2024 TICA Registered Maine Coon Breeders

With thousands of pedigree kittens available for sale across various online forums it’s tempting to grab a bargain from a Maine Coon breeder that isn’t registered.
Keep reading to discover why this would be a costly mistake.
Why Choose Registered Maine coon breeders?
The best place to buy purebred Maine Coons is from a registered Maine Coon cat breeder that is listed with major cat bodies like TICA or CFA.
Registered cat breeders screen their breeding cats for genetic medical issues, before breeding and will not sell their kittens under 13 weeks of age.
High-quality breeders provide the following information when selling their beautiful Maine Coon kittens:
- Kitten Registration Certificate
- Vaccination History
- Medical History
- Dietary Needs
- Pedigree Status
- Kitten Contract (more commonly seen in the USA)
Registered breeders are massive fans of these large cats and take great care of their pedigree cats. They adhere to a structured breeding program following the Maine Coon breed standard and aren’t just breeding kittens to make money.
Wide Knowledge
A registered Maine Coon breeder will be highly knowledgeable about the breed and happy to show new pet parents how to care for their cats. Many also provide lifetime breeder support, giving purchasers peace of mind.
Meet The Parents
Buyers can meet the kitten’s parents, and have an opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the Maine Coon Traits these cats display.
Video Calls
Some breeders operate closed catteries but will be more than happy to offer a video call where you can meet the kitten before purchasing it.
Legitimate Pedigree Paperwork
You will receive authentic pedigree paperwork for the kitten you purchase.
Health Guarantee
Some registered breeders offer a 1-year health guarantee for their kittens. This added level of protection indicates that the breeder is confident they are selling healthy kittens.
After Care Service
A reputable breeder is unlikely to ‘disappear’ overnight and only want to sell their healthy Maine Coon kittens to forever homes. They offer ongoing support and advice to the new family.
Genetic Defects
They conduct genetic testing on their breeding cats to ensure their gentle giants do not pass any genetic defects onto their litters.
Legitimate breeders screen breeding cats for the following Maine Coon health issues:
- Hip Dysplasia
- Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
- PK Def
- Feline Leukemia Virus
Vaccination History
Kittens are sold with a full veterinary history. They are fully vaccinated.
Standard Of Care
Breeders registered with TICA or CFA have agreed to abide by these cat bodies’ codes of conduct. They will have given the kittens plenty of attention and love.
Funding Legitimate Businesses
Buying from registered breeders helps keep high-quality cat breeders in business.
Criteria For Selecting A Registered Breeder
Here is the outline I use when selecting a Maine Coon cat breeder:
1. Accreditation and Affiliations
- Look for breeders who are accredited by recognized cat breeding associations such as The International Cat Association (TICA) or the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).
- Affiliation with reputable organizations ensures that breeders adhere to breeding standards and ethical guidelines.
2. Health Testing Protocols
- Ensure the breeder conducts comprehensive health testing on their breeding cats to screen for genetic diseases common in Maine Coons, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and hip dysplasia.
- Request documentation of health screenings and certifications to ensure the health and well-being of the kittens.
3. Reputation and Reviews
- Research the breeder’s reputation and seek reviews from past customers.
- Look for feedback on the breeder’s professionalism, communication, and the health and temperament of their kittens.
- Positive reviews and recommendations from satisfied customers are indicative of a reputable breeder.
4. Transparency
- Find a breeder who is transparent about their breeding practices and facilities.
- Ask questions about the breeder’s breeding program, socialization efforts, and living conditions for the cats and kittens.
- A reputable breeder will willingly provide information and allow prospective buyers to visit their facilities to observe firsthand.
Here are 20 Questions To Ask A Breeder:
Tips For Potential Buyers
Having experienced the buying and adoption process for three Maine Coon cats, these are my best tips for new Maine Coon owners:
A. Research and Vet Breeders
- Take the time to research and vet breeders thoroughly before committing.
- Utilize online resources, breed club websites, and social media platforms to gather information about breeders.
- Look for breeders with a solid reputation, positive reviews, and a commitment to ethical breeding practices.
B. Ask Questions and Visit The Facilities
- Don’t hesitate to ask breeders questions about their breeding program, health testing protocols, and the socialization of kittens.
- If possible, arrange a visit to the breeder’s facilities to observe the living conditions and meet the cats and kittens in person. Many breeders have closed their catteries due to COVID-19 and criminal threats. If you encounter this issue, request a video visit.
- A reputable breeder will welcome questions and provide transparency about their practices.
C. Contracts And Warranties
- Before purchasing a kitten, carefully review the breeder’s contract, including any warranties or guarantees offered.
- Ensure the contract outlines the responsibilities of both the buyer and the breeder, including health guarantees, return policies, and spay/neuter agreements.
- Clarify any questions or concerns regarding the contract terms with the breeder before finalizing the purchase.
- Enquire about after-sales support provided by the breeder, such as advice on care, training, and ongoing assistance as needed.
Directory Of Registered Maine Coon Breeders
The International Cat Association (TICA) lists the following registered Maine Coon cat breeders. Established in 1910, this organization is the biggest registration body for pedigree cats in the United Kingdom.
If you live in the United Kingdom, you can also look for cat breeders registered with The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.
Maine Coon Central does not endorse any of these breeders, their products, or their services. Fact-checked January 2024.
Katrina Stewardson, Director of Maine Coon Central
Maine Coon Breeders Canada
Breeder | Website | |
Adamomc | adamocattery.com | info@ adamocattery.com |
Auroracanada | mainecoon kittens.ca | lbouz@ hotmail.com |
Furrypaw | Instagram: furrypaw_tica | nkashyrets @gmail.com |
Grand Maine Coon | Facebook: GrandMaineCoon | grandmaine coon@ gmail.com |
King Coon Cats | Instagram: king_maine_ coon_cats | roxy3530@ gmail.com |
Maine Coon Family | mainecoon canada.com | info@ mainecoon canada.com |
Nobel | Facebook: Nobel mainecoon | ekaterina. adityarova @nobelton .com |
Our Savvy Cats | oursavvy cats.com | savvysphynx@ gmail.com |
Slowblink | slowblink mainecoons. com | slowblink mainecoons @gmail.com |
Wild Wood Coons | wildwood coons.ca | saratanwir@ hotmail.com |
British Columbia
Breeder | Website | |
Coonamor | coonamor .com | Unknown |
Coons ransom | coonsransom .com | apriljoga @gmail.com |
European | European Mainecoon .com | info@european mainecoon.com |
Furrypaw | Instagram: furrypaw_tica | nkashyrets @gmail.com |
King Coon Cats | Instagram: king_maine_ coon_cats | roxy3530 @gmail.com |
Maine Coon Family | mainecoon canada.com | info@maine cooncanada .com |
Mythical Dream | Facebook: mythical dream | mythicaldream mainecooncattery @gmail.com |
Nobel | Facebook: Nobelmainecoon | ekaterina. adityarova@ nobelton.com |
Slowblink | slowblink mainecoons.com | slowblinkmaine coons@ gmail.com |
Wild Wood Coons | wildwood coons.ca | saratanwir @hotmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Furrypaw | Instagram: furrypaw_tica | nkashyrets @gmail.com |
Grand Maine Coon | Facebook: GrandMaine Coon | grandmaine coon @gmail.com |
Wild Wood Coons | wildwood coons.ca | saratanwir @hotmail .com |
New Brunswick
Breeder | Website | |
Grand Maine Coon | Facebook: GrandMaine Coon | grandmaine coon@gmail .com |
Wild Wood Coons | wildwood coons.ca | saratanwir@ hotmail.com |
Nova Scotia
Breeder | Website | |
Annapolis valley | Facebook: annapolis valley mainecoons | lizzcochrane @hotmail.com |
Grand Maine Coon | Facebook: GrandMaine Coon | grandmaine coon @gmail.com |
