Can Maine Coons Live In Apartments?

Have you been considering bringing a Maine Coon home, but started to wonder can Maine Coons live in apartments?
This is a sensible thought and it’s best to check important factors like this out prior to adopting or purchasing an animal.
Maine Coons can live happily in large apartments, provided the owner spends most of their time at home. Large cats living in apartments require daily walks outside and ideally access to an enclosed garden. This highly intelligent and energetic cat breed requires lots of enrichment and personal space to play, so small apartments are not suitable.
If you live in an apartment, but desperately want a Maine Coon, it’s likely you want to ensure your cat will be happy living in a smaller space.
Deciding whether or not your Maine Coon can live in an apartment comes down to personal choice.
There are many pros and cons to consider before choosing to bring a Maine Coon into an apartment.
Read on to find out whether you have what it takes to keep this popular cat breed in your apartment!
Can Maine Coons Live In Apartments?
Maine Coons are the largest domestic cat breed in the world.
They originated in the cold state of Maine, where they roamed wild and caught mice and other rodents.
Discover more about their origins by reading my article about the various folktale stories associated with this particular cat breed.
This is a highly intelligent and energetic cat breed that needs plenty of enrichment to stay happy and entertained.
As a result, while it is possible for Maine Coons to live happily in an apartment, it’s not advised.
Small apartments especially can be too cramped for Maine Coons to get the space and enrichment they need.
If your apartment has an enclosed balcony or garden space, then it’s more likely your cat will be happy living there.
It’s also important for your cat to have plenty of windows to look out of, although, if you live above a ground floor, they’ll need to be properly secured to avoid injury or death.
Maine Coons also need a space that they feel is their own.
They simply can’t be happy if every inch of the apartment is occupied by others, because they won’t have a safe space to retreat to if they are feeling overwhelmed.
If your apartment is large enough you can give your Maine Coon its own space by dedicating corners of the apartment specifically to your cat.
Maine Coons are climbers, so you’ll also need to consider whether your apartment is large enough to house a big cat tree.
These are my favorite extra-large cat trees, I particularly love numbers 3 and 4 (I’m currently saving up to buy these two cat trees, so don’t buy them all!)
If your apartment isn’t large enough to house all the toys and other items required for keeping a Maine Coon, then it’s unlikely a cat will be well suited to living there.
The question of whether or not a Maine Coon can live in an apartment can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. You’ll have to take into account your personal circumstances before making that decision yourself.
At the end of the day, you’ll have to ask yourself whether your Maine Coon will be truly happy living in your apartment.
Do Maine Coons Need A Lot Of Space?
Even though Maine Coons are larger than other cats, they don’t actually take up much more space than the average cat.
One main difference is that a Maine Coon’s cat trees and scratching posts are larger than the average cat’s to accommodate their size.
Secondly, Maine Coons are active cats who need a decent amount of room to run around, climb and explore.
In general, Maine Coons do not do well in tiny apartments, or even in large apartments if they are cluttered and inhabited by several people.
As you will appreciate, it’s important to remember that there are no hard and fast rules about which living situations are ideal and decisions should be made on a case by case basis.
In general, you should ask yourself if a Maine Coon would have enough space to mark its own territory and feel safe and unbothered throughout the day.
Just like humans, cats need to have space away from others when they want alone time.
Are Maine Coons Indoor Cats?
Maine Coons are relatively laidback and affectionate cats.
Find out more about their personality type by reading this article I wrote.
This particular cat breed needs some form of companionship, whether that be a close bond with at least one human who’s around often or another cat.
Maine Coons are renowned for their intelligence and energy levels. They love jumping, playing, hunting, and climbing. As a result, they can certainly benefit from spending time outside.
Even though Maine Coons need lots of enrichment to keep up with their sharp minds, it’s still possible to satisfy your Maine Coon’s physical and mental needs indoors.
Plenty of spaces to climb and explore, as well as a wide variety of toys, can keep any Maine Coon just as stimulated as if they were outside.
There are a lot of pros and cons to keeping a cat either inside or outside, so it ultimately comes down to personal choice.
Before deciding whether to keep your cat indoors or allow it to roam around outside, you should do plenty of research.
Letting a cat outdoors is great for enrichment, but also comes with a certain amount of risk. Read more here ‘Can Maine Coon Cats Go Outside?‘.
