Lynx cats. Thankfully I’m not the only one who’s noticed this, which is a relief as I thought I was going crazy!!
So, what is a Maine Coon Lynx mix? Keep reading to discover more about this fascinating version of this famous cat breed.
Though there have been claims of domestic cats mating with Lynxes, the only cat breed with wild ancestry is the Savannah, which is related to the Asian leopard cat. Even though Maine Coons look similar to Lynxes, they are not related, and there is no evidence to suggest that Lynxes can successfully reproduce with Maine Coons or other domestic cats.
Does The Maine Coon Lynx Mix Exist?
There is no recognized breed called a “Maine Coon Lynx Mix.” The Maine Coon is a distinct, domesticated cat breed known for its large size, tufted ears, bushy tail, and friendly personality. Lynxes, such as the Eurasian or Canadian Lynx, are wildcats known for their tufted ears and robust build.
Imagination and Myth
Some Maine Coons may exhibit features that resemble those of a lynx, such as tufted ears and a robust, muscular build. These characteristics are natural to the Maine Coon breed and are not indicative of any hybridization with lynxes.
The Maine Coon is THE LARGEST DOMESTIC CAT BREED in the entire world, however, this former wild cat is NOT related to other wild cats, like the Lynx cat.
A Quick Overview Of The Species
The Maine Coon is an affectionate, easygoing breed with thick fur, large paws, and a shaggy coat that forms a mane around their shoulders that makes them look like miniature wild cats!
These cats are incredibly energetic and have a high prey drive.
While the original Maine Coons were kept by farmers to hunt vermin e.g. mice, the modern-day Maine Coon is kept as a family pet and known for its gentle, laidback nature.
By comparison, the Canada Lynx is a huge cat commonly found throughout Canada and part of the United States. They have light grey or brown fur with black spots and darker ears and tails. They have very short tails.
Unlike the Maine Coon, Lynx cats are shy, secretive, and not at all friendly towards humans. Even amongst their kind, the Lynx is mainly solitary.
What Physical Traits Would This Hybrid Have?
While the Maine Coon Lynx mix doesn’t exist in real life, I can imagine what it might look like simply by combining the physical attributes of the Maine Coon & Lynx.
Since Lynx cats sometimes hunt larger prey like caribou or deer, they’re probably more likely to make a Maine Coon into a meal than a mate!
If they were to produce offspring, however, their wild ancestry would probably make them difficult or even impossible to handle.
The only official cat breed with wild ancestry is the Savannah, a cross between a domestic cat and an Asian leopard cat.
While it’s possible hybrid cats between the Maine Coon and Lynx could exist someday, it would probably take many years of dedicated breeding to produce offspring that are viable as pets
(source 1).
A hybrid between a Lynx and a Maine Coon would likely have the following features (source 1)
The History Of Maine Coon Cats
What do we know?
Myth Or Reality?
There are many fanciful theories about the Maine Coon’s origin. For example, some people believe these large cats are descended from the cats of Marie Antoinette!
Viking History
The most popular (and likely) theory is that Vikings sailed to North America and traded some of their Norwegian Forest Cats, or some escaped from the ships. They then mated with local domestic and feral cats until they developed Lynx tips on their ears and wide paws for traversing deep snow.
DNA Testing
DNA testing shows that the closest relative of the Maine Coon are Norwegian Forest Cats, which Vikings once kept.
Even though Maine Coons and the Canada Lynx can be found in the same state, DNA testing does not suggest any relationships between the two.
The Maine Coon originated in the state of Maine, which is known for being cold and snowy.
The History Of Lynx Cats
Are they related?
Four Types
There are four kinds of Lynx: The Canada Lynx, the Eurasian Lynx, the Iberian Lynx, and the Bobcat.
Where Can They Be Found?
Both the Bobcat and Canada Lynx can be found throughout Canada and the United States.
While the Canada Lynx was once present throughout much of the United States, it can now be found only in Maine, Washington, Colorado, and Montana.
Bobcats do not have the same special adaptations as the Canada Lynx to traverse harsh winter climates, so they are found further south in the US.
The Lynx cat’s history is much more ancient than the Maine Coons.
Personality And Temperament
The Maine Coon is known as the gentle giant of the cat world because, despite its massive size, cats of this breed are highly affectionate and loving.
They get along great with children and other pets but tend to become depressed and lonely if they spend too much time alone.
By comparison, Lynx cats are solitary creatures. They rarely interact with others of their kind, and avoid humans as much as possible. They are highly territorial and are too wild to make good pets.
Most Lynx cats patrol a wide range of territory, which they share with members of the opposite sex but not of the same sex.
A female Lynx might share its territory with one male, while a male Lynx can share its territory with up to three females.
