The Maine Coons Temper

If you have ever looked at a Maine Coon’s severe face, you might wonder do Maine Coon cats have a temper? Thankfully, the Maine Coon’s looks can be deceiving!
The Maine Coon is a gentle breed that is known for being friendly and patient rather than aggressive. If a Maine Coon behaves aggressively it is out of self-defense; cats only growl, hiss, or lash out if they feel threatened. Maine Coons are especially loving to their family members and even other animals.
Do Maine Coons Have A Temper?
The Maine Coon is an enormous breed with a heart of gold. These cats originated in the frozen wilds of Maine, where their wide paws and thick coats protected them from the cold and snow.
If you are looking for a gentle giant to add to your family, then this breed is the right one for you. Maine Coons are famous for being one of the sweetest cat breeds in the world.
Here are five traits Maine Coons are known to exhibit:
1. Social
Maine Coons love spending time around others.
These cats are cuddly and playful, and they easily become bored and depressed if they cannot spend much time with their family.
The male of the species is particularly open and friendly towards strangers, whereas the female Maine Coon cat takes a period to warm up to a stranger.
2. Good With Kids
Maine Coons are incredible with children. They are so patient that many do not mind playing dress-up or being picked up!
They are even gentler with children than adults, and establish boundaries by gingerly bapping them with their claws sheathed.
3. Good With Pets
Since Maine Coons are so friendly and playful, they tend to form fast friendships with other cats and even dogs!
While their high prey drive means they are not suited to being around smaller pets like birds or mice, Maine Coons are usually much happier when they have another animal companion.
4. Devoted
Maine Coons are incredibly loyal to their owners.
While they tend to be friendly even towards strangers, they form special bonds with their family members.
Most Maine Coons even follow their owners from room to room! Here are the reasons why this happens.
5. Sensitive
Perhaps one of the most amazing Maine Coon traits is the fact that these cats can sense their owners’ emotions.
Many Maine Coon owners find that their cats hide during arguments and come out for cuddles when they sense sadness (source 1).
Maine Coon Temperament
The Maine Coon is one of the most popular cat breeds in the world today, but if you have only ever seen pictures you might wonder, what is the temperament of the Maine Coon?
Overall, these cats are:
- Playful
- Energetic
- Intelligent
- Loving
But, here is a more comprehensive look at the most common Maine Coon traits (source 1):
1. Playful
Maine Coons are often called the dogs of the cat world due to their playful nature.
These cats were once respected for their incredible hunting abilities, and while they are more popular as companions nowadays they still have a high prey drive.
You should play with your Maine Coon for at least thirty minutes every day to keep them happy, fit, and healthy.
2. Intelligent
This cat breed is also highly intelligent, which means Maine Coons are easy to teach tricks and rules to.
A lot of Maine Coons even learn how to play fetch! Here’s how to teach them!
Their intelligence can also get them into trouble at times since some can learn to turn on the faucet or open doors!
3. Loving
Maine Coons play hard, but they love even harder.
When they are not running around or napping, they are spending as much time as they can with their owners.
Maine Coons often follow their humans around the house, and they love to snuggle.
4. Silly
Maine Coons are goofy creatures. Many of them love to play in water, and even learn how to swim!
Each Maine Coon is different, but most cats from this breed are quirky in their bizarre way.
5. Energetic
Maine Coons have lots of energy, so it is important to give them lots of exercise and space to run around.
Maine Coons need to:
- Run
- Jump
- Climb
To enable this they require extra large cat trees as well as other places to climb. These are my favorite super-charged Maine Coon cat trees!
Their energy can lead to destructive tendencies if they do not have a healthy outlet, so make sure to play with your Maine Coon every day!
Temperament With Other Cats
If you already have cats but you want a Maine Coon as well, you are probably wondering are Maine Coons aggressive to other cats?
While Maine Coons can become defensive or territorial if they are introduced too quickly, these cats tend to form close friendships with other cats.
Maine Coons are gentle and patient, but they also love to play! These cats are therefore much happier when they have at least one other cat in their household to hang out and play with.
Are Maine Coons Aggressive?
Maine Coons are, on average, less aggressive than other cats.
This breed is famous for being:
- Docile
- Sweet
- Even-Tempered
Signs of aggression in cats include:
- Biting
- Growling
- Hissing
- Lashing Out
Thankfully, Maine Coons only resort to these aggressive methods of communication if they feel threatened.
A Maine Coon that has plenty of space and whose boundaries are respected will not become aggressive without reason unless they have an underlying health problem or are in pain.
Are Maine Coon Cats Moody?
Maine Coons are mild and even-tempered rather than moody.
While they can be sensitive to the moods of their owners, they are generally peaceful and content unless they are stressed or mistreated.
5 Maine Coon Behavior Problems
As wonderful as these cats are, there are some Maine Coon bad habits that can develop.
Behavioral problems in cats stem from real emotions and stressors, so it is important to be gentle when correcting any of these traits.
You should also recognize that behavioral problems are usually tied to a cat’s environment, and chances are you will have to make more adjustments than your cat.
1. Destruction
Maine Coons can become destructive if they do not get enough playtime or exercise.
These cats have lots of energy, so their boredom can cause them to:
- Chew on carpet
- Claw curtains
- Tip over plants
All cats also need to scratch a variety of surfaces so they can keep their claws in tip-top condition.
If your Maine Coon has begun scratching furniture, make sure to provide more scratchers of varying sizes and materials.
Here are 13 hacks to stop your Maine Coon cat scratching the furniture.
2. Aggression
Even though Maine Coons are known to be gentle and loving, they might bite, hiss, or growl if they are feeling threatened.
If your house is too small or crowded, your Maine Coon might feel like it is not getting enough privacy and begin to lash out at household members.
Maine Coons also display aggressive behaviors if they are constantly being teased or picked up against their will.
3. Separation Anxiety
When first getting a new kitten, spending every waking moment by its side might be tempting. However, this can lead to separation anxiety in the long term.
These are the signs of separation anxiety to watch out for.
If your cat yowls every time you leave the room and cannot bear to be parted from your side, you will need to slowly get your cat used to spending time alone.
4. Playful Aggression
Even the gentlest of Maine Coons can cause harm without meaning to.
Since they are so playful, Maine Coons can be overenthusiastic at times and may play too rough with humans and animals alike.
Make sure your cat plays with toys rather than your hands, and redirect play to toys if your cat begins to nibble on you.
These are the reasons why your Maine Coon cat is biting you.
5. Avoiding The Litter Box
If your Maine Coon prefers your floor or bed to the litter box, you may need to change your litter pan or material.
Since Maine Coons are so big, they often do not fit in regular litter boxes. These are the best Maine Coon litter trays.
Spaying or neutering your cat will decrease the likelihood of inappropriate spraying, as well.
How Are Maine Coons Different?
If want to know are Maine Coons difficult compared to other cats, they are about the same amount of work.
Maine Coons are much calmer and easier to train than the average cat.
They are more likely to pick up on tricks, and they are easier to teach to stay off of counters or out of the plants.
However, these cats also need a lot more grooming than shorthaired cats, and their playful nature means they need plenty of exercise.
If this breed’s serious face leaves you wondering, do Maine Coon cats have a temper, do not worry!
Even though they may look wild, Maine Coons are one of the sweetest cat breeds in the world.
These gentle giants form close bonds with their owners and even follow them from room to room.
While some Maine Coons might bite, hiss, or growl, this is a sign of self-defense rather than aggression, and can usually be traced to environmental factors.