Maine Coon Family | mainecoon canada.com | info@maine coon canada.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Abbraccionese | gentleid.org | ioneseekaterina @gmail.com |
Adamomc | adamocattery .com | info@adamo cattery.com |
Best Band Coon | bestbandcoon. wixsite.com /website-16 | bestbandcoon@ mail.ru |
Grand Maine Coon | Facebook: GrandMaine Coon | grandmainecoon @gmail.com |
Hawksnest | Facebook: hawsnest mainecoons | hawksnest mainecoons @gmail.com |
King Coon Cats | Instagram: king_maine_ coon_cats | roxy3530 @gmail.com |
Maine Coon Family | mainecoon canada.com | info@mainecoon canada.com |
Mcattery | Not Specified | Not Specified |
Miss Maine Coon | missmaine coon.com | marie-lou.11@ hotmail.com |
New Choice | britkittens. wixsite.com /newchoice mainecoon | britkittens@ gmail.com |
Nobel | Facebook: nobelmaine coon | ekaterina. adityarova @nobelton.com |
Slowblink | slowblinkmaine coons.com | slowblinkmaine coons @gmail.com |
Prince Edward Island
Breeder | Website | |
Maine Coon Family | mainecoon canada.com | info@maine coon canada.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Grand Maine Coon | Facebook: GrandMaine Coon | grandmaine coon @gmail.com |
Hawksnest | Facebook: hawsnest mainecoons | hawksnest mainecoons @gmail.com |
Maine Coon Family | mainecoon canada.com | info@maine coon canada.com |
Miss Maine Coon | missmaine coon.com | marie-lou.11 @hotmail.com |
Nobel | Facebook: nobelmaine coon | ekaterina. adityarova @nobelton.com |
Slowblink | slowblinkmaine coons.com | slowblink mainecoons @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Slowblink | slowblink mainecoons .com | slowblink mainecoons @gmail.com |
Wild Wood Coons | wildwood coons.ca | saratanwir@ hotmail.com |
Channel Islands
Breeder | Website | |
Emilous Cats | emilouscats .co.uk | emilouscats@ outlook.com |
Thirteenth Moon | thirteenthmoon felines.co.uk | thirteenth moonfelines @gmail.com |
Vallee Coons | valleecoons .com | anna @panther.je |
Breeder | Website | |
Kunzargo | kunzargo .com | persa.18 @hotmail.com |
Costa Rica
Breeder | Website | |
Delamon arquia | delamon arquia.com | davidrod28@ gmail.com |
Puravida coons | puravida maine coons.com | puravida coonscr @gmail.com |
El Salvador
Breeder | Website | |
Delamonarquia | delamon arquia.com | davidrod28 @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Beast Of Dartmoor | devonmaine coons.co.uk | beastofdart moorcattery@ outlook.com |
Emilous Cats | emilous cats.co.uk | emilouscats@ outlook.com |
Fluffy Lusha | fluffylu.co.uk | fluffylusha@ gmail.com |
Golden ratio | goldenratio mainecoon .co.uk | veselasultanova3 @gmail.com |
Kleooket | kleooket@ gmail.com | kleooket @gmail.com |
Koshachiykoon | koshachiy koon.com | koshachiykoon @outlook.com |
Manekicoons | manekicoons .co.uk | holly@maneki coons.co.uk |
Mighty Kitty | mightykitty .co.uk | info@mighty kitty.co.uk |
Monacoon | Instagram: ingasmithpt | ingaptacha@ hotmail.co.uk |
Orrono | orrono.com | leanne @orrono.com |
Seventh Heaven | mainecoonsof seventh heaven.uk | seventh .heavenmcs @gmail.com |
Thirteenthmoon | thirteenthmoon felines.co.uk | thirteenthmoon felines @gmail.com |
Valleecoons | valleecoons .com | anna @panther.je |
Breeder | Website | |
Delamonarquia | delamon arquia.com | davidrod28 @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Delamon arquia | delamon arquia.com | davidrod28 @gmail.com |
Isle Of Man
Breeder | Website | |
Emilouscats | emilous cats.co.uk | emilouscats@ outlook.com |
Thirteenth moon | thirteenth moon felines.co.uk | thirteenth moonfelines @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Emilous cats | emilous cats.co.uk | emilouscats @outlook.com |
Thirteenth moon | thirteenthmoon felines.co.uk | thirteenth moonfelines @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Kunzargo | kunzargo .com | persa.18 @hotmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
King Coon Cats | Instagram: king_maine _coon_cats | roxy3530 @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Delamonarquia | delamon arquia.com | davidrod28 @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Kunzargo | kunzargo .com | persa.18@ hotmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Emilouscats | emilous cats.co.uk | emilouscats@ outlook.com |
Thirteenth moon | thirteenth moonfelines .co.uk/ | thirteenth moonfelines @gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Kimzkoonz | kimzkoonz .com | ekimzkoonz @gmail.com |
Kunzargo | kunzargo .com | persa.18@ hotmail.com |
United Arab Emirates
Breeder | Website | |
Kunzargo | kunzargo .com | persa.18@ hotmail.com |
United Kingdom
Breeder | Website | |
Auracoonz | auracoonz .com | auracoonz@ gmail.com |
Breeder | Website | |
Kunzzargo | kunzargo .com | persa.18@ hotmail .com |
Breeder | Website | |
Emilouscats | emilous cats.co.uk | emilouscats@ outlook.com |
Hillcroft | Instagram: hillcroft_ maine_coons | fordzoe2@ gmail.com |
Thirteenth moon | thirteenth moonfelines .co.uk | thirteenth moonfelines @gmail.com |
USA: Alabama
- ChampionCoons.com
- britneywicker@gmail.com
Alpha Cute Kitten
- alphacutekittens.com
- contact@alphacutekittens.com
- apurfectcattery.com
- apurfectcattery@gmail.com
- championcoons.com
- support@championcoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons@gmail.com
- jellicodream.com
- jellicodream@gmail.com
- lakesidemainecoon.com
- chris@lakesidemainecoon.com
Maine Coon Hill
- mainecoonhill.com
- mainecoonhill@gmail.com
Maine Street Coon
- mainestreetcoons.com
- kyra@mainestreetcoons.com
- floridamainecoons.com
- laneginnie@gmail.com
- mccabeacrescattery.com
- tmccabe13@gmail.com
- Mainecoonperfection.com
- bepreparednow@live.com
Rocket Kitty Coon
- rocketkittycoons.com
- Induckett79@gmail.com
- suthercoon.com
- sutherncoon@yahoo.com
The Lions Whelp
- thelionswhelp.com
- thelionswhelpmainecoon@gmail.com
Vintage Cats
- vintagemainecoons.com
- vintagecats@yahoo.com
Watson Hill
- alabamamainecoons.com
- jessicalaffosse@yahoo.com
USA: Alaska
Coons Ransom
- apriljoga@gmail.com
- coonsransom.com
USA: Arizona
- bellspurr.com
- lucyappel@yahoo.com
Bena Vida Maines
- benavidamaines.com
- benavidamaines@gmail.com
- dawntreadermainecoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons@gmail.com
Diamond Mountain
- bingoskennel.com
- sherryhardman@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittnes.com
- usamainecoons.com
- usamainecoons@gmail.com
NW Coonies
- nwcoonies.com
- nwcoonies@gmail.com
RM Maine Coons
- rmmainecoon.com
- tjfiou@live.com
- santolicattery.com
- irishka22091993@gmail.com
Sissys Farm
- sissysfarm.shop
- sandrasum6868@yahoo.com
Soltice Cats
- solsticecats.com
- solsticecats@gmail.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- kitten@southmainecoons.com
Whiskers And Paws
- whiskersandpawscattery.com
- whiskersandpawscattery@gmail.com
Zia Maine Coons
- ziamainecoonsnm.com
- acourter@hobbsnm.org
USA: Arkansas
- arkancoons.com
- hdjulie@gmail.com
Big Tex Coons
- BigTexCoons.com
- bigtexcoons@aol.com
- missourimainecoons.com
- admin@brushykreek.com
Cossatot MC Cats
- https://m.facebook.com/search_results/?q=cossatot+maine+coon+cats
- maryrf@yahoo.com
- dawntreadermainecoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons@gmail.com
- mainecoonsgottoes.com
- jdharris130@gmail.com
KandL Maine Coons
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565026539518&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user
- xcelpetgrooming@gmail.com
Smokie Okie MC
- smokieokiemainecoons.com
- sharletabrown@gmail.com
Vintage Cats
- vintagemainecoons.com
- Vintagecats@yahoo.com
- FacebookID=100093589061332
- c.hein@ymail.com
USA: California
A Big Kitty
- abigkitty.com
- abigkittycattery@gmail.com
Adamo MC
- adamocattery.com
- claudia.adamo77@gmail.com
Amore Furr Coons
- amorefurrcoons.com
- amorefurrcoons@gmail.com
A Perfect Cattery
- aperfectcattery.com
- aperfectcattery@gmail.com
Ash Maine Coons
- ashmainecoons.com
- ashmainecoons@yahoo.com
Bellatrix MCO
- bellatrixcattery.com
- bellatrixmco@gmail.com
- bellspurr.com
- lucyappel@yahoo.com
Bena Vida Maines
- benavidamaines.com
- suzanne.prevette@yahoo.com
Berry Furry
- berryfurry.com
- melissagrace@berryfurry.com
- coonsransom.com
- apriljoga@gmail.com
Crystal Star
- mainecooncrystalstar.com
- gorayelena@yahoo.com
- emeraldcrow.com
- emeraldcrowstudio@gmail.com
Exotic Coons
- exoticcoons.com
- americanmohavebobs@gmail.com
- fivestarszmainecoon.com
- svitlanka_24@yahoo.com
Freedom Mountain
- freedommountainmainecoons.com
- erin.olivia@att.net
Giant Maines
- mainecoonsize.com
- giantmainecooncats@gmail.com
Greek Garden
- greekgardenmainecoons.com
- melpace717@gmail.com
Happy Beast
- happybeastmainecoon.com
- goldvictory1421@gmail.com
Homegrown Coon
- homegrownadventures.net
- irinavakulchik4@gmail.com