When they are first born, Lynx kittens weigh about 200 grams. By the time they are fully grown, however, they weigh between 17 and 30 pounds! They have a body length of about 32 to 33.5 inches long and stand about 20 inches tall.
When a Maine Coon kitten is first born, you can expect it to weigh between 90 and 170 grams. Once fully grown, they weigh between 12 and 22 pounds. They measure between 19 and 40 inches long and 8 to 16 inches tall.
Maine Coons need a combination of dry food and wet food to stay healthy. Wet food is hydrating and helps prevent kidney disease, while dry food prevents periodontal disease by scraping off plaque.
Maine Coons need a high amount of protein, a moderate amount of fat, and a small amount of carbohydrates.
Lynx cats primarily eat snowshoe hares; this type of prey makes up 75% of their diet! Outside of this, they eat prey like voles, birds, and sometimes larger prey like deer.
Coat Colors
The Maine Coon comes in many different colors and can come in just about any appearance other than the colorpoint pattern and some rare dilute colors like:
- Lilac
- Chocolate
The Lynx, however, only comes in pale gray or brown colors with spots of black throughout the coat.
It’s impossible to know what colors a hybrid of the two might come in.
Health Problems
A purebred Maine Coon is usually considered quite hardy and healthy, but there are some health issues they are prone to.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
This medical condition causes the muscles of a cat’s spine and hind legs to atrophy. This condition is painless but does cause mobility issues.
Polycystic Kidney Disease
PKD is a condition where cysts form in the affected cat’s kidneys. In severe cases, they can lead to death, while in mild cases the Maine Coon owner may never even realize their cat has the condition.
Hip Dysplasia
This condition causes the ball and socket joint of the hip to grind awkwardly as the cat walks. This motion eventually wears away the joint, making it loose and painful.
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
This condition means the affected cat cannot produce enough of the enzyme, Pyruvate Kinase, which provides energy to red blood cells. These red blood cells die prematurely, causing anemia and weakness.
Less is known about the health problems of Canada Lynxes, but some people who work in wildlife try to trap and release Lynxes to research health conditions that might affect the species.
In the wild, they are threatened by:
- Rabies
- Distemper
- Parasitic Infections
Exercise Needs
Maine Coons need a lot of exercise and playtime. A Maine Coon parent should expect to play with their cat for at least 20-30 minutes each day.
Maine Coons
They also need lots of durable, interactive toys and plenty of big furniture to climb and jump on.
Lynx cats also need lots of exercise. In the wild, they cover huge territory ranges; male Lynxes can have territory ranges of up to 18 square miles! They spend much of their time running, patrolling their territory, and hunting prey.
Maine Coon cats are one of the most popular recognized breeds of the Cat Fanciers’ Association, and as a result, they don’t come cheap.
Most Maine Coons cost over $1,000, but they can cost well over $3,000 depending on their ancestry or coloration. Learn More.
You cannot legally purchase a Lynx cat. Their population is threatened by deforestation and global warming, and their shy, territorial personality means it would be cruel to keep them as pets.
Grooming Needs
In the wild, Lynx cats care for their coats alone. They also rely on thorns and branches to pull out shedding fur and keep out tangles.
Maine Coons, meanwhile, need a lot of help from their owners. Here are our RECOMMENDED GROOMING TIPS.
These long-haired cats have extra long tufts of fur on their:
- Paw
- Bellies
- Hind Legs
It is common for a Maine Coon parent to trim this extra-long fur to prevent it from getting soiled or tangled.
Maine Coons also need weekly brushing, plus more during shedding season. You should use a comb for the longer guard hairs on your Maine Coon and use a slicker brush for their dense undercoats.
Additionally, trim your Maine Coon’s nails every few weeks if they are kept as an indoor pet.
It’s also good to clean their ears with a damp cloth or a vet-approved ear-cleaning solution.
Maine Coons live between 12 and 15 years on average. But there are exceptions! Read this to LEARN MORE!
While many purebred cats are vulnerable to genetic defects or health conditions, the Maine Coon is one of the healthier cat breeds, and you can expect these cats to live long healthy lives.
The average lifespan of a Canada Lynx is between 10 and 20 years in the wild. The Canada Lynx has lived up to 26 years in captivity, likely thanks to a specialized diet and medical support (source 1).
Would A Mix Get On With Other Pets?
A mix between a Maine Coon and a Lynx would likely have too high of a prey drive to be around other pets, including cats and dogs.
In the wild, Lynx cats hunt deer and caribou, so taking down a cat or dog would be no problem for them. They are also highly territorial, so they’re more likely to view other pets as a threat than a potential friend.
Even though Maine Coons look quite similar to Lynxes, they are not at all related. It’s not likely they can mate with one another.
A Maine Coon’s lynx tip ears and massive paws look so much like a wildcat, you’ll probably feel like you have a pet Lynx of your very own if you adopt a Maine Coon!