Russian Blue Vs Maine Coon Differences

The Maine Coon is a longhaired cat that loves to climb, jump, and play hard. Russian Blues by comparison, however, are more sensitive cats that are moderately playful.
Both breeds are known to be sweet, gentle, and devoted, and they tend to follow their owners around the house. However, the Maine Coon is more social and energetic, while Russian Blues are calmer and quieter.
The Maine Coon and the Russian Blue are known to be devoted, loving pets with charming personalities, though they have very different personalities.
Maine Coon Vs Russian Blue
The Maine Coon is the second most popular breed in the world, and for the last few decades, it has shone in the spotlight.
These cats are famous for being the biggest domesticated cats in the entire world, but they are also beloved for their gentle and devoted personalities.
The biggest Maine Coon cat is called Barivel. You can learn more about Barivel The Maine Coon Cat, here.
By comparison, the Russian Blue is a quieter breed with a sensitive, shy personality. These cats are not as well known as the Maine Coon.
The Russian Blue is a sweet and loving cat that forms close bonds with its owners and makes a wonderful pet for first-time cat parents.
The Russian Blue’s first appearance in the public eye was in 1875 at the Crystal Palace in London, where fascinating specimens were displayed to the public.
While this cat breed’s origins are murky before this point, it’s believed these beautiful cats originated in the Archangel Isles in Russia and were eventually brought by ship to Europe.
It’s also said that Russian Blue cats may be descended from the cats of Russian tsars!
The Maine Coon also has a mysterious origin. This is what we know so far…
These cats were first discovered in Maine by farmers and sailors who kept them for their superior hunting abilities.
Before this, the Maine Coon’s distant ancestors were thought to be cats owned by Vikings!
The Norwegian Forest cat, the Maine Coon’s closest relative, was likely brought by ship to North America, where they then mated with local cats forming a new breed.
Maine Coons are the biggest domesticated cats in the entire world.
According to, these enormous creatures weigh 12 to 22 pounds, measure 8 to 16 inches tall, and are 19 to 40 inches long!
If you are looking for a large cat the Maine Coon cat breed is the right one for you!
By comparison, a Russian Blue cat often appears bigger than they are since they have thick fur. However, these cats are average-sized, typically weighing between 8 and 15 pounds.
Russian Blues usually measure between 8 to 10 inches tall and 15 to 18 inches long (source 1).
Keep in mind that there are two distinct “flavors” of Russian Blues:
- Scandinavian/American Cats
- European /Australian/South African Cats
The Scandinavian/American cats are small-boned, and more oriental in appearance. They were bred with Blue Point Siamese after World War II to bolster the breed.
They have lighter coats, low-set ears, and a more wedge-shaped face. Females weigh in at about 7 to 8 pounds and their males 9 to 10.
Their European/Australian/South African cousins, enhanced by breeding with blue British Shorthairs, have a larger build with higher set ears, darker coats, and more prominent whisker pads.
Females are closer to 10 pounds with males weighing in a bit more.
Below is a picture of a stunning Russian Blue cat with white fur:
Body Shape
Maine Coons look muscular and stocky and have thick, rectangular bodies, a large head and a powerful muzzle. Their limbs are thick, and their paws are unusually large and wide.
By comparison, Russian Blues with American/Scandinavian pedigrees have a slender, fine-boned appearance; whereas their European/Australian/South African counterparts are stockier though still of a moderate build.
Their heads are broad and wedge-shaped, and they are recognizable by their distinctive “smile” due to the ends of their lips naturally curling up.
These cats’ eyes are round and wide-set, giving them an open, sweet facial expression.
Their eyes can also be large and almond-shaped, the more vivid green, the better.
Fur Length
Maine Coons have long to medium fur that is longest on their:
- Haunches
- Shoulders
- Chest
- Paws
These cats have one outer layer of fur, also called a guard layer, and two dense, fine undercoats that keep them insulated against cold weather.
They shed a lot and need to be groomed frequently, using Cat Brushes Like These designed for long-haired cat breeds.
By comparison, Russian Blues have short fur with a downy undercoat topped by a thick, silver-tipped hair coat, possibly due to their origins in the north of Russia.
These cats shed minimally, so if you don’t have time to groom your cat regularly the Russian Blue will be far more low maintenance to clean up after than a Maine Coon.
Colors and Patterns
The Maine Coon comes in 75+ different colors and patterns. For a full list of colors and patterns, read our Maine Coon Colors And Patterns guide.
The only pattern this cat breed does not come in is colorpoint, and the only colors they cannot be found in are rare dilutes like:
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
- Lilac
- Fawn
Interestingly though, the Maine Coon can be found in blue! Take a sneak peek at this fabulous Blue Maine Coon Cat Guide.