- mainecooncattery.com
- mm.parfenovich@gmail.com
Hopeful Hill
- maincooncatsofhopefulhillfarm-llc.com
- hopefulhillfarm@yahoo.com
Idaho Maine Coons
- idahomainecoons.com
- idmainecoons@outlook.com
King Coon Cats
- instagram.com/king_maine_coon_cats?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg%3D%3D
- roxy3530@gmail.com
- kunturi.pet
- info@kunturi.pet
LM Coon Cat
- lmcooncattery.com
- lmcoonmainecooncattery@gmail.com
Magic Hatical
- magichatticalmainecoons.com
- tamig@bak.rr.com
Maine Coon Lovers
- wearemainecoonlovers.com
- nymainecoonlovers@gmail.com
Maniacs MainC
- mainecoonmaniacs.com
- mainecoonmaniacs@gmail.com
Marvelous Giants
- purebredkitties.com/collections/maine-coon-kittens
- connect@purebredkitties.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Meow Meadow NC
- meowmeadowmainecoons.com
- meowmeadowmainecoons@gmail.com
- usamainecoons.com
- usamainecoons@gmail.com
NW Coonies
- nwcoonies.com
- nwcoonies@gmail.com
Pacific Coonies
- pacificcoonies.com
- sabrinalowe.dikeman5354@gmail.com
Peake Kittens
- peakekittens.com
- peakekittens@gmail.com
Royal Whiskerz
- instagram.com/royal_whiskerz_cattery_?igsh=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg%3D%3D
- royalwhiskerz@gmail.com
- santolicattery.com/maine-coon-kittens
- irishka22091993@gmail.com
Sassy Koonz
- sassykoonz.com
- tracycaywood@gmail.com
Savage Mcs
- vonsavemainecoons.com
- diana@vonsavagemainecoons.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- emiliyaradford@icloud.com
Tahoe Maine Coons
- tahoemainecoons.com
- tahoemainecoons@gmail.com
The Royal Coon
- theroyalcoon.com
- marceleparanhos@gmail.com
Whiskers And Paws
- whiskersandpawscattery.com
- whiskersandpawscattery@gmail.com
Wild Whisper
- wildwhispermainecoon.com
- enikeeva.marina@gmail.com
Zia Maine Coons
- nwcoonies.com
- acourter@hobbsnm.com
USA: Colorado
Bellatrix MCO
- bellatrixcattery.com
- bellatrixmco@gmail.com
- coloradomainecoons.com
- coloradomainecoons@gmail.com
Crystal MC
- crystal-mainecoon.weeblycom
- potter.c@comcast.net
Dapper Maines MCC
- dappermanesmainecoons.com
- dappermanesmcc@gmail.com
Diamond Mountain
- bingoskennel.com
- sherry.hardman@gmail.com
Freedom Mountain
- freedommountainmainecoons.com
- erin.olivia@att.net
- mainecoongottoes.com
- jdharris130@gmail.com
High Country MC
- hcmainecoons.com
- hcmainecoons@gmail.com
Hopeful Hill
- maincooncatsofhopefulhillfarm-llc.com
- hopefulhillfarm@yahoo.com
Lise Madson
- lisemadson.com
- lisemadson@gmail.com
Maine Coonection
- mainecoonections.com
- april@mainecoonections.com
Maniacs MainC
- mainecoonmaniacs.com
- mainecoonmaniacs@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Mythic Maine Coon
- mythicmainecoons.com
- mythicmainecoons@gmail.com
Pacific Coonies
- pacificcoonies.com
- sabrinalowe.dikeman5354@gmail.com
Riverside MC Cats
- shawnafair10@gmail.com
RM Maine Coons
- rmmainecoon.com
- tjfiou@live.com
Sissys Farm
- sissysfarm.shop
- sandrasum6868@yahoo.com
- taucoon.com
- info@toucoon.com
Top Hat Cat
- tophatcat.net
- scz35@aol.com
Top Maine Coons
- topmainecoons.com
- takipriehali@outlook.com
Zia Maine Coons
- nwcoonies.com
- acourter@hobbsnm.com
USA: Connecticut
Alpha Coons Maine
- facebook.com/alphacoons
- ehartford@hushmail.com
Always Loyal
- alwaysloyalmainecoons.com/maine-coon-kittens-for-sale/
- alwaysloyalmainecoons@gmail.com
A Queen City Coons
- instagram.com/queencitymainecoons https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553749620184
- may.herrera092@gmail.com
Bellatrix MCO
- bellatrixcattery.com
- bellatrixmco@gmail.com
- mainecoonbudzcattery.com
- mainecoonbudzcattery@gmail.com
- championcoons.com
- support@championcoons.com
Coon Cats Of Maine
- cooncatsofmaine.com
- peteandkristie@proton.me
Elm City
- elmcitycats.com
- tinadodge58@gmail.com
- feathercoons.com
- gvillegas4789@gmail.com
Joie Devivre
- joiedevivres.com
- ssvetlanass@gmail.com
Maine Coon Lovers
- wearemainecoonlovers.com
- nymainecoonlovers@gmail.com
Majestic Coons
- majesticcoons.com
- intellectualreads@gmail.com
Native Roots
- sites.google.com/site/mainenativeroots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
- facebook.com/MaineCoonNJ?mibextid=hu50lx
- natsyoff@gmail.com
Night Silver
- nightsilvercattery.com
- nightsilvermainecoons@gmail.com
- noreastermainecoons.com
- mikejpelletier@gmail.com
- sites.google.com/site/sebagomistmainecoons/
- kelly.e.avery@gmail.com
Shaded USA
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558901532321
- shadedusamc@gmail.com
Silver Place US
- facebook.com/silverplaceus?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- silverplaceus@gmail.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- emiliyaradford@icloud.com
- https://www.instagram.com/teslacatofficial?igsh=M3diNGkxcXhycHpt
- dogksana4@gmail.com
- mainecoonny.com
- balticllc75@gmail.com
Whiskey Whiskers
- whiskeywhiskers.me
- anyacarson@gmail.com
Yellow Stone Coon
- yellowstonecoon.com
- yellowstonecoon@gmail.com
USA: Delaware
A Queen City Coons
- facebook.com/profile.php?id61553749620184
- may.herrera092@gmail.com
Beast Friend Coon
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
By The Sea
- mainecoonsbythesea.com
- sunnygoalsbb@gmail.com
Great Falls Coon
- cat.fairfaxmedia.net
- stephen.schuresko@gmail.com
- sheracoons.com
- sheramom07@yahoo.com
USA: District Of Columbia
Beast Friend Coon
- Instagram:alexandra.toropova
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@RoyalMaineCoons.com
Sara Jen
- sarajencats.com
- sarajencats@gmail.com
USA: District Of Columbia
Beast Friend Coon
- Instagram:alexandra.toropova
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
Great Falls Coon
- cat.fairfaxmedia.net
- stephen.schuresko@gmail.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@RoyalMaineCoons.com
- sheracoons.com
- sheramom07@yahoo.com
- https://www.instagram.com/teslacatofficial?igsh=M3diNGkxcXhycHpt
- dogksana4@gmail.com
USA: Florida
O1 aMainezinCoon
- championcoons.com
- britneywicker@gmail.com
Adamo MC
- adamocattery.com
- claudia.adamo77@gmail.com
Alpha Cute Kitten
- alphacutekittens.com
- contact@alphacutekittens.com
A Perfect Cattery
- aperfectcattery.com
- apurfectcattery@gmail.com
APZ Maine Coons
- apzmainecoons.com
- apzMaineCoons@gmail.com
Bella Del Gatto
- belladelgatto.com
- belladelgattomainecoons@gmail.com
- adventuresofkittens.com
- adventuresofkittens@gmail.com
Boondock Maines
- uwharriemountainmainecoons.com
- uwharriemountainmainecoons@yahoo.com
Champion Coons
- championcoons.com
- britneywicker@gmail.com
Dark Mrkcoons
- darkmarkcoons.com
- darkmrkcoons@gmail.com
- eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- kittens@eurocoonsmainecooncattery@gmail.com
Fire Lynx
- mainecoonfirelynx.com
- moni.sguerrero@gmail.com
Giant Maines
- mainecoonsize.com
- giantmainecooncats@gmail.com
- mainecoongottoes.com
- jdharris130@gmail.com
Greek Garden
- greekgardenmainecoons.com
- melpace717@gmail.com
Holy Coonz
- holycoonz.com
- terri.holycoonz@gmail.com
House Of Fur
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067893035551&mibextid=LQQJ4d
- houseoffurmainecoons@gmail.com
Inkwell Mcs
- inkwellmainecoons.com
- karin.johnson2011@tutanota.com
Iron Paws
- ironpawscattery.com
- gniotka1300@gmail.com
Jellico Dream
- jellicodream.com
- jellicodream@gmail.com
King Coon Cats
- instagram.com/king_maine_coon_cats?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg%3D%3D
- roxy3530@gmail.com
- kunturi.pet
- info@kunturi.pet
KV Koonz
- fluffytufts.com
- fluffytufts.coons@gmail.com
Lise Madson
- lisemadson.com
- lisemadson@gmail.com
Maine Coon Hill
- mainecoonhill.com
- mainecoonhill@gmail.com
Maine Coon Hut
- mainecoonhut.com
- mainecoonhut@gmail.com
Maine Coons Of FL
- mainecoonsofflorida.com
- southernlovinragdolls@gmail.com
- floridamainecoons.com
- laneginnie@gmail.com
Marvelous Giants
- purebredkitties.com/collections/maine-coon-kittens
- connect@purebredkitties.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
McCabe Acres
- mccabeacrescattery.com
- tmccabe13@gmail.com
MCity Maine Coons
- floridamainecoons.com
- deborahraymond@marblecitymainecoons.com
- mainecoonperfection.com
- bepreparednow@live.com
MTTS Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@royalmainecoons.com
Mythic Maine Coon
- mythicmainecoons.com
- mythicmainecoons@gmail.com
Nashville Coons
- thecatterync.com
- jeffandmegsnyder@icloud.com
NC Maine Coon Kit
- floridamainecoons.com
- joseysteele@gmail.com
Reigning Cats
- reigningcats.com
- khanberger@gmail.com
Rocket Kitty Coon
- rocketkittycoons.com
- induckett79@gmail.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@RoyalMaineCoons.com
Sassy Koonz
- sassykoonz.com
- tracycaywood@gmail.com
Silky Amber
