Maine Coon Vs Manx

At first glance, the Maine Coon and the Manx could not be more different!
Maine Coon and Manx cats are both friendly, sociable breeds that are easy to train. However, the Maine Coon is much healthier than Manx, making them the more ethical choice.
The Maine Coon is more energetic and needs more enrichment and playtime. They are also higher maintenance when it comes to caring for their fur.
Breed Summary
The Maine Coon is an enormous cat breed that has risen to be the second most popular cat as of 2022. They are beloved for their sweet, even temperaments as well as their extreme intelligence and doglike behavior.
These cats have a strong, rectangular build and long, bushy tails.
By comparison, the Manx cat became popular for its unique lack of tail, as well as for the long hind limbs that allow it to jump higher and farther than just about any other cat.
They are also known for their intelligence and doglike traits, but they tend to be more reserved than Maine Coons (source 1,2).
The Maine Coon cat has a mysterious past, originating in the American state of Maine, where they adapted to the rugged, cold climate by developing wide paws like snowshoes, as well as a thick, semi-water-repellent coat.
Today, the most popular theory behind the Maine Coon’s origin story is that Vikings arrived in North America by boat. Genetic testing reveals that Maine Coons are distantly related to the Norwegian Forest Cat.
Some of their Norwegian Forest Cats kept by the Vikings either escaped or were intentionally left behind.
Over time, these cats reproduced with local domestic or feral cats, until the Maine Coon breed was developed.
By comparison, the Manx cat originated on the Isle of Man, where domestic cats likely arrived by boat before eventually morphing into the breed they are known as today.
When they first arrived on the Isle Of Man, the Manx is unlikely to have had the unique characteristics they do today.
However, sometime within the 300 or so years that these cats lived on the Isle of Man, they came to possess longer hind legs and shorter or even nonexistent tails through a genetic mutation.
Physical Traits
Maine Coons and Manx cats differ greatly in appearance. The Maine Coon is much larger than Manx cats, averaging between 12 – 22 pounds, while Manx typically only weigh between 7 – 13 pounds.
Maine Coons have a rectangular body shape, with a powerful muzzle and thick, well-muscled legs, whilst Manx cats have a much rounder appearance, with a short torso and much longer hind legs than front legs.
Both Manx cats and Maine Coons can have long fur, though Manx cats are often shorthaired.
Maine Coons have a thick double coat of fur that is semi-water-repellent, and Manx cats only have two layers of fur.
Neither Manx nor Maine Coon cats are hypoallergenic, but shorthair Manx cats are less likely to irritate one’s allergies than the Maine Coon.
Are Maine Coons hypoallergenic? Read this guide to find out!
Personality And Temperament
Both cats are known for being quite playful, and they have both been described as having a doglike temperament.
Maine Coon cats are the perfect mix of playful and sweet. They love to run, jump, climb, and hunt, but their strong playful instincts can be a bit too much work for some owners.
However, even though these cats are often on the go, they also adore spending time with their family members, and they are often very cuddly.
Manx cats are playful and intelligent cats with strong hunting instincts. They are also quite territorial, and some people compare them to guard dogs.
You might notice the Manx start growling if they sense danger, and are often very protective of their family members.
They tend to prefer quieter, calmer environments than the Maine Coon, and can take longer to warm up to strangers.
Maine Coons have soft, bizarre voices that resemble birds more than they do cats! They tend to trill, chirp, and squeak rather than meow.
Find out why Maine Coons chirp, in this article I wrote!
While their voices are quite soft, they like to chat with their owners, especially if they want something like food or attention. By comparison, the Manx is a rather quiet breed with a soft meow.
They do occasionally communicate through trills and warbles, though this is most commonly seen between a mother and her kittens.
Colors And Patterns
Both Maine Coons and Manx cats can come in almost any color and pattern, with a few exceptions.
They cannot come in hybrid patterns such as colorpoint, and they cannot come in rarer dilute colors such as lilac, chocolate, or fawn.
Here is a full list of the 75 different Maine Coon cat colorings. Which is your favorite?
The Manx cat is one of the first show cats, and they started out with great popularity due to their unique physical features. Today, however, they have fallen out of fashion largely due to their serious health complications.
While the Maine Coon was once confined to the state of Maine, they are now rising in popularity with each passing year! According to the CFA, the Maine Coon was the second most popular cat in the year 2022.
If you’ve been wondering why Maine Coons are so popular, read this.
Good With Other Pets?
The Maine Coon is one of the best cat breeds to get if you have lots of other pets because they are sociable creatures that love to make friends with everyone.
They tend to form close bonds with other cats, and they can even make close friends with dogs.
Manx cats, however, are much more territorial creatures, and they tend to become aggressive towards dogs.
They can make friends with other animals if they are introduced carefully and at a young age, but they are more likely to get in spats over space and privacy.
Maine Coons are one of the most intelligent cat breeds in the world. But, are they the smartest cat breed? Click here to reveal the answer!
Maine Coon cats can easily be trained to play fetch, perform simple tasks, or even walk on a leash and harness!
Their eagerness to please manner combined with their doglike intelligence makes them much easier to train than other cat breeds.
Most intelligent cat breeds also tend to be stubborn and independent, but the Maine Coon’s intelligence never sacrifices its gentle nature.
Manx cats are also quite smart, and they are known to play fetch and even bury their toys!
Their doglike demeanor also means they tend to guard their home steadfastly, and they often growl if they feel threatened by strange dogs or people outside.
These cats are relatively easy to train, but they are not quite as fast learners as the Maine Coon.