By comparison, the Russian Blue comes not only with a blue coat but also in black and white, found more in Australian-bred cats.
What sets a Russian Blue’s coat apart from a “wannabe” gray cat is the silver tipping, which is clear, but appears silver.
A perfect Russian Blue coat looks as if it were dusted with confectionary sugar and shimmers in the sunlight.
Some Russian Blue kittens have faint, “ghost” stripes on their tails when they are born, which disappear as they mature.
Personality And Temperament
Maine Coons are laidback felines with big personalities.
They love to play and chase leaves in the garden, but are also really friendly, loyal, and affectionate towards their owners.
This athletic cat breed has a strong hunting drive and can easily become bored with regular cat toys, so make sure you buy them Fun Cat Toys like these.
This energetic cat breed will need lots of space to climb, run, and jump, to expel their excess energy which is often referred to as Maine Coon Zoomies.
Known for the close bonds they form with their owners, this sociable feline will make a great family pet.
If correctly socialized whilst young, these big cats will be friendly to strangers. These are the Steps To Socialize A Maine Coon Kitten.
By comparison, Russian Blues are more reserved than Maine Coons. They are quieter and prefer to live in calm, quiet households.
These cats tend to shy away from strangers and may hide under the couch or bed when company comes over! As with many cats, their response to their environment depends on socialization as a kitten.
The Russian Blue is an agile and playful cat that needs climbable furniture to stay fit, but they are not nearly as active as the Maine Coon.
Instead, they enjoy following their owners around from room to room, either curling up on their lap or watching them from afar.
This cat breed tends to form a very close bond with one particular owner, but they are typically loving to all of their family members.
Family Friendly
Maine Coons are among the most family-friendly cat breeds out there. Their sociable and patient nature means they get along great with kids and adults alike.
They hate being left alone for long periods, so they tend to do best in households with lots of family members or people who can give them plenty of attention.
While Russian Blues have more reserved personalities, much of their response depends on early socialization, as with many cats.
If they live in a quiet household with adults, they reflect that environment. Likewise, if they’re brought up with kids and dogs, they will be more outgoing.
Due to their widespread popularity, the Maine Coon is a relatively common cat breed.
More and more cat fanciers are choosing to breed Maine Coons since they are so highly sought after.
Here’s a FULL List Of ALL Registered Maine Coon Cat Breeders.
By comparison, Russian Blues are considered rarer but not as rare as many other cat breeds.
They have a medium population size, but are much harder to find in the US than Maine Coons, since there are fewer Russian Blue breeders (source 1).
It’s not unheard of for determined Russian Blue devotees to import kitties from Europe to the US and vice versa. One such individual who did this is our very own Feline Consultant author, Sally Bahner!
There is a whole network of professionals who ensure the safe delivery of your kitten.
Maine Coons may be relatively common as far as cat breeds go, but that doesn’t mean they are cheap.
Instead, budget to spend between $1,000 to $1,500 on a Maine Coon kitten, or up to $3,000 if you are looking for a specific coat color or pattern or high-quality pedigree.
The same is true if you are looking for Russian Blue kittens for sale since you can expect to pay between $1,500 and $3,000 for a high-quality kitten from a reputable breeder, plus the cost of transporting the kitten, if need be.
Whilst it is possible to find Russian Blues in the $600 to $800 range, they are less likely to come from breeders who are registered with a governing cat body like:
But do keep in mind that there is the occasional “oops” litter among breeders who breed more than one breed of cat.
This is shown on where a Norwegian Forest cat and a Russian Blue cat bred with each other! But this is the exception rather than the rule.
The bottom line is if you are looking for a Russian Blue Maine Coon mix (or any other combination), it’s nearly impossible to find one because cat fanciers only crossbreed when trying to preserve a breed or particular traits.
Breeding two cats of a different breed often results in very inconsistent litters that may have more health problems.
As a result, most responsible breeders focus on refining existing breeds and producing cats that are an impeccable standard of that breed, instead of trying to combine cat breeds randomly (source 1).
Both the Russian Blue and Maine Coon cat breeds are considered healthy, with few known health problems.
However, Maine Coons are susceptible to the following health issues:
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
- Hip Dysplasia
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Reputable breeders only breed cats that have tested fully negative for the genetic conditions listed above, so make sure you ask them whether they conducted these Maine Coon Health Tests.
By comparison, the Russian Blue is more susceptible to kidney and bladder problems, and like Maine Coons they can suffer from Polycystic Kidney Disease.
They are also more susceptible to progressive retinal atrophy and should be checked for Luxating Patellas.
Russian Blues love to eat, and they are more prone to obesity than the Maine Coon (source 1).
The Maine Coon is a highly intelligent cat breed that quickly learns:
- Its Name
- Words
- Simple Commands
- Household Rules (e.g. no cats on the counter!)