- silkyamber.com
- ssilkyamber@gmail.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- emiliyaradford@icloud.com
Sporting Fields
- sportingfields.com
- sportingfields@yahoo.com
Suncrest MCoons
- suncrestmainecoons.com
- aliciahanson2180@gmail.com
Talynn King Coons
- talynnkingcoons.com
- talynnkingcoons@gmail.com
Vivat Maine Coon
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082964823160&ref=page_internal
- pavlova_irina71@mail.ru
Watson Hill
- alabamamainecoons.com
- jessicalaffosse@yahoo.com
Zoe Zac Cattery
- zoezachcattery.com
- zoesk@leeschools.net
USA: Georgia
01 Amainzincoon
- ChampionCoons.com
- support@championcoons.com
Alpha Cute Kitten
- alphacutekittens.com
- contact@alphacutekittens.com
A Perfect Cattery
- apurfectcattery.com
- apurfectcattery@gmail.com
Bookdock Maines
- uwharriemountainmainecoons.com
- uwharriemountainmainecoons@yahoo.com
Champion Coons
- championcoons.com
- Support@ChampionCoons.com
Cresmoon Cats
- crescentmoonmainecoons.com
- lynn@crescentmoonmainecoon.com
Fire Lynx
- mainecoonfirelynx.com
- moni.sguerrero@gmail.com
House Of Fur
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067893035551&mibextid=LQQJ4d
- houseoffurmainecoons@gmail.com
Jellico Dream
- jellicodream.com
- jellicodream@gmail.com
KV Koonz
- Fluffytufts.com
- jaxvelvetroom@gmail.com
Maine Atlas
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092466034241&mibextid=ZbWKwL
- etupe@yahoo.com
Maine Coon Hill
- mainecoonhill.com
- mainecoonhill@gmail.com
Maine Coon Pride
- mainecoonpride.com
- n_atl@yahoo.com
Maine St Coons
- mainestreetcoons.com
- kyra@mainestreetcoons.com
- floridamainecoons.com
- laneginnie@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
McCabe Acres
- mccabeacrescattery.com
- tmccabe13@gmail.com
MCity Maine Coons
- floridamainecoons.com
- deborahraymond@marblecitymainecoons.com
- mainecoonperfection.com
- bepreparednow@live.com
MTTS Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@royalmainecoons.com
Nacho Mama’s Kitty
- nachomamaskitty.com
- NachoMamasKitty@gmail.com
Nashville Coons
- nashvillecoons.com
- jeffandmegsnyder@gmail.com
NC Maine Coon Kit
- thecatterync.com
- joseysteele@icloud.com
Rocket Kitty Coon
- rocketkittycoons.com
- lnduckett79@gmail.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@RoyalMaineCoons.com
Ta Lynn King Coons
- talynnkingcoons.com
- talynnkingcoons@gmail.com
The Lions Whelp
- thelionswhelp.com
- thelionswhelpmainecoon@gmail.com
Upstate MC
- Facebook:id=100092007685194
- upstatemainecoon@gmail.com
Watson Hill
- alabamamainecoons.com
- jessicalaffosse@yahoo.com
USA: Hawaii
Tesla Cat
- https://www.instagram.com/teslacatofficial?igsh=M3diNGkxcXhycHpt
- dogksana4@gmail.com
USA: Idaho
Ash Maine Coons
- ashmainecoons.com
- ashmainecoons@yahoo.com
Coons Ransom
- coonsransom.com
- apriljoga@gmail.com
Crystal Star
- mainecooncrystalstar.com
- crystalstarcoons@gmail.com
Diamond Mountain
- diamondmainecoons.com
- sherry.hardman@gmail.com
Freedom Mountain
- freedommountainmainecoons.com
- info@freedommountainmainecoons.com
Idaho Maine Coons
- idahomainecoons.com
- idmainecoons@outlook.com
King Coon Cats
- Instagram:king_maine_coon_cats
- roxy3530@gmail.com
Maniacs MainC
- mainecoonmaniacs.com
- mainecoonmaniacs@gmail.com
Mttm Coons
- mtnmainecoons.com
- mtnmainecoons@gmail.com
NW Coonies
- nwcoonies.com
- nwcoonies@gmail.com
Pacific Coonies
- pacificcoonies.com
- sabrinalowe.dikeman5354@gmail.com
Riverside MC Cats
- facebook.com/riversideranch.mainecoons/
- shawnafair10@gmail.com
- santolicattery.com/maine-coon-kittens
- irishka22091993@gmail.com
Savage MCs
- vonsavagemainecoons.com
- diana@vonsavagemainecoons.com
USA: Illinois
- GentleID.org
- ioneseekaterina@gmail.com
Amazing Maines
- AmazingMaines.cat
- AmazingMaines@icloud.com
Amore Fur Coons
- amorefurcoons.com
- amorefurcoons@gmail.com
Brushy Kreek
- missourimainecoons.com
- admin@brushkreek.com
- chemicoons.com
- drlizhansen@gmail.com
Dashing Coons
- dashingcoons.com
- sjhaws94@gmail.com
Euro Coons
- eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- kittens@eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
Fluffy Giants
- fluffygiants.com
- fluffygiantscattery@gmail.com
- frasersfelines.us
- kathleenfras@aol.com
Giant Gems
- giantgemscattery.com/maine-coon-cats/
- giantgemscattery@protonmail.com
Giant Maines
- mainecoonsize.com
- giantmainecooncats@gmail.com
Got Toes
- mainecoongottoes.com
- jdharris130@gmail.com
Greater Way Rags
- greaterwayragdolls.com
- ddphelps7@gmail.com
K and L Maine Coons
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565026539518&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user
- xcelpetgrooming@gmail.com
Lake Side Momc
- lakesidemomc.com
- birdie2988@icloud.com
Majestic Tails
- majesticcreatures.net
- majesticcreatures.cu@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Really Coons
- reallycoons.com
- reallycoons@gmail.com
Rocket Kitty Coon
- rocketkittycoons.com
- induckett79@gmail.com
Spooky Maine Coons
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Swan Star
- mainecoonkittenswanstar.com
- kmst20@yahoo.com
Tall Tail Cats
- talltail-cats.com
- jr98chomps@gmail.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Indiana
- Gentleid.org
- ioneseekaterina@gmail.com
Amazing Maines
- AmazingMaines.cat
- AmazingMaines@icloud.com
- bechlacoon.net
- brighteyes49082@yahoo.com
Carousel Acres
- facebook.com/carouselacresmainecooncats
- jeffner2@gmail.com
Chi Town Cattery
- stresdr@gmail.com
Dashing Coons
- dashingcoons.com
- sjhaws94@gmail.com
Fluffy Giants
- fluffygiantscattery.com
- fluffygiantscattery@gmail.com
- frasersfelines.us
- kathleenfras@aol.com
Giant Gems
- giantgemscattery.com/maine-coon-cats/
- giantgemscattery@protonmail.com
Greaterways Rags
- greaterwayragdolls.com
- ddphelps7@gmail.com
HD Coonz
- HDCoonzCattery.com
- HDCoonzCattery@outlook.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
King Coons Indiana
- kingcoonsindiana.com
- thompson146@sbcglobal.net
Native Roots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
- purfectigers.com
- jhenthorne@comcast.net
Rocket Man
- rocketmansmainecoons.com
- rocketmansmainecoons@gmail.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- kitten@southmainecoons.com
Spooky Maine Coons
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Swan Star
- mainecoonkittenswanstar.com
- kmst20@yahoo.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Iowa
BLK Monarch Maine Coons
- blackmonarchmainecoons.homesteadcloud.com
- bigbrownbengal@yahoo.com
Fluffy Giants
- fluffygiantscattery.com
- fluffygiantscattery@gmail.com
K and L Maine Coons
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565026539518&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user
- xcelpetgrooming@gmail.com
Lakeside MOMC
- lakesidemainecoon.com
- chris@lakesidemainecoon.com
- purfetigers.com
- jhenthorne@comcast.net
- rocketmansmainecoons.com
- info@rocketmansmainecoons.com
Swan Star
- mainecoonkittenswanstar.com
- kmst20@yahoo.com
Top Hat Cat
- tophatcat.net
- scz35@aol.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Kansas
- aubsmainecoon.com
- aubrebarnhart@gmail.com
August MC
- augustmainecoons.com
- mombuffy@gmail.com
Brushy Kreek
- missourimainecoons.com
- admin@brushkreek.com
Got Toes
- mainecoongottoes.com
- jdharris130@gmail.com
K and L Maine Coons
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565026539518&name=xhp_nt__fb__action__open_user
- xcelpetgrooming@gmail.com
- purfectigers.com
- jhenthorne@comcast.net
Riverside MC Cats
- shawnafair10@gmail.com
Sissys Farm
- sissysfarm.shop
- sandrasum6868@yahoo.com
Smokie Okie MC
- smokieokiemainecoons.com
- sharlettabrown@gmail.com
Wild Onion
- wildonionmainecoons.com
- nanetteallen54@gmail.com
Z Majestys
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093589061332&mibextid=LQQJ4d
- c.hein@ymail.com
USA: Kentucky
- Gentleid.org
- ioneseekaterina@gmail.com
Amazing Maines
- AmazingMaines.cat
- AmazingMaines@icloud.com
- aristocaticmaine.coons.pet
- anderson.jamie29@yahoo.com
Dapper Manes MC
- dappermanesmainecoons.com
- dappermanesmcc@gmail.com
Giant Gems
- giantgemscattery.com
- giantgemscattery@protonmail.com
Kellys Kitten
- kellyskitten.com/kittens4sale.html
- kelly@kellybands.com
Kitty Cat Coons
- kittycatcoons.com
- kittycatcoons@yahoo.com
LM Coon Cat
- lmcooncattery.com
- lmcoonmainecooncattery@gmail.com
Luna Mystique
- lunamystique.com
- tonyajmcintosh@yahoo.com
McCabe Acres
- mccabeacrescattery.com
- tmccabe13@gmail.com
MCity Maine Coons
- marblecitymainecoons.com
- deborahraymond@marblecitymainecoons.com
- mainecoonperfection.com
- bepreparednow@live.com
Meow Meadow NC
- meowmeadowmainecoons.com
- meowmeadowsmainecoons@gmail.com