Keep in mind, however, that a cat with a disability or special needs should not be let outdoors.
If your cat is missing limbs, blind, or suffers from other conditions that can put it at higher risk of harm outdoors, it will be much safer kept inside.
Pros And Cons Of Keeping Maine Coon In Apartment
Deciding whether you should bring a Maine Coon into an apartment all comes down to personal choice.
Here are some of the pros and cons to consider before making a final decision.
- You Can Take Them Out For Walks: Even if you’re worried your apartment may be too small for a Maine Coon, you can still supplement this with time outside, especially through walks.
- It’s Safer: Even though many cats feel more enriched by having access to the outdoors, it’s often safer to keep them inside. An apartment cat won’t be at risk of being hit by a car, attacked by another cat, or contracting an illness.
- They’re Very Laid Back: Even though Maine Coon Cats are energetic, they’re one of the more adaptable cat breeds out there. With plenty of playtime and toys, most Maine Coons fit in quite well to apartment life.
- Your Cat May Feel Insecure: If your Maine Coon doesn’t have sufficient space, it might feel as though it doesn’t have any safe areas to escape to for some alone time. This can cause your cat to feel insecure and not at home.
- It Might Become Restless: If you’re not providing enough enrichment and stimulation to your Maine Coon, it could lash out through destructive behaviors like tearing apart the couch or pillows! Read more about this here.
- Balconies and Windows Can Be Dangerous: You may be tempted to let your cat out on the balcony for a change of scenery, but the truth is that any floor above ground level can be life threatening. Even windows that aren’t properly secured and cat-proofed can lead to death!
How To Keep A Maine Coon Happy In An Apartment
If you want to bring a Maine Coon into your apartment, you’ll have to try harder than most owners to ensure it’s receiving enough enrichment.
Learning how to entertain a Maine Coon Cat is essential to keeping it happy while living in an apartment.
1. Window Seats
Make sure the windows of your apartment are properly secured to avoid the danger of falling.
When you know the windows are safe for your cat, you should place furniture that allows your cat to look outside.
Watching birds, cars, and people is a great way to keep your cat entertained!
2. Cat Trees
Maine Coons love to climb.
A large cat tree is a great way to add some more space for your Maine Coon to stretch its legs, and it also provides a form of exercise.
These are my favorite cat trees.
3. Lots Of Toys
Make sure your Maine Coon has a variety of toys available at all times. As mentioned earlier, be sure to rotate toys to prevent your cat from becoming bored.
4. Regular Walks
You can train your Maine Coon to walk on a harness and leash.
Going out for regular walks is not only a great way to exercise your Maine Coon, but it also gives it a chance to see the world outside your apartment.
5. Playtime
Simply having toys around the house isn’t enough to keep your Maine Coon entertained.
Be sure to spend some time each day playing with your cat, whether it be with a feather chaser or a laser pointer, so your Maine Coon can run around!
What Do Maine Coons Like To Play With?
Maine Coons, like all cats, need a variety of toys to keep entertained and stimulated. Plenty of floor toys like balls, stuffed mice, and other things to bat around are a must.
Motorized toys that move are the perfect way to excite your cat and satisfy its natural hunting instincts.
Feather toys and other handheld chasers are great toys for interacting with your cat.
Maine Coons love toys that move, and it’s even better if you’re the one moving it for them!
Believe it or not, Maine Coons are also known for their love of water! If you’re okay with cleaning up after a mess, your cat may enjoy some playtime in the tub or sink.
How Much Exercise Does A Maine Coon Need?
Maine Coons are energetic cats that are usually able to get all the exercise they need on their own.
By providing plenty of toys as well as a cat tree, your Maine Coon should play and climb enough to stay physically fit.
You should also make sure to play with your cat at least once or twice every day.
If you think your Maine Coon could use some more exercise though, you can also take your cat out for a walk!
Can You Walk Maine Coon Cats?
Not all cats like to be walked on a harness and leash, but Maine Coons are often referred to as the “dogs of the cat world.”
With proper training, preferably beginning in kittenhood, your Maine Coon can benefit greatly from walks.
Taking a Maine Coon out for walks is a great way to keep them from getting bored, as well as provide an extra form of exercise.
If you think your Maine Coon isn’t getting enough opportunities to stretch its legs in an apartment, then you can supplement through walks.