These laidback and eager-to-please cats are also easy to train and enjoy learning tricks and tasks, e.g.
Here’s a super cool YouTube video of my Maine Coon cat (named Bali) playing fetch.
The Maine Coon’s intelligence does have its drawbacks, though as these large domestic cats often become bored with regular cat toys.
Without interactive toys and puzzles to stay challenged and entertained the Maine Coon can become destructive.
By comparison, the Russian Blue is a moderately intelligent cat breed that can also learn tricks or how to play fetch.
They are more content with regular toys, though, and do not need as much playtime as Maine Coons. Feathers attached to fishing poles are a sure-fire favorite!
The Russian Blue is considered highly emotionally intelligent. Many Russian Blue owners find their cat spends more time with them when they are sad or upset.
They are sensitive to the moods of the household and may hide if the doorbell rings or a strange car drives up the driveway.
The Maine Coon is a moderately vocal cat with a soft voice. Instead of meowing, they usually squeak, chirp, and trill like a bird.
They enjoy chatting with their owners from time to time, but usually vocalize when they want:
- Playtime
- Attention
- Food
- To be let outside
- The door to be opened!
- The litter tray emptied!
By comparison, the Russian Blue is a quiet breed. They meow like regular cats, but typically only to communicate their needs, particularly when it comes to food.
Otherwise, these cats are often silent.
The Maine Coon’s long, thick fur needs to be brushed two to three times a week, plus more during shedding season.
The long tufts of fur on their paws and haunches are more likely to become dirty, matted, or tangled, so you may want to trim their fur if your cat tends to get messy.
If we compare this to the Russian Blue’s plush, short coat we can see these cats shed minimally and are very easy to brush.
When it comes to Russian Blue cat care, they usually do not need much more than brushing once a week.
Both Maine Coons and Russian Blues need their claws trimmed every few weeks, something to get them accustomed to early on.
Avoid having to trim your cat’s claws by buying a large scratching post or cat tree that your cat can scratch on, thereby keeping their claws in great condition (recommended regardless of what kind of cat you have).
Don’t forget to wipe out both of these cats’ ears with a damp cotton ball from time to time, to remove dirt.
If you’re allergic to cats, opt for a Russian Blue cat rather than a Maine Coon because Russian Blues produce less Fel D 1 protein, which is found in their saliva and sebaceous glands.
This protein is usually responsible for allergic reactions in humans, but since Russian Blues produce less they are considered somewhat hypoallergenic.
In addition, their short coat sheds minimally, which also contributes to their moderately hypoallergenic status.
Even so, if you’re allergic to cats, it’s best to spend time with a Russian Blue before finalizing the adoption to ensure you won’t have allergy issues.
By comparison, Maine Coons are not considered hypoallergenic despite also producing less Fel D 1 protein, since the levels can still cause allergy issues for some.
The Maine Coons long, triple-coated fur also sheds much more than the average cat (source 1).
Maine Coons and Russian Blues need a lot of protein in their diets (specifically from animals), a moderate amount of fat but only a small amount of carbs.
Don’t forget that all cats are obligate carnivores – they need a meat-based diet to sustain their health.
Cheap cat foods often contain lots of filler grains, which can lead to obesity and malnutrition so owners must ensure they feed these cats high-quality cat food.
When it comes to Maine Coon cat care, it is even more important that these enormous, energetic cats consume the correct amount of protein, as they’re more likely to suffer from malnutrition otherwise.
The Russian Blue has a lifespan between 10 and 20 years, while the Maine Coon’s lifespan ranges from 12 to 15 years.
Both breeds are considered moderately healthy with a long lifespan.
Good With Other Pets
Maine Coons get along famously well with other pets, including cats and dogs, provided they are introduced slowly.
These sociable cats crave companionship from either humans and animals, or both, so tend to make friends with just about anyone they meet!
By comparison, because of their shy nature, it may take a while for a Russian Blue to accept a new companion.
Their acceptance of dogs depends on early exposure and/or careful introductions. A Russian Blue does enjoy privacy and quiet.
Bite Force
Like most cats, the Russian Blue has a bite force of about 70 PSI. By comparison, the Maine Coon has a more powerful bite force of up to 75 PSI. So watch out!
Both cats are considered gentle and sweet, however, and rarely prone to aggression (source 1). If you have an aggressive Maine Coon cat, this is why.
If you are deciding between a Maine Coon vs Russian Blue, both breeds are known to be devoted and sweet.
The Maine Coon is a higher maintenance breed that requires more playtime, exercise, and grooming than the Russian Blue though.
Russian Blues are quieter and more reserved, and they do better in smaller households without pets or children. Although when properly introduced they do enjoy other pets and children.
Overall, both breeds are loving and gentle. The Maine Coon is more active while the Russian Blue is calmer.