Nashville Coons
- nashvillecoons.com
- jeffandmegsnyder@gmail.com
Rocket Kitty Coon
- rocketkittycoons.com
- induckett79@gmail.com
Spooky Maine Coon
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Tall Tail Cats
- talltail-cats.com
- jr98chomps@gmail.com
The Lions Whelp
- thelionswhelp.com
- thelionswhelpmainecoon@gmail.com
USA: Louisiana
Arkan Coons
- arkancoons.com
- hdjulie@gmail.com
Big Tex Coons
- bigtexcoons.com
- bigtexcoons@aol.com
Maine Coon Hill
- mainecoonhill.com
- mainecoonhill@gmail.com
Maine St Coons
- mainestreetcoons.com
- kyra@mainestreetcoons.com
Mythic Maine Coon
- mythicmainecoons.com
- mythicmainecoons@gmail.com
Suncrest MCoons
- suncrestmainecoons.com
- aliciahanson2180@gmail.com
TX Maine Coonery
- txmainecoonery.com
- txmainecoonery@gmail.com
Vintage Cats
- vintagemainecoons.com
- Vintagecats@yahoo.com
Watson Hill
- alabamamainecoons.com
- jessicalaffosse@yahoo.com
- Facebook – ID:100093589061332
- c.hein@ymail.com
USA: Maine
Alpha Coons Maine
- facebook.com/alphacoons
- contact@alphacoons.me
Coon Cats Of Maine
- cooncatsofmaine.com
- peteandkristie@proton.me
Dapper Manes MCC
- dappermanesmainecoons.com
- dappermanesMCC@gmail.com
- feathercoons.com
- gvillegas4789@gmail.com
Full Circle
- fullcirclemainecoon.net
- lordav63@gmail.com
Grand Maine Coon
- facebook.com/grandmainecoon
- grandmainecoon@gmail.com
Jellico Dream
- jellicodream.com
- jellicodream@gmail.com
Maple Moon
- mhanley248.wixsite.com/my-site
- mhanley24@icloud.com
Marvelous Giants
- purebredkitties.com/collections/maine-coon-kittens
- connect@purebredkitties.com
Miss Maine Coon
- missmainecoon.com
- marie-lou.11@hotmail.com
Moose Head Coons
- mooseheadmainecoons.com
- mooseheadmainecoons@gmail.com
Native Roots
- sites.google.com/site/mainenativeroots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
- noreastermainecoons.com
- mikejpelletier@gmail.com
- sites.google.com/site/sebagomistmainecoons
- kerry.e.avery@gmail.com
Silver Place Us
- Facebook: silverplaceus
- elenabrodatskaia@gmail.com
Slow Blink
- slowblinkmainecoons.com
- slowblinkmainecoons@gmail.com
USA: Maryland
Alpha Coons Maine
- Facebook.com/alphacoons
- contact@alphacoons.com
A Queen City Coons
- instagram.com/queencitymainecoons/
- may.herrera092@gmail.com
Beast Friend Coon
- Instagram:alexandra.toropova
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
Berry Furry
- berryfurry.com
- melissagrace@berryfurry.com
Cat Dreams US
- karinaliubov@gmail.com
Euro Coons
- eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- kittens@eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
Frey Jas Maine Coons
- freyjasmainecoons.com
- colleen@freyjasmainecoons.com
Great Fallscoon
- cat@fairfaxmedia.net
- stephen.schuresko@gmail.com
Maine Love
- mainelovecattery.com
- kim4art@aol.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Moonlight Mcos
- fingerlakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
- facebook.com/mainecoonnj?mibextid=hu50lx
- natsyoff@gmail.com
NC Maine Coon Kit
- thecatterync.com
- joseysteele@icloud.com
Sablin Maine Coon
- royalmainecooncattery.com
- royalbengalcattery@yahoo.com
Sara Jen
- sarajencats.com
- sarajencats@gmail.com
- sheracoons.com
- sheramom07@yahoo.com
Vivat Maine Coon
- Facebook: Vivat-maine-coon
- pavlova_irina71@mail.ru
Yellow Stone Coon
- yellowstonecoon.com
- yellowstonecoon@gmail.com
USA: Massachusetts
Alpha Coons Maine
- facebook.com/alphacoons
- contact@alphacoons.com
Always Loyal
- alwaysloyalmainecoons.com/maine-coon-kittens-for-sale
- alwaysloyalmainecoons@gmail.com
Bellatrix MCO
- bellatrixcattery.com
- bellatrixmco@gmail.com
Belles Purr
- bellspurr.com
- lucyappel@bellspurr.com
Budz Cattery
- mainecoonbudzcattery.com
- Mainecoonbudzcattery@gmail.com
Coon Cats Of Maine
- cooncatsofmaine.com
- peteandkristie@proton.me
Elm City
- elmcitycats.com
- tinadodge58@gmail.com
Feather Coons
- Facebook: Feathercoons
- feathercoons.com
- joiedevivres.com
- ssvetlanass@gmail.com
Maine Coon Lovers
- wearemainecoonlovers.com
- tenzik02@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Native Roots
- sites.google.com/site/mainenativeroots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
- facebook.com/MaineCoonNJ?mibextid=hu50Ix
- natsyoff@gmail.com
- noreastermainecoons.com
- mikejpelletier@gmail.com
- sites.google.com/site/sebagomistmainecoons
- kerry.e.avery@gmail.com
Shaded USA
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558901532321
- shadedusamc@gmail.com
Silver Place US
- Facebook: silverplaceus
- elenabrodatskaia@gmail.com
Taiga Lynx
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076646954629&mibextid=LQQJ4d
- r.holman@ymail.com
Whiskey Whiskers
- whiskeywhiskers.me
- anyacarson@gmail.com
Yellow Stone Coon
- yellowstonecoon.com
- yellowstonecoon@gmail.com
USA: Michigan
- gentleid.org
- abbraccionesegentleid@gmail.com
- absolutecoons.com
- absolutecoons@gmail.com
Amazing Maines
- amazingmaines.cat
- amazingmaines@icloud.com
Carousel Acres
- facebook.com/carouselacresmainecooncats
- jeffner2@gmail.com
Crystal MC
- crystal-mainecoon.weebly.com.com
- potter.c@comcast.net
Fancy Lynx
- fancylynx.com
- fancylynxcoon@gmail.com
Fluffy Giants
- fluffygiantscattery.com
- fluffygiantscattery@gmail.com
- frasersfelines.us
- kathleenfras@aol.com
Giant Gems
- giantgemscattery.com/maine-coon-cats/
- giantgemscattery@protonmail.com
- koontucky.com
- koontucky@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
New Choice
- newchoicemainecoon.com
- olga.angel.zakharova@gmail.com
Really Coons
- reallycoons.com
- reallycoons@gmail.com
Rocket Mans
- rocketmansmainecoons.com
- rocketmansmainecoons@gmail.com
Spooky Maine Coons
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Swan Star
- mainecoonkittenswanstar.com
- kmst20@Yahoo.com
Wild Onion
- wildonionmainecoons.com
- nanetteallen54@gmail.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Minnesota
Adora Coon Canada
- adoramainecoon.ca
- info@adoramainecoon.ca
- instagram.com/furrypaw_tica
- nkashyrets@gmail.com
- mainecoonections.com
- april@mainecoonections.com
Maniacs MainC
- mainecoonmaniacs.com
- mainecoonmaniacs@gmail.com
Palico Coons
- palicocoons.com
- jeaninep777@gmail.com
Rocket Hill Mcoons
- rockhillmainecoons.com
- mckittens@rockhillmainecoons.com
Top Hat Cat
- tophatcat.net
- scz35@aol.com
Wild Onion
- wildonionmainecoons.com
- nanetteallen53@gmail.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Mississippi
A Perfect Cattery
- apurfectcattery.com
- apurfectcattery@gmail.com
- arkancoons.com
- hdjulie@gmail.com
Big Tex Coons
- BigTexCoons.com
- bigtexcoons@aol.com
Maine Coon Hill
- mainecoonhill.com
- mainecoonhill@gmail.com
Maine St Coons
- mainestreetcoons.com
- kyra@mainestreetcoons.com
- floridamainecoons.com
- laneginnie@gmail.com
Watson Hill
- alabamamainecoons.com
- jessicalaffosse@yahoo.com
- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093589061332&mibextid=LQQJ4d
- c.hein@ymail.com
USA: Missouri
- arcancoons.com
- hdjulie@gmail.com
- aubsmainecoons.com
- aubrebarnhart@gmail.com
August MC
- augustmainecoons.com
- mombuffy@gmail.com
Brushy Kreek
- brushykreek.com
- admin@brushykreek.com
Dashing Coons
- dashingcoons.com
- sjhaws94@gmail.com
Euro Coons
- eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- kittens@eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
Got Toes
- mainecoongottoes.com
- jdharris130@gmail.com
K and L Maine Coons
- arcancoons.com
- hdjulie@gmail.com
Lake Side Momc
- Facebook: K & L Mainecoons
- xcelpetgrooming@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Smokie Okie MC
- smokieoakiemainecoons.com
- sharletabrown@gmail.com
Spooky Maine Coons
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Swan Star
- mainecoonkittenswanstar.com
- kmst20@yahoo.com
Tall Tail Cats
- talltail-cats.com
- jr98chomps@gmail.com
Wild Onion
- wildonionmainecoons.com
- nanetteallen54@gmail.com
USA: Montana
Big Tex Coons
- BigTexCoons.com
- bigtexcoons@aol.com
Coons Ransom
- coonsransom.com
- apriljoga@gmail.com
Maine Coonection
- mainecoonections.com
- april@mainecoonections.com
MTM Coons
- mtnmainecoons.com
- mtnmainecoons@gmail.com
Riverside MC Cats
- riversideranch2017.com
- shawnafair10@gmail.com
RM Maine Coons
- rmmainecoon.com
- tjfiou@live.com
Savage MCS
- vonsavagemainecoons.com
- diana@vonsavagemainecoons.com
USA: Nebraska
Euro Coons
- eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- kittens@eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- purfectigers.com
- jhenthorne@comcast.net
USA: Nevada
Bena Vida Maines
- benavidamaines.com
- benavidamaines@gmail.com
Crystal Star
- mainecooncrystalstar.com
- crystalstarcoons@gmail.com
Diamond Mountain
- diamondmainecoons.com
