Mr. ViVo Maine Coon Facts

Mr. ViVo is a black smoke Maine Coon that looks like a powerful wildcat. He is famous for being an exceptional model for his owner, Robert Sijka.
His owner Robert Sijka is a professional photographer who was inspired to photograph cats after discovering the beauty of the Maine Coon.
These photographs went viral on social media, and today, Mr. ViVo is popular on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
How It Began …
When Robert Sijka and his wife moved from Poland to China, they missed being around animals. Before long, they adopted a dog, and then a stray cat.
When Robert was browsing social media one day, though, he came across the beautiful Maine Coon. He was instantly mesmerized by their appearance, and the couple decided to get a Maine Coon of their very own.
The Sijka’s imported a Maine Coon from Europe, but soon found they could not get enough of the breed. Here are some European Maine Coon cat breeders, if you are interested in buying a Maine Coon kitten of your own.
Finally, the Sijka’s decided to run a cattery of their own. Rober Sijka wanted to capture every moment forever and soon began researching photography as a hobby.
After their very first litter was born, Robert was captivated by Mr. ViVo. The couple kept him as their own, and Robert has been photographing him ever since!
Videos and photographs of this gorgeous black smoke Maine Coon can be found all over social media.
Some people even call him Mr. ViVo Viking due to a video his owner posted of him. In the video, Mr. ViVo stands majestically while the wind blows his fur around, revealing his smoke coat.
Dramatic Viking-style music plays in the background, and between the music and Mr. ViVo’s serious face, he looks every bit like a Viking cat! (source 1,2)
What Kind Of Cat Is Mr. ViVo?
Mr. ViVo may be one of a kind, but if you are looking for the Mr. ViVo cat breed, you might be pleased to discover that he is a Maine Coon!
Here are some facts about the Maine Coon cat breed.
This famous breed originated in North America, but Mr. Vivo is not an American Maine Coon. Mr. ViVo is a European Maine Coon.
While both European and American Maine Coons are considered the same breed, they have two very different styles.
American Maine Coons have softer faces and bigger eyes, but they also tend to be a bit smaller.
European-style Maine Coons have:
- Powerful Muzzles
- Smaller Size
- More Serious-Looking Eyes
- Tend To Be Fluffier
When it comes to coloration, Mr. ViVo is a black smoke Maine Coon. This means that every hair on his coat has a base color of white, with black tipping.
The tipping is more significant on the face and back, while his chest and paws are lighter.
His eyes are a deep gold color, often narrowed in a serious expression.
How Big Is Mr. ViVo?
Mr Vivo is 50.39 inches long, which is pretty outstanding since the longest cat in the world measures 47.2 inches according to the Guinness Book of World Records!
If Mr. ViVo’s owners contact the Guinness Book of World Records they might just be able to surpass current record-holder Barivel for the longest cat in the world!
His owners have not elected to reveal his height or weight. Still, considering just how long he is, it is likely he is also quite heavy and tall! (source 1)
How Old Is Mr. ViVo?
The average Maine Coon lives between 12 – 15 years. According to this Mr. Vivo YouTube video, in 2023, his owners stated their cat is 6 years old.
Mr. ViVo’s Social Media Accounts
Mr. ViVo has always been a star in his owners’ eyes, but it was not until he made an appearance on social media that he became famous worldwide.
Thanks to his owners’ incredible photography skills, people all over the world can see just how beautiful he is.
Mr. ViVo is present on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
If you want to stay up to date with all of Mr. ViVo’s adventures, here is a full list of his social media platforms!:
Mr. Vivo’s Instagram
Mr. ViVo’s Instagram account is @mco_vivo.
He has 321,000 followers and counting! (Fact checked May 2023).
This account is primarily for Rober Sijka’s favorite photos of this gentle giant, but there are occasionally photos of other cats in the household.
Mr. Vivo’s YouTube
On YouTube, Mr. ViVo has 7,850 subscribers.
His account name is @MrViVo, and he has a total of 126 videos – Fact-checked May 2023.
Here, Mr. ViVo’s owners post adorable videos of him:
- Playing
- Bathing
- Cuddling
They also include videos by Robert Sijka, whose expert photography skills capture Mr. ViVo’s elegance in slo-mo video style, as seen in this YouTube video by the Mr. Vivo YouTube account.
Mr. Vivo’s Facebook
Finally, Mr. ViVo is also active on his Facebook account Mr. ViVo, where he has over 430,000 followers!
On this account, his owners post photos and videos of him, some of which are part of professional photoshoots, while others capture his day-to-day life with his family.
Mr. Vivo Cat Price
Maine Coon cats are quite expensive, especially if you want a rare coloration like black smoke. Here are the estimated costs of Maine Coon cats, depending on how you get them:
Maine Coon kittens are highly sought after and start at about $1,000.
If you are looking for a black smoke Maine Coon like Mr. ViVo, though, you might have to pay at least $3,000!
Adult Maine Coons are harder to find, but they usually cost around $600 or more.
Retired Breeding Cat
Some people assume that retired breeding cats are much cheaper than kittens, however, they usually cost around the same or more, than a Maine Coon kitten.
Their price also depends upon the cat’s lineage or whether they were a show cat.
Retired breeding cats typically start at $1,000.
Maine Coon Mix
Maine Coon mixes are much cheaper than purebred Maine Coons, and they generally cost between $300 and $600.
This is how to identify a Maine Coon mix cat.
Adoption is the cheapest option for getting a Maine Coon cat, though it can be hard to find a cat of this breed at a shelter.
Maine Coons usually cost between $100 and $250 at a shelter (source 1).
Mr. ViVo’s Owners
Mr. ViVo’s owners are Robert Sijka and his wife.
While Mrs. Sijka runs the cattery, Robert focuses on his photography. He takes photos of their cats, but his true muse is Mr. ViVo.
Mr. ViVo does not mind posing as a model for his owner – hopefully, he gets lots of treats for being on such good behavior!
Mr. ViVo’s Breeder
If you want a cat like Mr. ViVo, you will be pleased to discover that you can get a kitten from Mr. ViVo’s parents!
The Sijka family fell in love with Maine Coons and imported some from Europe, which they began breeding as part of their very own cattery.
Mr. ViVo was a kitten from their very first litter, but the Sijkas did not stop there!
They run their cattery, OtiCami, out of Guangzhou, China, making them one of the first Maine Coon breeders in the country.
They are registered with the Cat Fanciers’ Association, which holds all of their breeders to a rigorous standard to ensure breeders breed Maine Coons of the highest pedigree and health.
If you are interested in a Maine Coon just like Mr. ViVo, then check out their cattery here! (source 1).