Family Friendly
Manx Cats and Maine Coons are both family-friendly, but the Maine Coon is better with children or louder households.
Maine Coons are exceptionally friendly cats that bond very closely with their owners but are also welcoming toward strangers.
They are gentle and mellow, so they get along well with children. They do not mind being picked up, cuddled, or even wheeled around in a stroller!
These cats crave social interaction and do their best in a household where they can spend lots of time with their family.
Manx cats are also mellow and gentle creatures, but they prefer quieter households.
If they are introduced to children from a young age they can make great companions, but many Manx cats (particularly older ones) find children to be a bit too loud or rowdy.
If you are looking for a cat that is easy to groom, then the Maine Coon might not be for you.
While they are certainly lower maintenance than cats like the Sphynx or Persian, their long, triple coat of fur requires a lot of brushing.
Maine Coons need to be brushed at least 2-3 times a week, plus more during the fall and spring when they shed the most. These are my 5 favorite cat brushes.
Since Maine Coons often have longer tufts of fur on their paws and backside, they are more prone to tangles.
Many owners choose to trim any longer fur that keeps getting matted or dirty.
Here’s how to trim your Maine Coon cat’s tufty paws.
Aside from this and their brushing requirements, however, Maine Coons have no other special grooming needs.
By comparison, Manx cats can be either shorthair or longhair.
While the Manx can be a shorthair cat, their grooming requirements are on par with the Maine Coon’s.
Shorthair Manx cats should not need to be brushed much more than once a week, while longhair Manx cats may need to be brushed every day.
Manx cats without tails, however, pose a unique challenge.
While using the litterbox, feces (particularly softer stools) can cling to the fur on the cat’s rump, which can be spread all throughout the house once the cat has finished using the litterbox.
If your Manx cat is prone to this, you may need to do some extra bathing to keep your cat and your house clean.
Both Maine Coon cats and Manx cats require a diet with lots of protein, a moderate amount of fat, and only a small amount of carbohydrates.
Since Maine Coon cats are particularly large and active, they require more food, and it is even more important that they have adequate protein.
These are the best dry foods for Maine Coon cats.
If you looking for a wet food alternative for your Maine Coon, try this.
Most Maine Coon cats live to be 12 – 15 years, making them a healthy and long-lived cat breed.
The Manx cat lifespan is slightly shorter, averaging between 12 and 14 years.
However, some Manx cats die before they even reach a year old due to defects in their skeleton or organs.
Furthermore, both breeds’ lifespans are dramatically shortened if they are kept as outdoor cats rather than indoor cats.
Should Maine Coon cats be allowed outside? Here are the facts for and against the decision.
This is especially true of the Manx cat, whose spinal deformities often inhibit their mobility, which can make it more difficult for them to run from cars or predators.
Many purebred cats are the result of a unique genetic mutation that results in unusual coloration or physical features, which fanciers try to preserve through inbreeding.
This inbreeding usually has serious consequences, leading to many dangerous genetically inherited conditions.
The Maine Coon cat, however, is a naturally occurring breed that is far less likely to suffer from health problems than many other purebred cats.
Still, there are a few genetic problems that Maine Coons can inherit.
The most common genetic conditions in Maine Coon cats are:
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
All of these conditions can be tested for, so responsible Maine Coon breeders ensure all of their breeding cats are free from these conditions before allowing them to produce kittens.
Unfortunately, the Manx cat is not known for being healthy.
The cause behind their shorter or nonexistent tails is spina bifida, a spinal mutation that affects many different aspects of their health.
Even Manx cats with full tails suffer from these problems.
This spinal mutation means that Manx cats have restricted mobility, and often experience serious pain, particularly later in life.
Spina bifida can also cause:
- Rectal Prolapse
- Incontinence
- Even Paralysis
The gene that causes spina bifida in these cats is labeled M. All breeding cats have one copy of this gene, as well as a normal copy, m.
When two Manx cats (Mm and Mm) have offspring, there is a chance that some of their offspring might inherit both copies of M, which always leads to death during fetal development.
Overall, the health of the Manx cat leads to lifelong pain, misery, and serious mobility issues.
Unfortunately, too many cat fanciers, including official organizations like the CFA and TICA, still promote this breed.
If you are looking for an ethical and healthy cat breed, it is much better to get a Maine Coon than a Manx (source 1).
If you are comparing the Maine Coon vs Manx, the price can be a huge factor when deciding which breed to get.
Maine Coons are more expensive than Manx cats, as they generally cost at least $1,000 to $2,000.
Manx cats, meanwhile, generally cost between $800 to $1,500.
If you are looking for Maine Coon Manx mix kittens, then you are unfortunately out of luck.
Registered breeders do not cross cat breeds, so if you do happen to find a Maine Coon Manx mix, it is likely from a backyard breeder (source 1).
Bite Force
Like most cats, the Manx cat only has a bite force of about 70 PSI.
While this can certainly be painful, the Maine Coon exceeds their bite force with a maximum of 75 PSI (source 1).
Other Names
The Maine Coon cat is occasionally known as the Maine cat.
The Manx cat, however, has a wider range of nicknames.
They are sometimes known as Rumpy or Stubbin cats, and some people call them rabbit cats due to their stubby tails, long hind limbs, and hopping gait.
If you are debating between Maine Coon vs Manx cats, both have their own unique qualities.
Maine Coons are generally more sociable and intelligent than Manx cats, while Manx cats have the unique trait of behaving like guard dogs.
Since Maine Coon cats are a much healthier breed, however, they tend to make better pets than Manx cats.