- sherry.hardman@gmail.com
Freedom Mountain
- freedommountainmainecoons.com
- info@freedommountainmainecoons.com
Homegrown Coon
- homegrownadventures.net
- irinavakulchik4@gmail.com
Idaho Maine Coons
- idahomainecoons.com
- idmainecoons@outlook.com
New Logica
- usamainecoons.com
- usamainecoons@gmail.com
NW Coonies
- nwcoonies.com
- nwcoonies@gmail.com
Pacific Coonies
- pacificcoonies.com
- sabrinalowe.dikeman5354@gmail.com
RM Maine Coons
- rmmainecoon.com
- tjfiou@live.com
- santolicattery.com
- irishka22091993@gmail.com
Tahoe Maine Coons
- Tahoemainecoons.com
- tahoemainecoons@gmail.com
Whiskers And Paws
- whiskersandpawscattery.com
- whiskersandpawscattery@gmail.com
Zia Maine Coons
- ziamainecoonsnm.com
- acourter@hobbsnm.org
USA: New Hampshire
Alpha Coons Maine
- Facebook: Alphacoons
- contact@alphacoons.com
Atlast Cats
- atlastcats.com
- atlascats@gmail.com
Budz Cattery
- mainecoonbudzcattery.com
- Mainecoonbudzcattery@gmail.com
Coon Cats Of Maine
- cooncatsofmaine.com
- peteandkristie@proton.me
Moonlight Mcos
- fingerlakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
Native Roots
- sites.google.com/site/mainenativeroots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
Noreaster Coons
- noreastermainecoons.com
- mikejpelletier@gmail.com
- site.google.com/site/sebagomistmainecoons
- kerry.e.avery@gmail.com
Shaded USA
- Facebook: Maine Coon Cattery Shaded USA
- shadedusamc@gmail.com
Silver Place US
- Facebook: Silver Place Elena
- silverplaceUS@gmail.com
- Facebook: TaigaLynx Maine Coon Cats
- r.holman@ymail.com
Whiskey Whiskers
- whiskeywhiskers.me
- anyacarson@gmail.com
USA: New Jersey
Always Loyal
- alwaysloyalmainecoons.com/maine-coon-kittens-for-sale
- alwaysloyalmainecoons@gmail.com
A Queen City Coons
- Instagram: Queen City Maine Coons
- may.herrera092@gmail.com
Beast Friend Coon
- Instagram: AlexandraToropova
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
Emerald Crow
- emeraldcrow.com
- emeraldcrowstudio@gmail.com
Joie De Vivre
- joiedevivres.com
- ssvetlanass@gmail.com
KV Koonz
- fluffytufts.com
- fluffytufts.coons@gmail.com
Maine Coon Royalty
- MaineCoonRoyalty.com
- MaineCoonRoyalty@Gmail.com
Maine Coon Lovers
- wearemainecoonlovers.com
- tenzik02@gmail.com
Maine Love
- mainelovecattery.com
- kim4art@aol.com
Majestic Coons
- Majesticcoons.com
- intellectualreads@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Moonlight MCOS
- fingerlakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
- Facebook: Naturacoon Cattery
- natsyoff@gmail.com
Night Silver
- nightsilvercattery.com
- heartofsnowandnightsilver@gmail.com
- Facebook: nobelmainecoon
- ekaterina.adityarova@nobelton.com
- sheracoons.com
- sheramom07@yahoo.com
- Instagram: Teslacat Official
- dogksana4@gmail.com
- mainecoonny.com
- balticllc75@gmail.com
Vivat Maine Coon
- Facebook: Vivat Maine Coon
- pavlova_irina71@mail.ru
- yellowstonecoon.com
- yellowstonecoon@gmail.com
USA: New Mexico
- dawntreadermainecoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons@gmail.com
Emerald Crow
- emeraldcrow.com
- emeraldcrowstudio@gmail.com
Euro Coons
- eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
- kittens@eurocoonsmainecooncattery.com
Mythical Maine Coon
- mythicmainecoons.com
- mythicmainecoons@gmail.com
Riverside MC Cats
- riversideranch2017@gmail.com
- shawnfair10@gmail.com
Sissys Farm
- sissysfarm.shop
- sandrasum6868@yahoo.com
Suncrest MCoons
- suncrestmainecoons.com
- aliciahanson2180@gmail.com
Zia Maine Coons
- ziamainecoonsnm.com
- acourter@hobbsnm.org
USA: New York
01 Amainezincoon
- ChampionCoons.com
- support@championcoons.com
- Abscatz.com
- amy@abscatz.com
Adamo MC
- adamocattery.com
- claudia.adamo77@gmail.com
Adora Coon Canada
- adoramainecoon.ca
- info@adoramainecoon.ca
Alpha Coons Maine
- Facebook: Alpha Coons – Maine Coons From Maine
- contact@alphacoons.com
Always Loyal
- alwaysloyalmainecoons.com/maine-coon-kittens-for-sale
- alwaysloyalmainecoons@gmail.com
A Queen City Coons
- Instagram: Queen City Maine Coons
- maine.herrera092@gmail.com
Beast Friend Coon
- Instagram: alexandratoropova
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
Best Band Coon
- bestbandcoon.wixsite.com/website-16
- bestbandcoon@mail.ru
Champion Coons
- championcoons.com
- Support@ChampionCoons.com
- coonomagic.com
- coonomagic@yahoo.com
- elmcitycats.com
- tinadodge58@gmail.com
Emerald Crow
- emeraldcrow.com
- emeraldcrowstudio@gmail.com
Feather Coons
- feathercoons.com
- Feathercoons@gmail.com
Giant Maines
- mainecoonsize.com
- giantmainecooncats@gmail.com
Hopeful Hill
- mainecooncatsofhopefulhillfarm-llc.com.com
- hopefulhillfarm@yahoo.com
Joie Devivre
- joiedevivres.com
- ssvetlanass@gmail.com
King Coon Cats
- Instagram: king_maine_coon_cats
- roxy3530@gmail.com
Ladoga Maine Coon
- Facebook: Maine Coon Kittens of LadogaMaineCoon
- panolya@yahoo.com
Maine Coon Royalty
- MaineCoonRoyalty.com
- MaineCoonRoyalty@Gmail.com
Maine Coon Lovers
- wearemainecoonlovers.com
- nymainecoonlovers@gmail.com
Maine Love
- mainelovecattery.com
- kim4art@aol.com
Majestic Coons
- Majesticcoons.com
- intellectualreads@gmail.com
Marvelous Giants
- purebredkitties.com/collections/maine-coon-kittens
- connect@purebredkitties.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Miss Maine Coon
- missmainecoon.com
- marie-lou.11@hotmail.com
Moonlight MCOS
- fingerlakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
Mtts Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@royalmainecoons.com
Native Roots
- sites.google.com/site/mainenativeroots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
- Facebook: Naturacoon Cattery
- natsyoff@gmail.com
New Choice
- newchoicemainecoon.com
- olga.angel.zakharova@gmail.com
Night Silver
- nightsilvercattery.com
- heartofsnowandnightsilver@gmail.com
- Facebook: nobelmainecoon
- ekaterina.adityarova@nobelton.com
- noreastermainecoons.com
- mikejpelletier@gmail.com
Really Coons
- reallycoons.com
- reallycoons@gmail.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@RoyalMaineCoons.com
Shaded USA
- Facebook: Maine Coon Cattery Shaded USA
- shadedusamc@gmail.com
Slow Blink
- slowblinkmainecoons.com
- slowblinkmainecoons@gmail.com
Snow Walker Coons
- snowwalkermainecoons.com
- snowwalkermainecoons@gmail.com
Talynn King Coons
- talynnkingcoons.com
- talynnkingcoons@gmail.com
- Instagram: Teslacatoffical
- dogksana4@gmail.com
- mainecoonny.com
- balticllc75@gmail.com
Vivat Maine Coon
- Facebook: Vivat-Maine-Coon
- pavlova_irina71@mail.ru
Whiskey Whiskers
- whiskeywhiskers.me
- anyacarson@gmail.com
- yellowstonecoon.com
- yellowstonecoon@gmail.com
- Facebook: Zencatz Maine Coon Cattery
- zencatz.mco@gmail.com
USA: North Carolina
Alpha Cute Kitten
- alphacutekittens.com
- contact@alphacutekittens.com
Bald MTN Maines
- baldmountaincoons.com
- baldmountaincoons@gmail.com
Bellatrix MCO
- bellatrixcattery.com
- bellatrixmco@gmail.com
Boondock Maines
- uwharriemountainmainecoons.com
- uwharriemountainmainecoons@yahoo.com
Cat Dreams US
- Website: Unknown
- karinaliubov@gmail.com
Cheshire MC
- Facebook: TheCheshireCattery1
- thecheshirecattery@aol.com
Dapper Manes MCC
- dappermanesmainecoons.com
- dappermanesmcc@gmail.com
Elite Planet
- elite-planet.com
- eliteplanet.us@yahoo.com
- mainecoonfirelynx.com
- moni.sguerrero@gmail.com
House Of Fur
- Facebook: House Of Fur
- houseoffurmainecoons@gmail.com
Kitty Cat Coons
- kittycatcoons.com
- kittycatcoons@yahoo.com
Koolet Koons
- Facebook: ID = 100091453263588
- dd_paras4real@yahoo.com
Lakeview Coons
- LakeViewCoons.com
- info@lakeviewcoons.com
Maine Coon Oasis
- mainecoonoasis.com
- tammy@borderlinefarms.com
Maine St Coons
- mainestreetcoons.com
- kyra@mainestreetcoons.com
- floridamainecoons.com
- laneginnie@gmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
MCity Maine Coons
- marblecitymainecoons.com
- deborahraymond@marblecitymainecoons.com
Mtts Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@royalmainecoons.com
Nacho Mamas Kitty
- nachomamaskitty.com
- nachomamaskitty@gmail.com
Nashville Coons
- nashvillecoons.com
- jeffandmegsnyder@gmail.com
NC Maine Coon Kit
- thecatterync.com
- joseysteele@icloud.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmaine coons.com
- info@RoyalMaineCoons.com
Sara Jen
- sarajencats.com
- sarajencats@gmail.com
Silver Sky Coons
- Facebook: silverskycoons
- svbordner@gmail.com
- TremontFarm.com
- tremontcattery@gmail.com
Upstate MC
- Facebook: ID =100092007685194
- upstatemainecoon@gmail.com
USA: North Dakota
Furry Paw
- Instagram: furrypaw_tica
- nkashyrets@gmail.com
Maine Coonection
- mainecoonections.com
- april@mainecoonections.com
- rocketmansmainecoons.com
- info@rocketmansmainecoons.com
USA: Ohio