Start out small, with just five to ten-minute increments at first. After that, you can take your cat out for walks lasting up to an hour or so!
Make sure to bring along water, of course, and keep an eye out for signs of exhaustion or stress.
Can Maine Coons Be Left Alone In Apartment?
Maine Coons can be independent at times, and they aren’t known for being clingy. However, they are still highly affectionate cats that crave companionship.
A Maine Coon won’t be happy if it’s left alone all day for the better part of each week.
If you’re away for work most of the time, and you don’t have other family members around to give your Maine Coon love and affection, consider adopting a second cat to satisfy your Maine Coon cat’s need for companionship.
Even with another cat around, however, a Maine Coon will be far happier if it gets to spend at least a few hours every day around its owners.
Are Maine Coons Destructive?
Maine Coons are not a naturally destructive breed.
With that being said, however, they are very intelligent.
If a Maine Coon is not properly enriched and stimulated, it may become bored and begin destroying furniture and other household items as a result. Here’s why …
If your Maine Coon becomes destructive, this is a huge signal that it’s not receiving enough enrichment.
Consider buying a cat tree if you don’t already have one, and invest in a few new Maine Coon cat toys.
Another way to keep your Maine Coon enriched is to rotate toys. If your cat gets too used to seeing the same toys all the time, it will quickly grow bored.
Keep two or three separate toy tubs and alternate every two weeks to every month.
Warning Signs Of An Unhappy Cat
It’s important to keep an eye on your cat’s mental state to see if it’s becoming stressed by its environment.
Here are some common behaviors that can signal an unhappy cat (source 1).
- Change in Appetite: Keep a close eye on your cat’s eating habits. A loss of appetite could signal depression or unhappiness.
- Change in Grooming Habits: Cats will often either under or over groom themselves when they are stressed. If your cat’s fur looks dull and matted, it likely isn’t grooming as often as it should. On the flipside, if your cat is missing clumps of fur, particularly on its tail, it might be overgrooming.
- Frequent Hiding: An unhappy cat will likely feel unsafe and insecure in its environment, so it will spend more time hiding under beds, couches, or other “safe” areas to feel more secure.
- Loss of Interest: A depressed cat might begin to lose interest in activities it used to enjoy. If your cat is upset, it might not play, climb, or even cuddle as much as it used to.
- Aggression: If a cat is unhappy, it may lash out through aggressive behaviors such as biting, hissing, or scratching. More subtle signs of aggression include growling or flattened ears.
Best Cat Breeds For Apartments
While Maine Coons can live happily in apartments, calm lapcats are usually better suited to apartment life.
Here are the top five best cat breeds that do well in apartments (source 1):
- Persian: Persian cats are laidback with low exercise requirements. This breed would much rather lounge around on the couch than run around an apartment! Persians also don’t require as much mental stimulation, so only a few toys and a bit of playtime here and there are required to keep them happy.
- Ragdoll: Ragdolls are known for being calm and cuddly. These lovely lapcats have moderate amounts of energy, but are so adaptable that they can easily enjoy life in an apartment. While they still require plenty of playtime, they don’t need lots of space to stay happy.
- Birman: The Birman cat is a sweet and affectionate breed that would be perfectly content to live in an apartment. Even though they have a playful nature, these quiet and adaptable cats don’t need tons of space. However, Birmans are sociable cats that need plenty of time around their owners!
- British Shorthair: The British Shorthair is one of the most easy going breeds out there. While affectionate towards their owners, they aren’t clingy, and they’re known for being pretty sedentary. Males tend to have more energy than females, but either gender is calm enough to be well suited to apartment life.
- Exotic Shorthair: Exotic Shorthairs are incredibly affectionate creatures that love curling up on the couch. They can get moderate spurts of energy, but after a few minutes playing around on the floor, they go straight back to napping with their favorite humans! These low maintenance cats are perfect for living in an apartment.
There’s no clear-cut answer to the question can Maine Coons live in apartments?
Rather, you have to decide for yourself whether you have the time, space, and resources it takes to keep a Maine Coon entertained in your apartment.
By providing regular walks, plenty of toys, and a space where your cat feels safe and secure, then it is possible for Maine Coons to feel happy while living in an apartment.
At the end of the day, however, you should base your decision around whether or not you think a Maine Coon would be truly happy living in your apartment.
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