- ChampionCoons.com
- support@championcoons.com
- Gentleid.org
- ioneseekaterina@gmail.com
Amazing Maines
- AmazingMaines.cat
- AmazingMaines@icloud.com
- bellespurr.com
- lucyappel@yahoo.com
Botanical Paws
- botanicalpawsmainecoons.com
- botanicalpawsmainecoons@gmail.com
Carousel Acres
- Facebook: Carousel Acres Maine Coons
- jeffner2@gmail.com
Caylees Coons
- Facebook: Caylee’s Coons & Cavs
- cayleescoons@gmail.com
Dapper Manes MCC
- dappermanesmainecoons.com
- dappermanesmcc@gmail.com
- catsoferebor.com
- LRTWoods@Hotmail.com
Feather Hill MC
- featherhillmainecoons.com
- featherhillmaines@aol.com
Fluffy Giants
- fluffygiantscattery.com
- fluffygiantscattery@gmail.com
- frasersfelines.us
- kathleenfras@aol.com
Giant Gems
- giantgemscattery.com
- giantgemscattery@protonmail.com
K and L Maine Coons
- K&L Maine Coons
- xcelpetgrooming@gmail.com
Kittycat Coons
- kittycatcoons.com
- kittycatcoons@yahoo.com
Maine Love
- mainelovecattery.com
- kim4art@aol.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Mossy Cottage
- Website: Unknown
- mossycottagemainecoons@gmail.com
Really Coons
- reallycoons.com
- reallycoons@gmail.com
Rocket Mans
- rocketmansmainecoons.com
- rocketmansmainecoons@gmail.com
Spooky Maine Coon
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Tall Tail Cats
- talltail-cats.com
- jr98chomps@gmail.com
The Lions Whelp
- thelionswhelp.com
- thelionswhelpmainecoon@gmail.com
Vivat Maine Coon
- Facebook: vivat-maine-coon
- pavlova_irina71@mail.ru
Wild Onion
- wildonionsmainecoon.com
- nanetteallen54@gmail.com
USA: Oklahoma
Big Tex Coons
- BigTexCoons.com
- bigtexcoons@aol.com
- missourimainecoons.com
- admin@brushykreek.com
Champion Coons
- championcoons.com
- britneywicker@gmail.com
- dawntreadermainecoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons@gmail.com
Happy Trills
- happytrills.com
- happytrills@juno.com
King Coon Cats
- king_maine_coon_cats
- roxy3530@gmail.com
Mythical Maine Coon
- mythicmainecoons.com
- mythicmainecoons@gmail.com
Primrose MC
- primrosecattery.com
- info@primrosecattery.com
Smokie Okie MC
- smokieokiemainecoons.com
- sharletabrown@gmail.com
Suncrest MCoons
- suncrestmainecoons.com
- aliciahanson2180@gmail.com
Tx Maine Coonery
- texasmainecoonery.com
- txmainecoonery@gmail.com
- Facebook: ZMajestys Maine Coon Cattery
- c.hein@ymail.com
USA: Oregon
ASH Maine Coons
- ashmainecoons.com
- ashmainecoons@yahoo.com
Bena Vida Maines
- benavidamaines.com
- benavidamaines@gmail.com
Coons Ransom
- coonsransom.com
- apriljoga@gmail.com
Crystal Star
- mainecooncrystalstar.com
- crystalstarcoons@gmail.com
Freedom Mountain
- freedommountainmainecoons.com
- info@freedommountainmainecoons.com
Happy Beast
- happybeastmainecoon.com
- goldvictory1421@gmail.com
Idaho Maine Coons
- idahomainecoons.com
- idmainecoons@outlook.com
- longlakemainecoon.com
- longlakemainecoon@gmail.com
MCO Cascades
- brand.page/MCO-cascades
- mcocascades@gmail.com
NW Coonies
- nwcoonies.com
- nwcoonies@gmail.com
Pacific Coonies
- pacificcoonies.com
- sabrinalowe.dikeman5354@gmail.com
Savage MCs
- vonsavagemainecoons.com
- diana@vonsavagemaincoons.com
Stumptown Coons
- stumptowncoons.com
- stumptowncoons@gmail.com
Tahoe Maine Coons
- tahoemainecoons.com
- tahoemainecoons@gmail.com
Whiskers And Paws
- whiskersandpawscattery.com
- whiskersandpawscattery@gmail.com
USA: Pennsylvania
Always Loyal
- alwaysloyalmainecoons.com/maine-coon-kittens-for-sale/
- alwaysloyalmainecoons@gmail.com
Amore Furr Coons
- amorefurrcoons.com
- amorefurrcoons@gmail.com
A Queen City Coons
- Facebook: QueenCity Maine Coons
- may.herrera092@gmail.com
Beast Friend Coon
- Instagram: alexandratoropova
- alexandratoropovaphila@gmail.com
Best Band Coon
- bestbandcoon.wixsite.com/website-16
- bestbandcoon@mail.ru
- cumbrescoon.com
- cumbrescoon@live.com
- emeraldcrow.com
- emeraldcrowstudio@gmail.com
- feathercoons.com
- Feathercoons@gmail.com
- frasersfelines.us
- kathleenfras@aol.com
Greaterway Rags
- greaterwayragdolls.com
- ddphelps7@gmail.com
Great Falls Coon
- cat.fairfaxmedia.net
- stephen.schuresko@gmail.com
Maine Coon 62
- N/A
- lonely0911@gmail.com
Maine Coon Lovers
- wearemainecoonlovers.com
- tenzik02@gmail.com
Maine Love
- mainelovecattery.com
- kim4art@aol.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
- mainecoonsofyggdrasil.com
- michele@mainecoonsofyggdrasil.com
Moonlight MCOS
- fingerslakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
MT Nest
- mtnestcats.com
- mtnestcats@mac.com
- Facebook: Naturacoon Cattery
- natsyoff@gmail.com
- reallycoons.com
- reallycoons@gmail.com
- sheracoons.com
- sheramom07@yahoo.com
- susquemcoons.com
- susquemcoons@yahoo.com
- Instagram: Teslacatofficial
- dogksana4@gmail.com
- mainecoonny.com
- balticllc75@gmail.com
Vivat Maine Coon
- Facebook: vivat-maine-coon
- pavlova_irina71@mail.ru
- yellowstonecoon.com
- yellowstonecoon@gmail.com
USA: Rhode Island
Always Loyal
- alwaysloyalmainecoons.com.maine-coon-kittens-for-sale/
- alwaysloyalmainecoons@gmail.com
Best Band Coon
- bestbandcoon.com
- bestbandcoon@mail.ru
- joiedevivres.com
- ssvetlanass@gmail.com
Main Coon Royalty
- mainecoonroyalty.com
- mainecoonroyalty@gmail.com
Moonlight MCOS
- fingerlakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
- noreastermainecoons.com
- mikejpelletier@gmail.com
- sites.google.com/site/sebagomistmainecoons/
- kerry.e.avery@gmail.com
Shaded USA
- Facebook: Maine Coon Cattery Shaded USA
- shadedusamc@gmail.com
Silver Place US
- Facebook: Silverplace Elena
- silverplaceus@gmail.com
Whiskey Whiskers
- whiskeywhiskers.me
- anyacarson@gmail.com
USA: South Carolina
Alpha Cute Kitten
- alphacutekittens.com
- contact@alphacutekittens.com
Aristocoon Cat
- aristocooncat.com
- aristocooncattery@gmail.com
Boondock Maines
- uwharriemountainmainecoons.com
- uwharriemountainmainecoons@yahoo.com
Cascade MTN
- cascademountain.net
- mc@cascade mountain.net
Cat Dreams US
- Unknown
- karinaliubov@gmail.com
- mainecoonfirelynx.com
- moni.sguerrero@gmail.com
Hissy Fit Coons
- hissyfitcoons.com
- hissyfitcoons@gmail.com
House Of Fur
- Facebook: House of Fur Maine Coons
- houseoffurmainecoons@gmail.com
Kitty Cat Coons
- kittycatcoons.com
- kittycatcoons@yahoo.com
Lake View Coons
- LakeViewCoons.com
- info@lakeviewcoons.com
Maine Atlas
- Facebook: MaineAtlas Maine Coon Cattery
- etupe@yahoo.com
- floridamainecoons.com
- laneginnie@gmail.com
MCity Maine Coons
- marblecitymainecoons.com
- deborahraymond@marblecitymainecoons.com
- mainecoonperfection.com
- bepreparednow@live.com
Nacho Mamas Kitty
- nachomamaskitty.com
- NachoMamasKitty@gmail.com
NC Maine Coon Kit
- thecatterync.com
- joseysteele@icloud.com
Noble Nature
- noble-coon.com
- noblenature.us@gmail.com
Upstate MC
- Unknown
- upstatemainecoons@gmail.com
USA: South Dakota
- mainecoonections.com
- april@maine coonections.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Tennessee
- gentleid.org
- abbraccionesegentleid@gmail.com
Alpha Cute Kitten
- alphacutekittens.com
- contact@alphacutekittens.com
Amazing Maines
- AmazingMaines.cat
- AmazingMaines@icloud.com
A Perfect Cattery
- apurfectcattery.com
- apurfectcattery@gmail.com
- arkancoons.com
- hdjulie@gmail.com
Boondock Maines
- uwharriemountainmainecoons.com
- uwharriemountainmainecoons@yahoo.com
- mainecoonfirelynx.com
- moni.sguerrero@gmail.com
Iron Paws
- ironpawscattery.com
- gniotka1300@gmail.com
Iron Throne MC
- middletennesseealapahas.com/mainecoons
- mathgirl926@gmail.com
Kitty Cat Coons
- kittycatcoons.com
- kittycatcoons@yahoo.com
Loving Lynx
- lovinglynx.com/kittens-for-sale
- LovingLynxMaineCoons@gmail.com
Maine Atlas
- Facebook: MaineAtlas Maine Coon Cattery
- etupe@yahoo.com
Maine Coon Hill
- mainecoonhill.com
- mainecoonhill@gmail.com
Maine St Coons
- mainestreetcoons.com
- kyra@mainestreetcoons.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
McCabe Acres
- mccabeacrescattery.com
- tmccabe13@gmail.com
MCity Maine Coons
- marblecitymainecoons.com
- deborahraymond@marblecitymainecoons.com
- mainecoonperfection.com
- bepreparednow@live.com
Mtts Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@royalmainecoons.com
Nashville Coons
- nashvillecoons.com
- jeffandmegssnyder@gmail.com
Rocket Kitty Coon
- rocketkittycoons.com
- lnduckett79@gmail.com
Spooky Maine Coons
- spookymainecoons.com
- spookymainecoons@gmail.com
Tall Tail Cats
- tall-tailcats.com
- jr98chomps@gmail.com
The Lions Whelp
- thelionswhelp.com
- thelionswhelpmainecoon@gmail.com
Vintage Cats
- vintagemainecoons.com
- Vintagecats@yahoo.com
Watson Hill
- alabamamainecoons.com
- jessicalaffosse@yahoo.com
Whisker Works
- whisker-works.com
- linda@whisker-works.com
USA: Texas
01 a Maine zin Coon
- championcoons.com
- britneywhicker@gmail.com
- adamocattery.com
- info@adamocattery.com
- alianamainecoons.com
- alianamainecoon@gmail.com
Amore Furr Coons
- amorefurrcoons.com
- amorefurrcoons@gmail.com
- annyakunz.mx
- annyakunzmainecoons@gmail.com
Bellatrix MCO
- bellatrixcattery.com
- galinadonovan@gmail.com
Belles Purr
- bellspurr.com
- lucyappel@bellspurr.com
Big Tex Coons
- BigTexCoons.com
- bigtexcoons@aol.com
- missourimainecoons.com
- admin@brushykreek.com
Coons Ransom
- coonsransom.com
- apriljoga@gmail.com
Dapper Manes MCC
- dappermainesmainecoons.com
- dappermanesmcc@gmail.com
- dawntreadermainecoons.com
- dawntreadermainecoons@gmail.com
Emerald Crow
- emeraldcrow.com
- emeraldcrowstudio@gmail.com
Giant Maines
- mainecoonsize.com
- giantmainecooncats@gmail.com
Happy Heart MCO
- happyheartcatteru.com
- tracey.a.banks@gmail.com
King Coon Cats
- Instagram: king_maine_coon_cats
- roxy3530@gmail.com
- kunturi.pet
- info@kunturi.pet
Lakeside MOMC
- lakesidemainecoon.com
- chris@lakesidemainecoon.com
Majestic Beauty
- majesticbeautiesmainecooncattery.com
- stephanie91_23@yahoo.com
Maniacs Maine C
- mainecoonmaniacs.com
- mainecoonmaniacs@gmail.com
Marvelous Giants
- purebredkitties.com/collections/maine-coon-kittens
- connect@purebredkitties.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Mitcha Coons Tails
- mitchacoontails.com
- mitchacoontails@hotmail.com
Mythical Maine Coon
- mythicmainecoons.com
- mythicmainecoons@gmail.com
Our Midnight Moons
- Unknown
- forevertna@yahoo.com
Sassy Koonz
- sassykoonz.com
- info@sassykoonz.com
Sissys Farm
- sissysfarm.shop
- sandrasum6868@yahoo.com
Smokie Okie MC
- smokieokiemainecoons.com
- sharletabrown@gmail.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- kitten@southmainecoons.com
Suncrest MCoons
- suncrestmainecoons.com
- aliciahanson2180@gmail.com
TX Maine Coonery
- texasmainecoonery.com
- txmainecoonery@gmail.com
Vintage Cats
- vintagemainecoons.com
- Vintagecats@yahoo.com
Warrior Kattz
- warriorkattzmainecoons.com
- warriorkattz@gmail.com
- wiseguymainecoons.com
- wporter@wiseguymainecoons.com
Zia Maine Coons
- ziamainecoonsnm.com
- acourter@hobbsnm.org
- Facebook: id=100093589061332
- c.hein@ymail.com
USA: Utah
Diamond Mountain
- diamondmainecoons.com
- sherry.hardman@gmail.com
Greek Garden
- greekgardenmainecoons.com
- melpace717@gmail.com
RM Maine Coons
- rmmainecoon.com
- tjfiou@live.com
- santolicattery.com/maine-coon-kittens
- irishka22091993@gmail.com
Sissys Farm
- sissysfarm.shop
- sandrasum6868@yahoo.com
USA: Vermont
Best Band Coon
- bestbandcoon.com
- bestbandcoon@mail.ru
Feather Coons
- feathercoons.com
- Feathercoons@gmail.com
Grand Maine Coon
- Facebook: Thunder Tribe & Grand Maine Coon
- grandmainecoon@gmail.com
Joie Devivre
- joiedevivres.com
- ssvetlanass@gmail.com
Ladoga Maine Coon
- Facebook: Maine Coon Kittens From ‘LadogaMaineCoon’
- panolya@yahoo.com
Miss Maine Coon
- missmainecoon.com
- marie-lou.11@hotmail.com
Moonlight MCOS
- fingerlakesmainecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
Native Roots
- sites.google.com/site/mainenativeroots
- nativerootsmainecoons@gmail.com
- rocketmansmainecoons.com
- info@rocketmansmainecoons.com
- sites.google.com/site/sebagomistmainecoons
- kerry.e.avery@gmail.com
Shaded USA
- Facebook: Maine Coon Cattery Shaded USA
- shadedusamc@gmail.com
Silver Place US
- Facebook: Silverplace Elena
- silverplaceus@gmail.com
Taiga Lynx
- Facebook: TaigaLynx Maine Coon Cats
- r.holman@ymail.com
Whiskey Whiskers
- whiskeywhiskers.me
- anyacarson@gmail.com
USA: Virginia
Bookdock Maines
- uwharriemountainmainecoons.com
- uwharriemountainmainecoons@yahoo.com
Cat Dreams US
- Unknown
- karinaliubov@gmail.com
- mainecoonfirelynx.com
- moni.sguerrero@gmail.com
Great Falls Coon
- cat.fairfaxmedia.net
- stephen.schuresko@gmail.com
Hopeful Hill
- mainecooncatsofhopefulhillfarm-llc.com
- hopefulhillfarm@yahoo.com
Kitty Cat Coons
- kittycatcoons.com
- kittycatcoons@yahoo.com
- lilmoonlions.com
- vanessa.b.1.green@gmail.com
Maine Love
- mainelovecattery.com
- kim4art@aol.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Moonlight MCOS
- fingerlakesmaiecoons.com
- moonlightscattery@gmail.com
Mtts Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@royalmainecoons.com
NC Maine Coon Kit
- thecatterync.com
- joseysteele@icloud.com
Royal Maine Coons
- royalmainecoons.com
- info@RoyalMaine
- sarajencats.com
- sarajencats@gmail.com
- sheracoons.com
- sheramom07@yahoo.com
South Maine Coons
- southmainecoons.com
- kitten@southmainecoons.com
Tremethick Maine Coons
- tremethickmainecoons.com
- bptooth@erols.com
- vellosomainecoons.com
- vellosomainecoons@gmail.com
USA: Washington
- ariyamainecoon.com
- yara1ray2@gmail.com
Ash Maine Coons
- ashmainecoons.com
- ashmainecoons@yahoo.com
- bellspurr.com
- lucyappel@bellspurr.com
Coons Ransom
- coonsransom.com
- apriljoga@gmail.com
Crystal Star
- mainecooncrystalstar.com
- crystalstarcoons@gmail.com
Evergreen Coons
- evergreencoons.com
- evergreencoons@gmail.com
Freedom Mountain
- freedommountainmainecoons.com
- info@freedommountainmainecoons.com
Giant Maines
- mainecoonsize.com
- giantmainecooncats@gmail.com
Happy Beast
- happybeastmainecoon.com
- goldvictory1421@gmail.com
Idaho Maine Coons
- idahomainecoons.com
- idmainecoons@outlook.com
Longlake MCO
- longlakemainecoon.com
- longlakemainecoon@gmail.com
Maniacs Main C
- mainecoonmaniacs.com
- mainecoonmaniacs@gmail.com
Marvelous Giants
- purebredkitties.com/collections/maine-coon-kittens
- connect@purebredkitties.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
- mistycreekmainecoons.com
- lisa@mistycreekmainecoons.com
NW Coonies
- nwcoonies.com
- nwcoonies@gmail.com
Pacific Coonies
- pacificcoonies.com
- sabrinalowe.dikeman5354@gmail.com
Savage MCs
- vonsavagemainecoons.com
- diana@vonsavagemainecoons.com
Slowblink Maine Coons
- slowblinkmainecoons.com
- slowblinkmainecoons@gmail.com
WeeLegends Maine Coons
- weelegendsmainecoons.com
- weelegends@hotmail.com
USA: West Virginia
Great Falls Coon
- cat.fairfaxmedia.net
- stephen.schuresko@gmail.com
Sara Jen
- sarajencats.com
- sarajencats@gmail.com
- wvkittens.com
- Sylviafelitsky@gmail.com
USA: Wisconsin
Amore Furr Coons
- amorefurrcoons.com
- amorefurrcoons@gmail.com
Fluffy Giants
- fluffygiantscattery.com
- fluffygiantscattery@gmail.com
- frasersfelines.us
- kathleenfras@aol.com
Giant Gems
- giantgemscattery.com/maine-coon-cats/
- giantgemscattery@protonmail.com
Master Coons Cats
- mainecoonkittens.com
- aleksey.m@mainecoonkittens.com
Really Coons
- reallycoons.com
- reallycoons@gmail.com
Rocket Hill Mcoons
- rockhillmainecoons.com
- mckittens@rockhillmainecoons.com
Swan Star
- mainecoonkittenswanstar.com
- kmst20@yahoo.com
Top Hat Cat
- tophatcat.net
- scz35@aol.com
Zeus Pride
- zeuspride.com
- zeuspridecattery@gmail.com
USA: Wyoming
Diamond Mountain
- diamondmainecoons.com
- sherry.hardman@gmail.com
King Klaudrcoons
- kingklaudrcoons.com
- katie.pevler@gmail.com
- mainecoonections.com
- april@mainecoonections.com
Riverside MC Cats
- Unknown
- shawnafair10@gmail.com
RM Maine Coons
- rmmainecoon.com
- tjfiou@live.com
- santolicattery.com/maine-coon-kittens
- irishka22091993@gmail.com
Top Hat Cat
- tophatcat.net
- scz35@aol.com
GCCF Registered Maine Coon Cat Breeders
The GCCF stands for Governing Council Of The Cat Fancy and is the UK’s premier cat registration body. It is specific to UK cat breeders only.
Below are the 2024 GCCF Registered Maine Coon cat breeders (Maine Coon kittens for sale in the UK). Fact-checked January 2024:
Breeder | Location | Contact |
Carraracoon | Axbridge, Somerset | carraracoon. wuffles.com |
Chandy | Finedon, Northamptonshire | chandycat.uk |
Flunkart | Aberlour, Banffshire | 07827306297 |
Middymaines | Matlock, Derbyshire | 07908754861 |
Mightykitty | Buxton, Derbyshire | mightykitty.co.uk |
Perppermaine | Washington, County Durham | Not specified |
Spirritz | Tranent, East Lothian | spirritz.co.uk |
Switswo | Mauchline, Ayrshire | switswoo.org.uk |
Tioto | Redhill, Surrey | 07894035858 |
Westend | Selby, Yorkshire | 07919126682 |
Wild Kingdom | Dunfermline, Fife | wildkingdom mainecoons.co.uk |
Registered Maine Coon breeders are passionate about this pedigree cat breed, and should always be the first point of call for buying your pedigree kitten.
Never purchase a kitten from suspected backyard breeders or kitty mills, as the welfare of animals is the most important consideration.
If a kitten advert looks too good to be true, i.e. too cheap, pause for thought and validate the breeder’s authenticity.
Despite the various pitfalls of buying a pedigree Maine Coon kitten, remember that this family-friendly cat breed is hugely affectionate, sociable, loyal, and a great pet.